صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Price, Francisca, 214

Francis Richard, Esq., 167
Mary, 191

Richard Parry, Esq., 199
Thomas, 194

Thomas Blundell, 206

Princess, H.M.S., 209
Pritchard, Elizabeth, 191
John, 191

William, 191

Pye, John, 213


RAMSEY, Anne (Widow), 208
Ranshaw, Jacob, 176

Margaret, 174, 176
Rasual, James, 185
Record Society, 166

Redding, Elizabeth, 179

Redding, John, 179

Susannah, 179

Reiley (Riley, Ryle), Hugh, 184, 191,

192, 195, 196

James, 191

John, 184

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]




URING the year fourteen new members, paying £I, IS. each, have joined the Society, and eighteen non-resident members have kindly consented to increase their subscriptions from 10s. 6d. to £1, Is. per annum. The Council deeply regret to record the death of Mr. J. Kerfoot Jones, for many years a member of this Society. Four resident and five non-resident members have resigned, or have been removed from the list of members by the Council under the rules of the Society. The net financial gain to the Society is £16, 16s. 6d. The number of resident members is now 162, non-resident 53, and lifemembers 17.

At the Annual Meeting held on the 1st February last, Mr. R. D. Radcliffe, M.A., F.S.A., who was Hon. Secretary from 1884 until 1903, was unanimously elected a Vice-President of the Society.

Nine meetings have been held during the year, at each of which a paper has been read dealing with some local subject: the Council are glad to notice that the attendance of members continues good. The Council have to record their appreciation of a generous donation from a member, Mr. Cedric Boult, who on the 15th March last presented to the library of the Society eighteen portfolios containing documents relating to the foundation and early years of the Society, from the collection of the late Mr. Joseph Mayer. Two excursions took place during the summer, and were well attended. Volume 57 of the Society's Proceedings was issued to members on the 16th day of May last. The Council desire to make a special appeal to members to bring the Society to the notice of their friends and to induce

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