Anno Dom. 1582 the 4 of September. This Booke made for Standyshe for the vse of the Buldinge of Churche. Imprimis: Edward Standyshe Esquire xiiji. vjs. viijd. Item: thafforsaide Edwarde Standyshe for Anno Dni. 1582 the iiij of September. This Booke made for Langtrye for the Buldinge of Standishe Churche. A Rentallie of the Holle Rents within Shevington made the laste day of Maye Anno RR. Elizabeth &c. xxiiij et a° dni 1582. Imprimis Mr. Edwarde Standishe. Peres Catterall Roger Bradshawe Nicholas Worthington Alexander Woodwarde Roger Bymson Roberte Rigbye Thurstane Standishe Roger Prescotte iiijli. vjs. viijd. xlvjs. viijd. xxxixs. iiijd. liijs. iiijd. xxviijs. iiijd. XS. James Prescotte Lawrence Woodwarde Roger Rigbye Relict John Prescotte Thurstane Prescotte Peter Fynche xxvjs. viijd. Olyver Whalley John Almonde xjs. |