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" Arch. and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxxiv. 1541. BEEMAN (GEORGE B.). Notes on the sites and history of the French churches in London. Proc. Huguenot Soc. Lond. viii. 13—59. BELFAST. Descriptive notes on some of the places near Belfast visited by the Society.... "
Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire for the Year ... - الصفحة 214
بواسطة Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire - 1907
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

Transactions, المجلد 13،الجزء 2

East Riding Antiquarian Society - 1907 - عدد الصفحات: 302
...and race. Anthrop. Inst. NS viii. 219250. — A contribution to the anthropology of Wiltshire. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxxiv. 1541. BEEMAN (GEORGE...the French churches in London. Proc. Huguenot Soc. Land. viii. 13—59. BELFAST. Descriptive notes on some of the places near Belfast visited by the Society....

Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, المجلد 26

Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society - 1909 - عدد الصفحات: 408
...Colour and race. Anthrop. Inst. NS viii. 219250 A contribution to the anthropology of Wiltshire. Wilts Arch, and Nat. Hist. Mag. xxxiv. 1541. BEEMAN (GEORGE...places near Belfast visited by the Society. Roy. Soc. Anliq. Ireland, 5th S. xv. 285319. BELLAIRS (CoL. GC). "The Holy Bones." Leicestershire Archit. and...

List of Works Relating to British Genealogy and Local History

New York Public Library - 1910 - عدد الصفحات: 382
...collections made under various briefs. (Proc. Huguenot Soc. of London, v. 7, pp. 108159. London, 1 доз.) Notes on the sites and history of the French churches in London. (Proc. Huguenot Soc. of London, v. 8, pp. 1359. London, 1905.) Benham (William), and Charles Welch. Mediaeval London. London:...

List of Works Relating to British Genealogy and Local History

New York Public Library - 1910 - عدد الصفحات: 390
...collections made under various briefs. (Proc. Huguenot Soc. of London, v. 7, pp. 108159. London, 1903.) Notes on the sites and history of the French churches in London. (Proc. Huguenot Soc. of London, v. 8, pp. 1359. London, 1905.) Benham (William), and CHARLES WELCH. Mediaeval London. London:...

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