The Works of James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and Improvements. In Four Volumes. ...John Donaldson. Sold, 1775 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
amid arts Athens bafe beft behold beneath bleffings bleft blifs breaft breath Britons burft caft chearful croud deep defcends defert delight dreft duft earth Epaminondas facred fafely fair fame fave fcene fecret feen feiz'd fenfe fhade fhall fhine fhone fhook fhore fhould figh filent fing fir'd firft firſt fkies flame flaves fleep fmil'd fmile focial foft fome fometimes fong fons foul fpirit fpread ftate ftill ftores ftorm ftrain ftream fuch funk fweet fwell glory grace Greece guife heart heaven honour infpire juft Juftice kings laft land lefs LIBERTY light loft loofe luxurious mankind mix'd moft Mufe nought o'er paffion peace pleafing pleaſure pour'd pride rage rais'd reafon reign rife rofe Roman Rome round ſcene Silures ſtate ſtill tempeft thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thou thouſand thro toil treafures tyrant vale virtue wafte whence whofe wifdom wild