Education. What it is. - Strong and universal tendency to
form Habits, and continue them.-Great importance of
Education in Politics, not only of elementary and general
School Systems, but also of superior education and literary
Institutions. Expeditions, Libraries, Museums.-Industrial
Education. The Rich as well as the Poor ought to be
actively engaged in some Pursuit, whether purely mental,
or industrial. - Law of Solon. - Connexion of Crime with
want of regular industrial Education in modern Times.-
Statistics. Habits of Industry, of Obedience, of Indepen-
dence, of Reverence and of Honesty.-Ancient History
for Children.- Concentric Instruction. - Gymnastics.-
Sexes. The Woman. Difference of physical Organiza-
tion, Temperament and Powers in Woman and Man.-
The Family, (and through it the Society of Comity and
the Country) is the sacred Sphere of Woman's chief
Activity. The Connexion of Woman's Activity with the
State. Woman is excluded from Politics. - She is connect-
ed with the State by Patriotism.-Lady Croke. The
Petitioning of Women.-Lady Russel, a Model.-History
of Woman. Is the Woman represented, though she can-
not vote at the Poll?