صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

[lf. 91, p. 243]

I shall not meddle with the mass;

it is too deep for me.

The faithful take instruc tion from God's word as bees take honey from the flowers.

See that justice and reason take root in thy, kingdom.

The epistles and gospels are preached, idolatry is denounced,

but covet-
eousness is
up in some
it out!

With mess nor matynes nowayis will I mell,
To iuge pame iustlie passis my ingyne;

Thaj gyde nocht ill that governis weill þame sell
And lelalie on lawtie layis pair lyne:
Dowtis to discus for doctouris, ar devyne
Cunnyng in clergie to declair pame cleir:
To ordour this, the office now is thyne,
God gife pe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.

As beis takkis walx and honye of the floure,
So dois pe faythfull of goddis word tak frute;
As waspis ressauis of þe same bot soure,
So reprobatis christis buke dois rebute :
Wordis without werkis availzeis nocht a cute :
To seiss thy subiectis so in lufe and feir,






That rycht and reasoun in thy realme may rute,
God gife pe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.



The epistollis and evangelis now ar prechit,
But sophistrie or ceremoneis vaine;
Thy pepill, maist pairt, trewlie now ar techit.
To put away idolatrie prophaine :

Bot in sum hartis is gravit new agane,


Ane image callit Cuvatyce of Geir:

Now, to expell þat idoll, standis vp plane,
God gif þe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.


Some go to
church and
sing psalms,

but they are
and think
only of their
they are

and rack renters.

Debts are
by cunning,


For sum, ar sene at sermonis, seme sa halye,
Singand Sanct Dauidis psalter on pair bukis,
And ar bot biblistis fairsing full þair bellie,
Bakbytand nychtbouris noyand pame in nwikis,
Ruging and raifand vp kirk rentis lyke ruikis; 125
As werrie waspis aganis goddis word makis weir:
Sic christianis to kis with chanteris kuikis,
God gife pe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.

Dewtie and dettis ar drevin by dowbilnes,

Auld folkis ar flemit fra zung fayth professouris ;
The grittest ay, the grediar I gess



To plant quhair preistis and personis wer possessouris,

Teindis ar vptane be testament transgressouris, Credence is past off promeiss, thocht thaj sweir: To punisch papistis and reproche oppressouris, God gif þe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.

133 teinds

[tithes] are raised.

Punish papists, 136 reprove


137 The poor are famishing,

loyal labourers

and honest farmers are

Pure folk ar famist with thir fassionis new,
Thaj faill for falt þat had befoir at fouth
Leill labouraris lamentis and tennentis trew,
That þaj ar hurt and hareit north and south :
The heidismen hes 'cor mundum' in pair mouth, 141 injured and
Bot nevir with mynd to gif pe man his meir;
To quenche thir quent calamiteis so cowth,
God gife pe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.

Protestandis takis pe freiris auld antetewme,
Reddie ressauaris, bot to rander nocht;
So lairdis vpliftis mennis leifing ouir thy rewme,
And ar rycht crabit quhen thay crave pame ocht;
Be thaj vnpayit, thy pursevandis ar socht,
To pund pure communis corne and cattell keir:
To wisy all pir wrangus workis, ar wrocht,
God gife pe grace aganis pis gude new-zeir.


driven from their homes.

Right their wrongs!

145 The Protest

ants are like

the Friars, they take all they can get. The landlords raise rents, 149 [leat 91b, p. 244] and ask for the help of your officers to seize their

152 tenants' cattle.

demns idolatry and hypocrisy. The property of the clergy is coveted by the laymen;

Paull biddis nocht deill with thingis idolatheit, 153 Paul con-
Nor quhair hypocrasie hes bene committit,
Bot kirk-mennis cursit substance semis sweit
Till land-men, with pat leud burd-lyme ar lyttit;
Giff thow persave sum senzeour, it hes smittit,
Solist pame softlie nocht to perseveir:
Hurt nocht pair honour, thocht thy hienes witt it
Bot graciouslie forgife pame pis gude zeir.

Foirgifanis grant, with glaidnes and gude will,
Gratis till all into 30ur parliament;
Syne stabill statutis, steidfast to stand still,
That barrone, clerk, and burges be content.
Thy nobillis, erlis, and lordis consequent
Treit tendir, to obtene pair hartis inteir;
That paj may serve and be obedient
Vnto thy grace, aganis þis gude new 3eir.



bid them hands off.

161 Grant pardon

to all:

make nobles, clergy, and 165 burgesses



Make all

classes attend to their own business,

and wealth

will increase.

Sen so thow sittis in saitt superlatywe,
Caus everye stait to pair vocatioun go,
Scolastik men pe scriptouris to descrywe,
And maiestratis to vse pe swerd also,
Merchandis to trafique, and travell to and fro
Mechanikis wirk, husbandis to saw and scheir;
So sal be welth, and weilfaire without wo
Be grace of God aganis pis guid new zeir,



Let the land prepare

for your wed.
ding this


Latt all thy realme be now in reddines,
With coistlie clething to decoir thy corss;
3ung gentilmen for dansing pame address,
With courtlie ladyes cuplit in consorss;
Frak ferce gallandis for feild gemmis enforss;
Enarmit knychtis at listis with scheild and speir,
To fecht in barrowis bayth on fute and horss,
Agane thy grace gett ane guidman þis zeir.





Ambassadors from princes and kings will arrive with offers

of marriage.

This 3eir sal be imbassatis heir belyffe
For mariage, frome princes, dukis, and kingis;
This 3eir, within thy regioun, sall aryfe,
Rowtis of the rankest pat in Europ ringis ;
This 3eir bayth blythnes, and abundance bringis 189
Naveis of schippis, outthrocht the sea to sneir,
With riches, raymentis, and all royall thingis,
Agane thy grace get ane gudeman pis zeir.

If old saws be true the person that shall possess all Britain

shall spring from thee.


Giffe sawis be suth to schaw thy celsitude,
Quhat berne sould bruke all bretane be pe see?
The prophecie expreslie dois conclude-
"The frensch wyfe of the brucis blude suld be":
Thow art be lyne, fra him the nynte degree,
And wes king frances pairty, maik, and peir;
So be discente, pe same sowld spring of þe,
By grace of god agane this gude new zeir.




Cast thyself on Christ; cherish thy people,

[lf. 92, p. 245] He will lend thee children,

Schortlie to concluid, on christ cast thy confort, 201

And chereis pame, þat thou hes vnder charge;

Suppone maist sure he sall þe send support,

And len pe lustie liberos at large:

Beleif þat lord may harbary so thy bairge,
To mak braid britane blyth as bird on breir,
And be extoll with his triumphand targe,
Wictoriuslie agane pis guid new zeir.



and harbour 80 thy barge as to make broad Britain

208 glad.

Prudent, maist gent, tak tent, and prent pe wordis
Intill this bill, with will thame still to face
Quhilkis ar nocht skar to bar on far fra bowrdis1
Bot leale, but feale; may haell avaell thy grace!
Sen lo, thow scho, pis to now do, hes place,
Resaif swaif, and haif ingraif it heir:



This now, for prow, pat pow, sweit dow, may brace,
Lang space, with grace, solace, and peace, pis 3eir. 216


Fresch, fulgent, flurist, fragrant flour formois, 217
Lantern to lufe, of ladeis lamp and lot,

Cherie maist chaist, cheif charbucle and chois;

Smaill sweit smaragde, smelling but smit of smot :
Noblest natour, nurice to nurtour; not[e]

[1 MS, 'bawr dis']


This dull indyte, dulce dowble dasy deir,
Send be thy sempill servand Sanderris Scott:
Greting grit god to grant thy grace gude zeir.


[merged small][graphic]

[leaf 130, p. 319j

A lady was

the cause of the tournament.


The insting and debait vp at the Drum, Betuix

Adamsone, and Johnie Sym.

The grit debait and turnament,
Off trewth no toung can tell,
Wes for a lusty lady gent,

Betuix twa freikis fell;


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Quhill bellyis bair for brodding bleidis

With spurris als scherp as breiris / and kene;
Vp at the Drum that day.

[blocks in formation]
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