صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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The harraldis cryd, "God schaw the rycht,"

Syne bad thame go togidder.

"Quhair is my speir?" sayis sym the knycht,

"Sum man go bring it hidder;

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But wald they tary thair all nycht,
Thair lanciss come to lidder / & slaw;
Vp at [the Drum that day].

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Syin challanges Will to ride down

a steep brae,

and then gallops down himself;

half way down Sym's horse stumbled.

Will is too afraid to follow.

Thair wes richt nocht bot haif and ga,
With lawchter lowd thay lewche,

Quhen they saw sym sic curage ta,

And will mak it sa twche:

Sym lap on horsback lyk a ra,

And ran him till a huche,



Sayis "William, cum ryde doun this bra,
Thocht ze suld brek ane bwche / Fo[r] lufe" 143
Vp at [Dalkeith this day].

Sone doun the bra Sym braid lyk thunder, 145
And bad Will fallow fast;

To grund, for fersness, he did funder,
Be he midhill had past.

William saw Sym in sic a blunder,


ga he wes agast;


For he affeird, it wes na winder

His cursour suld him cast / and hurt him,
Vp [at Dalkeith that day].


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Culd na man tell quha maid it / For lawchtter

Vp at [Dalkeith that day].

Than gelly Johine come in a jak


To feild 'quhair he wes feidit,

Abone his brand ane bucklar blak,

Baill fell the bern thad bed it ;


He slippit swiftly to the slak,

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