Sen ze haif hairt, my faythfull hairt, in cure, [Anon.] 15 19 and be my heart's re21 joicing. 7. The anschir to the ballat of hairtis. Considdir, hairt, my trew intent, To wryt 30w anschir responsyve; 3our scedull is so excellent, It passis far my wyttis fyve. For quhy it is so full of hairtis 3our faythfull hairt, with trew intent; The misseif full of hairtis seir; It is ane hairt, full of distres; Ane penseve hairt in dule & dolour, Ane hairt of wo & haviness; Ane mirthles hairt without mesour. 25 though con. stant. It dies for It is a living heart of flesh and blood. Let us exchange our hearts. It is ane hairt bayth firme & stabill Ane constant hairt bayth trest & trew; Ane wofull hairt bot gif 3e rew. It is ane hairt þat zour hairt servis ; Ane hairt of 3ouris bayth vane & nervis ; It is na gravit hairt in stone, Nor zit ane payntit symlitud; And nocht thir writtin hairtis in vane; Bot 3our hairt to my hairt rewert, 26 30 31 35 36 40 41 45 [leaf 235, p. 525] Hence, heart, to thy sovereign lady, and abide with her thou lovest best, [leaf 335 b, p. 526] who hast departed 8. [Hence, hairt, with hir þat most departe.] Hence, hairt, with hir pat most departe, Nor haif the hairt þat dois me pane : Sen scho, that I haif scheruit lang, 1 5 8 9 Fra scho be gon, hairtless am I; Thocht this belappit body heir Sen in 3our garth be lilly quhyte That woundit bene with luvis darte: Do go with myn, with mynd inwart, 9. [Quha is perfyte to put in wryt.] Quha is perfyte / to put in wryt Of lustie lufis obscherwance? 13 in haste. 16 17 Though my Bot he þat may certane / paciently suffir pane / 21 24 body is in my heart is free, and it shall serve her. I have experienced both. [leaf 236 b, p. 528] Albeid I knaw / of luvis law For it may fortoun raith / to do hir body skaith / 9 12 S[c]ho wait my wo/ that is ago, Scho wait my weilfair and remeid, My lady her loyal lover. Scho wait also / I lufe no mo 15 knows I am Bot hir the well of womanheid: Scho wait withouttin faill / I am hir luvar laill / My only care is to please her. Is nocht in erd I cure, / bot pleiss my lady pure / 24 My heart is hers, Scho hes1 my lufe / at hir behufe ; 27 and my body too. Love's labours have made me sorrowful. Sen scho is wrocht at will/ that natur may fulfill / Thair is nocht wie2 / can estimie My sorrow and my sichingis sair; In fawouris with my lady fair, That baith our hartis ar ane / luknyt in luvis chene / 1 Originally "is" in MS.; altered in a later hand to "hes." 30 33 36 16 If I prove it: accept me. Evin as 3our fo / forsaik me. Gif I do prufe / pat I 30w luf Nixt god abufe / so taik me, Gif I remufe / fra 3our behufe Without excuss / foirsaik me. Be land or sequhair evir I be Ay quhill I de/forsaik me. It is bot waist/mo wordis to taist Ewin at pe last / forsaik me. My deir, adew/ most cleir of hew Now on me rew/ & so tak me; Gif I persew / & beis nocht trew Cheiss 3e ane new / & forsaik me. |