[leaf 237 b, best. 11. [Only to 30w in erd that I lufe best.] Only to 30w in erd that I lufe best, I me commend ane hundreth thowsand syiss; 1 5 7 Some lovers delight in graceful speech; Sum luvaris thame delytis till indyte 8 others, through want of it, fail to win their ladies. I feel such great distress To pleiss pair ladeis with all pair diligens, As to my parte, my lusty lady schene, 12 14 15 that I must declare it Or than, knaw rycht weill, but wirdis moir, That crewell dert out[t]hrow my hart wald boir. 21 Throw laik of speich, I thoill rycht grit distress; 19 rather than smart. [leaf 238, p. 5311 If you pity me, I shall be true until death parts us. Be not backward to comfort your servant. For weill nor wa/sall ony knaw our mynd? 32 That may me, fra / my langour appeill, þat is pynd, 12.] Rycht as pe glass bene thirlit thrucht with bemis. Adew/rycht trew / adew my deirest hairt; 35 36 27 40 If you knew my feelings you would grant my 42 desire. 12. [Rycht as he glass bene thirlit thrucht Rycht as pe glass bene thirlit thrucht with bemis Or [as] hornit Dyane with hir paly glemis, And as the kocatrice keilis with hir sicht; Behaild how far cristall or diamant, Espy richt so how far pe rosy gowlis Bene plesandar nor taikles boitis small; 1 "not"; MS. reads "to." [leaf 242 b, p. 540] Be joyful, my heart, thou hast won thy lady's heart. Up, helsum hairt! thy rutis rais, & lowp." [13. 13. "Ap, helsum hairt! thy rutis rais, & lowp." Vp, helsum hairt! thy rutis rais, and lowp; every May: So neidis thow nocht now sussy, sytt, nor sorrow, 1 5 10 Cupid, I am thy liege, Thow Cupeid rewardit me with thiss; 11 I am thy awin trew liege, withowt tressone. Thair levis no man in moir eiss, welth, and bliss, I know no sadness. I knaw no siching, sadnes, nor zit soun, Walking, thocht, langour, lamentatioun, 15 I feel no pain. I fondle my love, who has committed herself to my care. We kiss and play and sport, [leaf 243, p. 541] My breist is woyd and purgit of pussoun; Bot peirles, perfytt, paradisall plesour, With mirry hairt and mirthfulnes but mesoure. My lady, lord, thow gaif me for to hird: Within myne armes I nureiss on the nycht; In oxsteris cloiss we kiss, and cossis hairtis, Sic tyme that we may boith tak our confort; 14. [How suld my febill body fure. How suld my febill body fure, To se ane vpir haif þe cure, bat suld by myne. For weill I wait wes nevir wicht, 4 Panmure MS. 35 40 Houe sould my feible bodie fure and I blame the shortness of the night. [Bann. MS., leaf 244 b, p. 544] 4 My lady 7 8 Quhilk garris my bailfull breist com- It dois my belful breist combure, And want hir syne, War I of pissans for to prufe, I suld hir mynd to mercy mufe, 11 11 14 14 18 That suld be myne. 21 It wald vpross ane hart of stone, To se me lost for lufe of one 25 That [suld be myne]. 28 30 Who can raise my spirits ? There is no remedy but patience. Marvilling in mynd, quhat ailis fortoun at me. Quha suld my dullit spreitis raiss, 29 Vha sal my dullit spreits rease [15. 29 Bot and gud scheruice mycht hir maiss For & guid seruice might hir please I dre pe dollour and diseiss, 32 35 She vald inclynne. þat suld be mynne. 32 35 Quhen vpiris hes hir as thay pleiss, & others has hir as they please, 36 Now I persaue right veil be this 36 bliss, þat al the blydnes, Ioy, and blysse, The lustie, vantone life, I vysse, That suld be myne. 39 Of loue is hynne ; 39 Quhat remedie, since so it is, 42 Though I get Sa bissely to busk I boun, to the bush, another eats the berry. [leaf 245, p. 545] What ails Fortune at me? That suld be myn[e]. 49 And abill thair rewaird to want, As I did myne. 56 þat varst does dynne: So bisilie to busse I bune 15. 42 43 þat sould be mynne. 49 [Lines 50 to 56 not in Panmure MS.] [Marbilling in mynd, quhat ailis fortoun at me. Marvilling in mynd, quhat ailis fortoun at me, And I ane scherwand trew both day and nycht, I am bot deid sic dolour for to dre So suddanly exylit frome hir sycht. 4 In all this warld thair is no erdly wycht Moir fre, moir fremmit, moir trest, & eik moir trew; 7 |