صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Dame Natur! I the wyt of all my pane,
That formit hes this flour so fair but feir,
All vertew in hir visage dois remane,
Bot merciles I go from 3eir to 3eir;
Scho is allon of price withouttin peir:
This ryall ross will nocht vpoun me rew;
Sen I mon de, adew, luvaris, adew.

My dullit hairt but dout may nocht indure,
My pane but peir, it perssis throw my hairt;
My lady fair, of me scho takis no cure,
Bot thoillis me to de in panis smart.

O Venus quene! thow causs hir mynd rewart :
For be pe graue, first lufe in to me grew;
Sen I mon [de, adew, luvaris, adew].

Now lat me lady do quhat evir scho will,
Baith trest & trew my hairt sall nevir fel;
Small honor is, hir scherwand for to spill,
Sen pat my deth to hir may nocht awail;

Ane blenk of hir but dout wald mak me haill:
My hairt is gon, my face is paill of hew;
Sen I [mon de, adew, luvaris, adew].

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Addew, addew, my dule and my delyte,
Adew, fairweill, my freind & eik my fo,
Adew, my pane & plesans most perfyte,
Addew, addew, my weill & eik my wo,
Fairweill, for now for euirmoir I go,
Fairweill, I will my sepultur persew;
Sen I mon de, addew, luvaris, adew.





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