new zeir gift,
to the quene Mary,
Quhen scho come first hame. [19th August, 1561.]
Welcum illustrat ladye, and oure quene; Welcum! oure lyone with pe floure de lyce; Welcum! oure thrissill with þe lorane grene; Welcum! oure rubent roiss vpoun þe ryce; Welcum! oure jem and joyfull genetryce; Welcum! oure beill of albion to beir; Welcum! oure plesand princes, maist of pryce; God gif þe grace aganis þis guid new-zeir.
This guid new 3eir, we hoip, with grace of god, Sal be of peax, tranquillitie, and rest; This 3eir sall rycht and ressone rewle þe rod, Quhilk sa lang seasoun hes bene soir supprest; This 3eir, ferme fayth sall frelie be confest, And all erronius questionis put areir, To lauboure pat pis lyfe amang ws lest; God gif þe grace aganis pis guid new-zeir. Heirfore addres the dewlie to decoir, And rewle thy regne with hie magnificence. Begin at God to gar sett furth his gloir,
And of his gospell gett experience, Caus his trew kirk be had in reuerence;
So sall thy name and fame spred far and neir: Now, this thy dett to do with diligence, God gif þe grace aganis pis guid new-zeir.
Found thy reign on Wisdom, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance.
Take counsel of the wise. Cleave to Christ.
Watch affairs with your own eyes.
Staunch strife in thy estates,
stablish them in constancy and love. [leaf 90 b, p. 242] Banish quarrels
between the clergy and laymen. Make thy prelates live honest lives.
that none but the learned shall be allowed to dispute about Holy Writ,
So god sall gyde thy grace this gude new-zeir.
Gar stanche all stryiff, and stabill thy estaitis In constance, concord, cherite, and lufe; Be bissie now to banisch all debatis,
Betuix kirkmen and temporall men dois mufe; The pulling doun of policie reprufe, And lat perversit prelettis leif perqueir; To do the best, besekand god above, To gife the grace aganis þis guid new-zeir.
Att croce gar cry be oppin proclamatioun, Vndir grit panis, pat nothir he nor scho, Off halye writ, haif ony disputatioun Bot letterit men, or lernit clerkis perto ; For lymmer lawdis, and litle lassis lo,
Will argun bayth with bischop, preist, and freir:
To dantoun pis, thow hes aneuch to do,
God gife pe grace aganis þis gude new-zeir.
Chide wicked pastors who live unchaste lives.
Bot wyte the wickit pastouris wald nocht mend; 57 Thair vitious leving all be warld prescryvis, Thaj tuke na tent pair traik sould turne till end, Thaj wer so proud in pair prerogatyvis ;
For wantonnes thay wald nocht wed na wyvis,
Nor 3it leif chaste, bot chop and change pair cheir Now, to reforme pair fylthy licherous lyvis, God gife pe grace aganis pis guid new 3eir.
Thaj brocht pair bastardis, with pe skrufe thaj skraip They have To blande þair blude with barrownis, be ambitioun ! Thaj purchest pithles pardonis fra þe paip,
To caus fond folis confyde he hes fruitioun As god, to gif for synnis full remissioun,
And saulis to saif frome suffering sorowis seir; To sett asyde sic sortis of superstitioun, God gife pe grace aganis þis gude new-zeir.
married their bastards into noble families, and have
frained from marriage to keep their benefices, but seduced our maidens.
Thaj lost baith benefice and pentioun pat mareit, 73 They re- And quha eit flesch on frydayis was fyre-fangit; It maid na miss quhat maidinnis þaj miscareit On fasting dayis, thaj wer nocht brint nor hangit; Licence for luchrie fra þair lord belangit To gif indulgence, as the devill did leir; To mend þat menze hes sa monye mangit, God gife pe grace agauis þis guide new-zeir.
Thaj lute thy liegis pray to stokkis and stanes And paintit paiparis, wattis nocht quhat paj meine; Thaj bad pame bek and bynge at deid mennis banes ; Offer on kneis to kiss, syne saif pair kin :
They taught thy people to pray to stocks and stones and painted papers, and to wor-
Pilgrimes and palmaris past with pame betuene, 85 ship relics to
Sanct Blais, Sanct Boit, blait bodeis ein to bleir:
Now to forbid pis grit abuse, hes bene, God gife pe grace aganis þis guid new-zeir.
Thaj tyrit god with tryfillis, tvme trentalis, And daifit him with daylie dargeis, With owklie abitis, to augment pair rentalis, Mantand mort-mvmlingis, mixt with monye leis. Sic sanctitude was sathanis sorcereis Christis sillie scheip and sobir flok to smeir: To ceiss all sindrye sectis of hereseis,
God gif pe grace aganis pis guid new-zeir.
save their kindred's souls. Forbid these abuses.
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