صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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[Fra raige of 30wth the rynk hes rune.]

Fra raige of 30wth the rynk hes rune,

And ressone tane the man to tune,
The brukle body than is wvne

And maid ane veschell new,
For than thruch grace he is begune
The well of wisdome for to kune;
Than is his weid of vertue spune
Trest weill this taill is trew.

For 30wth and will ar so consorss
Withowt þat wisdome mak devorss,
Thay rin lyk wyld vndantit horss

But brydillis, to and fro.

Thair curage sa ourcumis thair corss,
Thrwcht heit of blude it hes sic forss

Bot gif the mynd haif sum remorss

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[leaf 280 b, p. 616]

Woman is born to bear children.

Men should be loyal, and women honest.

Suld haif pair hairtis ay elevat

With merciall myndis in doing pat,

Mycht causs thair fais to dowt thame.


Thocht wemen self be temerat

Thay luve no man effeminat,

And haldis thame, bot I wat not quhat,



That cannoch[t] be withowt thame.

3it man suld fauour thame, how beid
Thay be bot necessar of neid;
Becauss we cum of thame, in deid,
Thair personis suld be prysit.
As grund is ordand to beir seid,
So is the woman born to breid

The fruct of man, and that to feid
As nature hes dewysit.

Schort to conclude, I wald bath knew
That luvaris suld be leill and trew;
And ladeis suld all thingis eschew

That ma thair honor smot.
Be permanent þat wald persew
And rin nocht reklesly to rew
Bot as I direct, Adew!





Thuss I depairt, q[uod] Scott.


1 MS. reads 'saying.'



The slicht remeid of lube.

Luvaris, lat be the frennessy of luve,

And mvse nor mvrne no moir intill 3our mind,
Bot sollace seik, and sorrow ay remove;
Cast 30w to conqueiss luve ane vþir kynd.
For knew ze wemenis natur, course, & strynd,
3e wald nocht be so trew to thair vntrewth
Quhilkis hes no petie thocht zour hairtis be pynd,
Nor of 3our restless womenting no rewth.

Bot wald ze rewill 30w, keip this regiment: зе

Be subteill, secreit, sobir, in thair sicht,

Facound of wordis, but feckill of intent,

And nevir lat 3our mowth and mynd go richt.

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Swey as thay swey, be blyth quhen thay ar licht, 13 Always agree

And preiss 30w ay in presenss to repair,
Forvey no tyme, be reddy day and nicht
Vpoun 3our kneis to serve thame soletare.

Be prevy, pert, in presenss play with synis,
Be sicht or smyle lat non knaw 3our intentis,
Be verry war or that thay wit 3our myndis;
Be clenely cled in zour abilzementis.

with them:

pretend to be at their call.


17 Never let

them know what you think.

[leaf 122 b, p. 304]

Reuse nocht zour self, latt vþiris preiss 3our rentis, 21 Dress well;

Bot offir thame 3our daly observance

Be tung; thocht napir hairt nor mynd consentis
Body and gudis to haif in govirnance.


do not boast; offer your services.

If refused, complain little; heed not the chatter, but press your suit another day.

Leave them to relent.

Keep friends with those

who can help you; promise them gifts, though you never give any;

speak fair till you get what you want.

be said nay,

Abuse bot breif, how beid зе
And reckles nocht 3our erand for the rane,
Bot cast 30w for to cum ane vper day,
And petously complene 3our woles pane,
Saying ze ar both secreit, trew, and plane;
With this, part wreth and fremmit to, but faid
For cum the freindschip of thair syd agane:
I mak 30w seur ze sall nocht miss remeid.

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Hald thame in hand, quhilkis may 30w help at neid,
And hecht thame giftis howbeid ze gif thame nocht,
For thair gud word sall rathest cause 30w speid,
And thrwch their creddence to 3our purpoiss brocht.
Speik fair, till 3e haif gottin that ze socht;
Be wyiss and war, and watt thame ay with wylis ;
For be the wy that all the warld wrocht,



Maist witt hes hie, that moniest oursylis.

Meikly solist to meit in secreit place,


Solicit a
secret meet-
Make your
moan when
it will avail;
flatter them,

and without difficulty you can win.

Be discreet, and protect the lady's reputation.

Syne mak 3our mane quhan it may maist avelzie,
Be richt demvre & graif quhen ze ask grace,
Bot be 3e rank quhen thay begin to relzie.
Fleiche with fyisene ffor feir sumpart ze felzie:
And swa but pane ze may lufe parramowris;
Be softe of speiche, bot spair nocht till asselzie,
Wyn anis the entress, & the houss is 30wris.

Bot zit 30 may mishaif 30w in sum caice,
And ze defend nocht damissellis defame,
For practik is to play, syne hald 3our peice,
And counsale keip, ffor hurting of thair name.
Richswa forbeir a manis wyfe for blame,
And hald 30w koy in quiet quhill 3e get her;
As for a weddow wirk weill on hir wame,

I knaw no craft sall cause hir lufe 30W

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Ane ballat maid to be derisioun and scorne

of wantoun wemen.

3e lusty ladyis luke

The rakles lyfe 3e leid,

Hant nocht in hoile or nuke
To hurt 3our womanheid;
I reid, for best remeid,
Forbeir all place prophane :
Gife this be caus of feid,
I sall not said agane.

Quhat is sic luve bot lust,
A lytill for delyte,
To hant that game robust,
And beistly appetyte;

I nowdir fleische nor flyte,

To tell the trewith certane;

Taik ze this in despyte,

I sall not said agane.

The wysest scho may sone
Sedusit be and schent;
Syne fra the deid be done,
Perchance sall soir repent;
Ouir lait is till lament
Fra belly dow not lane,
To try in tyme take tent:
I sall not said agane.

Lycht wynchis luve will fawin,
Evin lyk ane spanzeollis lawchter
To lat hir wamb be clawin

Be thame list geir betawcht hir;

For conzie ze may chawcht hir,
To sched hir schankis in twane,
And nevir speir quhais awcht hir:
I sall not said agane.

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