Africa, المجلد 21Oxford University Press, 1963 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 37
الصفحة 192
... initiate and his relatives and friends visit the neighbouring hamlets to let the people know when the ceremony will take place . This is essential as a numerous attendance is necessary to the effectiveness of the initiation , and the ...
... initiate and his relatives and friends visit the neighbouring hamlets to let the people know when the ceremony will take place . This is essential as a numerous attendance is necessary to the effectiveness of the initiation , and the ...
الصفحة 200
... initiate who rubs it over his body , beginning with his legs . The elder spits again into the palms of the hands of the three friends of the initiate , then continues spitting the mixture of milk and blood under the initiate's right ...
... initiate who rubs it over his body , beginning with his legs . The elder spits again into the palms of the hands of the three friends of the initiate , then continues spitting the mixture of milk and blood under the initiate's right ...
الصفحة 204
... initiate's adult status without submitting him to the long circumcision teaching and tests which have the twofold aims of permitting the seniors to assess the initiate's worthiness and of integrating him into his set . During sapana ...
... initiate's adult status without submitting him to the long circumcision teaching and tests which have the twofold aims of permitting the seniors to assess the initiate's worthiness and of integrating him into his set . During sapana ...
A Form of Polyandry among the Lele of the Kasai Mary Tew | 1 |
Études sur la Cosmologie des Dogon et des Bambara du Soudan Français | 13 |
Concepts of the Soul among the Akan of the Gold Coast Eva L R Meyerowitz | 24 |
33 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Afrique age-set Ajibola and Somade Amharic amuro Ankole apeth Ashanti associations authority Bambara bananas Bantu beans belge boiled British Bull cassava ceremony Chaha chief clan Colonial colour section Congo corn cornstarch Council culture Dahomey Dalziel deux Dinka Dogon Eagle Press East eaten elders Ethiopic Études flour français Ge'ez Gold Coast Govt Gurage IFAN indigènes initiate Inst International African Institute janv Karamojong Kenya kerket kinship l'Afrique language lineage London Lord Lugard Mars and Tooley meat Mission Nairobi native Ndri Nigeria Noire Northern Rhodesia Notes afr ntoro Nuer palm oil Paris pepper Pokot porridge problems relations rites ritual sanctions sacrifice sapana sapana-set senior social society spirit stew sub-set Sudan Takyiman Tallensi Tanganyika Tigrinya tion town tribes Uganda Ullendorff Umundri village warriors West Africa witch witchcraft word yams Yoruba Dictionary Zebra