"BEEN." Past Participle, SAWAI Woo, Conjugation of the Verb WAIYIL, "to speak." The feminine gender only changes the 1st Person Singular, as a málgá, salt tel, oil ghodee, ghee kunatai, bullock tatar, beast shakar, sugar marach, pepper largai, wood kuchee, butter hagge, an egg shide, milk maste, curds shalumbe, butter-milk lástai, pestle khat, bedstead tiltak, coverlid bálight, pillow nihále, bed ospana, iron surp, lead mio, copper kál, year garm, hot sod, cold klak, hard narm, soft porta,high boad, f garan, dear arzán, cheap spuk, light duroond, heavy wach, dry noombd, wet zulf, lock of hair tsoonee, woman's hair bret, mustacheos jeera, beard arkh, armpit lás, hand oja, shoulder sha, back ghádá, neck shund, lip ghagh, tooth zinne, chin bárkhoo, cheek paza, nose sajme, nostril stirgha, eye bánoo, eye-lash waridza, eye-brow tandai, forehead ghwaj, ear partookh, trousers partoogagh, breeches string ozgár, idle pagde, turban khaj, sweet wah, woo, wind garz, dust zoná, light tyárá, darkness angoor, grapes oma, raw pakha, cooked. shkar, horn swa, hoof changul, divided hoof wadai, wool pumba, cotton jibba, language ghwajai, hunger tajai, thirst kough, shoes |