keepers to dismiss attending kings when he had retired into the female apartments. 45. "Who art thou?" "The beloved of KA'SHI's lord ;" and thou? "The wife of the king of Andhra ;" and thou? “The spouse of the chief "of Radha ;" and thou? "The bride of the prince of Anga.”—Such were the colloquies with the wives of his enemies detained as captives, while their lotus-like eyes were suffused with tears. 66 46." Who art thou? of whom? and for what object art thou come; thou who art resplendent as the luminary whose emblem is "the hare?" "I am gleaming fame; and wandering over the universe, "I am come, fervently anxious to behold the glory of the monarch BANGA, the sole friend of the learned, which has reached the crest of "the vast mountain of Lokálok.”(28) 66 47. Placed by BANGA, after prostration made, that divine symmetrical Linga made of emerald, is victorious in this world. Worshipped by INDRA, it was obtained from him by ARJUNA, who had pleased him and brought by him on earth, and adored by YUDHISHTARA. 48. In the fane, a stone god put up by that king shews a second HARA, the remover of the bonds of pain. 49. By that King BANGA was erected this fane of the lord SAMBHU, the chief of the gods, with its summit, bright like the autumnal clouds; of which, by gliding near the golden cupola, (furrowing as it were the sky) ARUNA, rendered radiant, abashed the crest of MERU. (29) 50. For the nice construction of its spire the skill of no mortal could have availed; VISWA KARMA (30) himself must have turned this arch. 51. How this vast Vata tree surpasses!-A hundred times were given by him crores of golden coins, in quantities equiponderous with his body, by which they were weighed. 52. Enthusiastic in the true faith, and delighting to benefit others, seven high born Brahmins were located in palaces, reverenced by gifts of wealth, grain, and lands;-perfectly pure, though their bodies were tinged by smoke from ever-enduring sacrifice. 53. Two yavas at Sri-Brahma Kalpa; one in the vicinity. On the south of the snowy mountain, Kalpa gram was another. 54. Having ruled this earth, girt with waters as if by a girdle, and unsubjected to any other; when he had lived 109 autumns, with eyes closed, and (as ordained) fervently reciting the name of RUDRA, the royal BANGA obtained final beatitude by abandoning this mortal coil in the conflux of the Yamuna and Ganges. 28. The Sun never reaches this mountain. 29. Aruna is the Dawn, the charioteer of the Sun. 30. The celestial architect. 55. Then did this glory of the world's lord attain perfection, when the wise priest YASONDHARA, skilled in the vedas, and the friend of the gods, here administered-according to law-scattering light on jurisprudence. 56. Born in the tribe of TWAXARA, and in the family of SAVARA, was a poet called SRI NANDANA, the prince of bards. To him was born a son, the illustrious BAL BHADRA, who had read through revealed law, and was powerful by the observance of religious austerities. 57. Of that BAL BHADRA, SRI RAMA was the son; great as it were like a vast mountain,-of pleasing speech,-whose feet earthly kings adored,-exempt from sin,-and celebrated as the ocean of literature, --and skilled in elegant composition. By him composed, this incomparable panegyric was published in the temple. 58. Who had learned the science of words,-by the sensible KAYASTHA PASAMPALA, distinguished by his race and disposition, the transcript of this panegyric was arranged. Here are no confused letters nor any obscure from rivalry.(31) 59. This temple of PRAMATHA NATH was constructed by the architect XICCHA, virtuous, and a VISWA KARMA in science. 60. As long as this world with its mountains, cities, forests, its histories, memorials, and seas [shall remain]; as long as this sun shall shine; as long as water shall ooze from the luminary whose rays are cool; as long as the segment of the divine egg shall be fixed, that is expanded; so long let this temple, dedicated by the monarch to SIVA endure,-mocking as it does mount Kailasa. 61. By the wise, and gifted SINGHA Skilled in the science of writing, was this specimen of calligraphy engraved. Sambat 1019. In the reign of Raja BANGA, lord of the earth, this panegyric of THE EMERALD IMAGE was finished. 62. Afflicting even infuriated elephants,-by the abundant tears of the children and wives of his enemies (broken in the conflict of war) of that great king these lines became obliterated. 63. The king JAYAVARMA DEVA (like an elephant supporting the universe) rewrote in clear letters the above verses, which he had before written in irregular letters (kirna). These letters, in the Kakuda form that GAUDA KAYASTHA, aided by the learned, inscribed by the hand of JAYA PAL,-that Kayastha of untarnished lustre, having a numerous progeny, the radiant moon of the king's race, who, the dispeller of gloom, had risen from the ocean of polished literature. Sambat 1173. Friday 3 Vaisakh (Sudi) bright half. 31. The distinction of nearly uniform is preserved. B b Prosodial Key. A sloka, or stanza, consists of four padas, lines, or quarter slokas, They are generally, but not always, identical. Metre is Jati, or measured by matras, or instants. In this, one long syllable and two short syllables are equivalent. Or it is Vritta, scanned by defined feet. The following slokas are Jati of the Arya species. First and third padas have 12 matras: second has 18; and fourth has 15 matras. 1. 4. 15. 20. 35. 41. 50. 51. 59. 62. The other slokas are in the following metres, in which all four pada are identical. Rathoddhuta ........ Vasantatilakamn Srugdhara ...... .......... . |---|-00 | 000 | --0 | 511 511 Slokas. (2.3.6-9. 10. 12. 17 21. 29. 33. 36, 37. 41. 16. 49. 52. 54. 57. 63 5. 19. 8. 27.30. 45. 14. 18. 22. 31 16. 55. 31. 56. 23. 38. 60. |000|-0-1 0 | 200 | 0-0 | 0-0 | |---|-0- | -00 | 000 | 0__ | __ | Vansasthavilam.. .... | - | --0 | 0-0 | -0- | 26. 40. | 70 |000 | 700 | 000 | 58. Each Pada Anush-tup.-This is a very common measure. consists of four dissyllabic feet: the third foot must be an Iambic, and the first syllable of the last foot is alternately long and short. The syllables of the remaining feet may be either long or short. ART. II.-Account of a Journey to Beylah, and Memoir on the Province of Lus. By Lieut. CARLOSS, Indian Navy. On the 10th of January, having received an answer to a letter I had written to the chief of Lus, announcing my arrival at Soonmemy with a letter and some presents from the Bombay Government, I commenced my journey to Beylah. Two chiefs with a small party of followers had been sent to accompany me to the capital, but as they were not ready to proceed, and I did not wish to delay my journey, I started, accompanied by Dr. Hardy, without them. The road for some distance led over a confused mass of low hillocks covered with loose sand, or across the low swampy hollows between them, and the country had every where a most barren and desolate appearance, there not being a tree or a bush to be seen. About five miles from Soonmemy we arrived at a ridge of sand hills, about 150 feet high, from the summit of which the Poorally river was visible to the W. N. W., with an extensive tract of thick mangrove jungle stretching along the left bank; at this place we halted for a short time until the chiefs who were to accompany us made their appearance, and then continued our journey across a low flat plain, covered with saline bushes. About an hour after sunset having reached a spot where the land was higher, and water procurable, halted for the night. In the course of the evening many travellers had collected at this spot, and by the time we arrived forty or fifty had encamped about the wells, which are merely small holes dug at the foot of a high bank, yielding a scanty supply of brackish water. There was a Syud amongst them, a noted story-teller, who continued to entertain a large audience with his tales until the night was far advanced, and as he possessed a deep and melodious voice, the effect of the kind of recitative style in which they were chaunted was extremely pleasing. The level On the following morning started for Layaree, a small town six miles distant, which we reached early in the afternoon. plain between the sand hills and Layaree is scored throughout with marks made by the passage of water, and overrun with saline bushes, intermixed here and there with patches of stunted tamarisk trees. Our attendants told us that the Poorally flows through this plain during the inundation, and pointed out the beds of two deep water courses through which the water escapes in the latter part of the season. river, they said, had no decided bed from Layaree, where there is a bund thrown across it, to its mouth, a distance of about twelve miles, but discharges itself into the bay and harbour of Soonmemy by several outlets, through the low grounds near the sea coast. The Layaree is a small town, containing about fifty mud built houses, prettily situated in a grove of large baubool trees; there is a large tank near it filled by a canal from the river, and half a mile to the N. E. is seen the small village of Charro, which is the residence of the darogah, or collector of taxes. At least a third of the population is composed of African slaves, who perform all the out-door labor. In my walks about the place I met several who complained bitterly of the treatment they received, and earnestly begged me to receive them on board the vessel, for they had determined to escape from their masters on the first opportunity. In the immediate vicinity of the town the country is open, and the ground laid out in fields, in which wheat, jowaree, cotton, and oil seed are cultivated. Farther off the land is overrun with high thick jungle, but in the small open spaces that occur here and there, is covered with grass, which although of a coarse kind, affords excellent pasturage for the flocks and herds. Shortly after our arrival at Layaree, and before the baggage camels had come up, word was brought that a chief had just arrived from Beylah with Teeruthdass, the Jam's dewan, and wished to see me. As soon as a place had been prepared to receive them, by spreading mats and carpets under the shade of a large tree, he came attended by a few armed followers, and delivered a complimentary message from the Jam, expressing his satisfaction at my visit. The chief was a little old man, with a strongly marked Arab countenance. In the course of the conversation that ensued, I found they wanted me to remain at Layaree until they received further instructions from Beylah respecting my journey; but as this would have delayed me many days, I told them decidedly I should take it ill, if any objeetions were made to my proceeding immediately, and that on the following morning I should either continue my journey, or return to the ship. This seemed to puzzle them extremely, and they at last begged I would stop only one day, when they would be ready to accompany me, to which I agreed. In the course of the evening one of their attendants brought a quantity of rice flour, ghee, &c. for the use of the party. 13th. On sending to the chief to tell him I was ready to proceed, he said he should be detained a short time at Layaree to settle a dispute that had occurred there, and would join me at the next stage. At 10 started. For about three miles passed through cultivated grounds in which nothing but the oil seed plant was apparent, and then turning to the N. E. pursued a track leading along the bank of a deep dry nullah, running through thick tamarisk jungle: it extended several miles, and the trees were every where leafless and withered, with the exception of the small patches of undergrowth springing from their roots. As soon as we had got clear of the jungle we came upon an extensive tract of cultivated ground, watered by canals from the river, and dotted here and there with huts; at this place, where we halted for half an hour, the soil being good yields abundant crops of oil seed and cotton, and game is plentiful. On resuming our journey, crossed a level plain thinly overspread with withered saline bushes, and extending as far as the eye could reach, apparently to the foot of the mountains on either side. We traversed it for a distance of eight miles, and after passing through an open jungle of tamarisk and mimosa trees, about five miles beyond it reached the Poorally river, and halted for the night. The distance from Layaree to this place is about eighteen miles. Here the Poorally is about 400 yards broad, and flows from east to west, which is a proof that we must have crossed its course before we arrived at Layaree, as our attendants asserted; the banks on both sides rise perpendicularly to a height of fourteen or fifteen feet, and a stream of water twenty yards broad and two feet deep pursues a winding course through the centre of its bed. The morning of the fourteenth was meter having fallen to 35° at day light. extremely cold, the thermoDuring the night the camels |