صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Cabul river, viz. the Cophenes, and which includes Yousoufzeïs proper, Booner, upper and lower Suwat, Penjecooré, and the dependencies of Dhyr.

Remarkable places being points that may serve for comparative geography, as well as rivers and mountains, I shall select the following fo observation:-

1st. The cave Cashmeer Ghar, situated in the territory of the Baboo zeis, on a mountain which cannot be ascended but by a steep passage hewn in a great measure out of the rock. This place is also called Pelley, and is sixteen koss from the town of Soukhor. The cave is sai to be of an immeasurable depth, and to have so large an aperture, that it is impossible to discern the direction by casting in a stone. As both sides of the entrance are of solid masonry, and the front is encumbere with enormous cut stones, one would imagine that it is one of the sub terraneous temples attributed to the Pandoovans, or to the Caffers. A present it is a place of shelter for myriads of wood-pigeons. Quite clos to it are visible the traces of a town or castle, whence idols are some times dug up; a basin also is observable there continually supplied with water. I had been assured that an inscription was discoverable, but my men could trace out none whatever. I am not aware if this cave b identical with that of Roostam, to which I have alluded in my des cription of Yousoufzeïs.

2nd. The sandy cave of Dekia, situated at the foot of moun Ghardoom in the district of Dhyr, on which there are the traces of i town.

3rd. The Khial cave, near the ruins of Meidan, in the canton o Bajore.

4th. The vast basin that exists on mount Bikary, to the west of Dhyr being a place of pilgrimage for the Hindoos, who give out that thei Pir disappeared on that spot.

5th. The basin situated to the east of Dhyr in the district of Tal, where a fire exists under a cupola maintained from time immemorial, and kept up at present by a Guebrian woman.

6th. Lake Mansoroor in Bajore, situated on a mountain fifteen koss from Bendy Berravol, which is continually supplied with water in conse quence of the perpetual snow.

7th. Mount Hilo, situated in Yousoufzeïs, by the Mahometans denominated Hilum Pilum, and by the Hindoos Ramtakt. This place is much frequented by the latter, who perform an annual pilgrimage thither during the month of April, in memory of Rajah Ramtchend Those Hindoos likewise make the pilgrimage of Chamra, situated near Ootchan, country of the Samoozeïs





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Prior to my drawing this article to a close, I deem it an interesting topic, to make an observation on the region of Tchêlas, situated on eastern bank of the Indus, four days' journey (more northward) from This region is said to be highly remarkable for Pakhley and Dembor. the number of ruined towns it contains. Although situated in neighbourhood of the snowy chain, it may well have been the Taktchashilas of the Chinese Religious, a word which may be decomposed into takt, a throne, chah, a king, and shilas a corruption of Tchelas thus form a ground for a probable hypothesis, that the Greeks thence The inhabitants of Upper Suwat who repair to Tchêlas, cross the Indus at Goozer Chekhi, whence is visible on the eastern bank mount Mehoor, situated almost opposite the Cabool-Gheram ruins, which are discoverable on the contrary beach.

derived their Taxila.

; and


Higher up, on the upper branch of the Indus, lie the regions Ghilghit, Ashoor, Goræi, Khélooman, and Balooman, formerly inhabited by the Caffers.


The ferry points of the Indus from Attok to the snowy ridge the following: Attok, Bazar Hound, Monarí, Pehoor, Notchy, Kabbel, Chetabha, Amb, Derbend, Chetterbahi, Mabera, Toohara, Marer, Didel, Kamatche, Behar, Pachetlehi, Guendoo, Mattial, Battera, Jendial, and Manial, Kallehi, Palles-pattan, Pohoo-Goodje, Koonchir and Jalkoot.

ART. IV.-Remarks upon the Rain and Drought of the last Eight Seasons in India. By the REV. R. EVEREST, Landour.

In two former papers I endeavoured to trace the variations of the past seasons, as to drought and moisture, by means of the prices of corn, having assumed that the wettest years produced the most abundant An examination of the subject harvest, and the driest the reverse. shewed that the more extensively the averages of prices were taken, the greater approximation there was to a regular ascending and descending series, or curve, with recurrent periods of from six to ten years; thus leading to the belief, that, if the average of certain atmospherical phenomena over a surface sufficiently extensive could be taken, the result would exhibit recurrences nearly or altogether regular. I will now shew how far the Register of the different Rain Gauges corroborate or not this opinion. The following are the annual depths of Rain that have fallen in different parts of India during the last eight


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parts; then for the number itself substitute the proportional part of the difference.

Thus at Calcutta we have

These will by the proposed substitution become and the whole will stand thus:--

[blocks in formation]

Calcutta. Madras. Bombay. Dehli. Average.

1831 362 295



1832 158 000



1833 400 246




1854 600 293


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[blocks in formation]

It appears from this average that the minimum has recurred in five years, which is a period somewhat shorter than we should have been led to expect from

an examination of the prices of corn for many years back.

I have before stated, as one of the results of such an examination, that there was a more perfect recurrence at the end of fifty six years than at any other period. Thus comparing together different years with that interval between them, we have the following:

Maxim: or years......1815..............1822-23......1829......1835-36 of abundance. ......1759......1767 .........1773

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In searching for data to elucidate this part of the subject, I obtained sight of an old manuscript Register in the Surveyor General's Office, from which I was enabled to compare the annual amounts of rain for the last eight seasons with those fifty-six years before. The Register appears to be imperfect, and, unfortunately, to have been kept by an illiterate person. The daily entries begin towards the latter end of 1776, but, from a note we learn what had been the annual amount of rain both in that year, and in the year previous. I here subjoin them, and place by the side of each the depths registered 56 years afterwards.

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