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النشر الإلكتروني

अमुष्मिन् प्रत्येकं प्रविचरति देवश्रुतिरपि

प्रियायास्मै नान्मे प्रणिहितनमस्योस्मि भवते ॥२८॥

BHAVA, SARVA, RUDRA, PASHUPATI, UGRA, MAHA DEVA, BHIMA, and I'SHA'NA, of these thy eight names, each, O god, is celebrated in the Vedas (or each the gods desire to hear.) With a humbled mind

I bow and adore to thee who art called by these precious names.

नमो नेदिष्ठाय प्रियदव दविष्ठाय च नमो

नमः चोदिष्ठाय स्मरहर महिष्ठाय च नमः । नमो वर्हिष्ठाय चिनयन यविष्ठाय च नमो

नमः सर्व्वस्मै ते तदिदमतिसवाय च नमः ॥२८॥

Reverence to thee, O god of meditation and austerity, who art nearest (i. e. to those that serve thee), and who art also farthest (i. e. from them that disregard thee)-Reverence to thee who art the humblest (i. e. to those that are humble), and who art also the greatest (i. e. to those that are high-minded)-Reverence to thee who art old (as the creator of the universe), and yet young, being independent of the decaying effects of age-Reverence to thee who art all, and in whom all things subsist !

बहुलरजसे विश्वोत्पत्तौ भवाय नमोनमः

जनसुखकते सत्त्वस्थित्यै मृडाय नमोनमः ।

प्रवलतमसे तत्संहारे हराय नमोनमः

प्रमहसि पदे निचैगुण्ये शिवाय नमोनमः ॥३०॥

Reverence, O Reverence, to BHAVA, who partakes chiefly of the Rajas quality for the creation of the world. Reverence, O Reverence, to MRIDA, who partakes of the Sattwa quality for the conservation of the world and the happiness of men. Reverence, O Reverence, to HARA, who is principally moved by the quality of Tamas in the destruction of the world.

कृशपरिणतिचेतः क्लेशवश्यं कचेदं

कच तव गुणसीमोल्लङ्घिनी शश्वदृद्धिः ।
इति चकित ममन्दीकृत्य मां भक्ति राधा
द्वरद चरणयोस्ते वाक्यपुष्पोपहारं ||३१||

How vast the difference between my understanding, capable of grasping only little objects and subject to the perturbations of the passions, and between thy everlasting glory, whose properties know no boundary!——Hence my faith having led me, who am fearful of thee, to this profitable exercise, casts me at thy feet with this verbal offering, as with that of flowers.

असितगिरिसमं स्यात् कज्जलं सिन्दुपात्रं
सुरतरुवरशाखालेखनी पत्र मुर्ती ।

लिखति यदि गृहीत्वा सारदा सर्वकालं

तदपि तव गुणानामीश पारं न याति ॥३२॥

O Lord, even if there were a heap of ink like a black mountain, were the ocean itself the inkstand, and did SARASWATI herself continue to write for ever with the twigs of the Kalpataru* as her pens, having the earth itself for her paper, [even if there were such a writer with such stationery, and to write for so long a time] still would it be impossible to express the limits of thy qualities.

कुशुमदशननामा सर्व्वगन्धर्बराजः
शिशुशशधरमौले देवदेवस्य दामः ।
स्वगुरुनिजमहिम्नो भ्रष्टएवास्य रोषात्

स्तवनमिदमकार्षीहिव्यदिव्यं महिम्नः ||३३||

KUSHUMA DASHANA (PUSHPADANTA, or flower-teethed) the chief of all the Gandharvas, and the servant of the god of gods, who bears on his head the crescent of the moon, being in consequence of his wrath deprived of his greatness, composed this excellent hymn of the lord's glory.

सुरवरमभिपूज्य स्वर्गमोचैकहेतु

पठति यदि मनुष्यः प्राञ्जलिर्नान्यचेता ।

व्रजति शिवसमीपं किन्नरैः स्तूयमानः

स्तवनमिदममोधं पुष्पदन्तप्रणतं ॥ ३४॥

If a man, having worshipped the chief of gods, read with his hands closed together, and his attention fixed, this hymn, composed by PusHPADANTA, and of certain efficacy as the one only means of emancipation in heaven, he will join the company of SHIVA, and will be adored by the Kinnaras.†

* A fabulous tree of mythological celebrity, which yields any fruits that are desired by any one.

+ The Kinnaras were a species of celestial beings.

ART. III.-Account of a Journey from Calcutta via Cuttack and Pooree to Sumbulpúr, and from thence to Mednipúr through the Forests of Orissa. By LIEUT. M. KITTOE.

As the country west-south-west of Mednipúr, for upwards of four hundred miles through which the high road to Nagpúr and Bombay passes, is noted down even in the most improved maps as terra incognita, therefore, by most considered as such, a brief account of my recent travels in that direction may not be uninteresting.

I am unable, for many reasons, to give very minute details, first, in consequence of the hurried manner in which I had to travel; next, from the very inclement season during which I did so; and again, owing to the great reluctance which the natives of Orissa have to afford any information, and what is more, to their decided silence; it being (as I have always had occasion to remark) more than the life of an individual is worth were he to be detected by his chief in divulging the scanty resources of his country.

About the middle of April 1838, Captain G. Abbott having fallen an early victim to the deadly climate of the Keunjur and Mohurbhunj jungles, to the distracting knavery of the people he had to deal with, and the annoyance and exposure they caused him to suffer,* I was appointed to succeed him, and directed to proceed immediately to Sumbulpúr to take charge of the survey of the Mednipúr and Raepúr post road.

There then being no possibility of travelling by dawk by the post road with any degree of safety or comparative comfort at such a season, I resolved on proceeding viâ Cuttack and the valley of the Mahanuddí, through the Burmool pass and onwards by Boad and Sohnpúr, i. e. following the course of the river, as the surest means of obtaining the first necessary of life, viz. good water.

I left Calcutta for Cuttack by dawk on the evening of the 17th April, where I arrived on the morning of the fifth day. I travelled at night, and halted during the day at Mednipúr, Jullaisúr, Ballaisúr, and Bareepúr successively.

On reaching Cuttack I found so much difficulty in procuring bearers to take me to Burmool (where I expected a relay from Sumbulpúr) that I resolved on going on to Pooree, and from thence across the country to that place; but a set having at last agreed to go for something more than the usual travelling rates, I struck the bargain Captain Abbott commenced his travels early in January, 1838, was taken ill

on the 22nd March near

Keunjurgurh, and died two days after his arrival at Sumbul

púr on the 3d April following.

and sent them on to Badeswur, half way to Burmool. I went on to Pooree, where I remained three days, being completely overcome with the fatigue of so much dawk travelling, for it was but lately I had returned from my tour in Orissa in search of antiquities, coal, and minerals, &c. an account of which tour has already appeared in this Journal.

While at Pooree, I tried again to procure more coins, but having shewn too much anxiety, and paid too much for those I did get, on former occasions, the suspicions of the Brahmans and shroffs were excited, they would give no more, except a few sovereigns, shillings, six-pences, and some Goah coins, which from their inferior standard were unsaleable in such a market.

I did my utmost to procure facsimiles of the inscriptions in Juggernath temple, also of those in the Gondeechagurh, but was, as usual, unsuccessful.

The tide ebbing very low at that season of the year I was enabled to collect a great variety of marine shells, but few however were sufficiently perfect to be of any value, the violence of the surf destroying all the more delicate species.*

I left Pooree on the evening of the 26th, and reached Koordah early on the following morning. I took up my abode in a shady mango grove near the ruins of the old Noor or palace, in the vicinity of which are many modern temples all equally inelegant and unworthy

of notice.

When at Koordah in the previous month of March, I was unable to visit the cave of PAUNCH PANDEB, therefore I determined to do my best on this occasion. About noon I proceeded on foot for a distance of a mile and a half, having to crawl in many places through the jungle thicket, and reached the foot of the ascent, which is by a broad path, at a spot where under some stately Bur and Peepul treest I saw a very elegant image of SU'RYA, in his chariot with many horses, driven by ARUNA (his charioteer); I had no time to spare to enable me to make a drawing of it.

After ascending a steep path for a quarter of a mile, I found myself in a beautiful glen, in its centre is a small and rudely built temple through which flows a beautiful spring of fresh water; I was told that there is an idol of PARBUTTI' within, carved in the rock, from the navel of which the water flows, however I did not think it worth the trouble of examining, being more interested in the Pandeb Gurha.

All that were of any use were presented to the Society, and have been placed in

the cabinets.

+ Ficus Indicus and Ficus Religiosa.

Having therefore refreshed myself with a copious draught from the crystal stream, I continued the steep ascent until I reached the top of the hill, I had then to descend some way on the steep southern face; when I reached the cave I was sadly disappointed, for it was a mere cleft in the rock, with "asthans" or seats for ascetics cut within the cavity; I had hoped to find some valuable inscriptions, but there were none, excepting a few short sentences, and the names of ascetics in various characters, from the old Kutila of the 13th century to modern Ooreya and Devanagri, which I did not think worth transcribing; I deemed it better to take rest in the cool cave, and recover if possible from the effects of my long walk under a burning sun, at the hottest season of the year, so that after admiring the beautiful and extensive view which the spot commanded of the sea and the intervening woody plains, I laid myself down to sleep for a couple of hours, which completely restored me; I then returned to my palkee, and resumed my trip towards Badeswur, passing near the hot springs

of Atteiree.

As I left early in the evening I had time enough to see much of the country, which undulates considerably, and is thickly studded with trees and underwood. There is a gradual fall towards the Mahanuddí; from Pooree to the vicinity of the Koorda hills the country is exceedingly low and flat, but it then has a gentle rise, caused by that curious ironstone formation occurring every where at the foot of the hills of


The hill of Koorda is a rock which has been pronounced to be sandstone, but I am by no means satisfied of this being correct; it contains large proportions of lithomarge and quartz, it does not occur stratified, but chiefly in irregular and disturbed masses, the interstices are occupied with a coarse red loam resembling brick dust; the stone is variegated and speckled, and in some parts of its texture resembles pumice stone, or brick kiln slag; it is with this that most of the temples of Orissa are built, for from its softness it is easily worked, besides which it possesses a quality rendering it very desirable in the estimation of the natives-its predominant color being red. From the high ground (before reaching Atteiree) the numerous Iconical and isolated hills rising abruptly from the vast level plains present a very singular and striking appearance. That of Bankee, called Mahapurbut, is the most conspicuous; they would all appear to be of volcanic origin. I reached Badeswur at about 2 A. M., tinued my journey with my Cuttack bearers twenty-three miles further to Bail para, where I put up in a mango grove during the heat

of the day.

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