and had the same merits and defects, but in consequence of some doubt as to whether the Commentary so prepared was likely to be acceptable to Sanscrit students, Mr. JAMES PRINSEP had sent to Benares for the Commentary at length. It was therefore proposed by Mr. H. T. PRINSEP, seconded by Captain W. N. FORBES-That the best mode of clearing up the difficulty would be to send copies to the Sanscrit Colleges of Benares and Calcutta, and also to Messrs. HODGSON and WIL KINSON, requesting them to favor the Society with their opinion on the merits of the work in its present form, and the expediency of continuing its publication. The proposition was unanimously agreed to. Read an application from Newab TAHAWUR JUNG, requesting the Society to make a representation to Government on the subject of a subscription for a certain number of copies of the “Sharaya Islam," the publication of which had been undertaken by himself in conjunction with the Society, and copies of which might probably be required for the use of the Courts or of the Seminaries of Education supported by Government. Resolved that the request be complied with. Col. BENSON handed over to the Officiating Secretary a letter he had received from the vicinity of Amarapoora, dated 23d March, containing an account of an awful earthquake that had occurred in that country. On the conclusion of the general business of the evening, Mr H. T. PRINSEP stated that he was happy to have it in his power to inform the Meeting of a very distinguished honor that had been conferred upon a Member of the Society, whose selection for the unsolicited distinction was a compliment paid to the whole body. It had fallen to him, Mr. P. stated, to be the official channel for transmitting to Mr. HODGSON, of Nipal, the diploma and letter of appointment as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France, which the enlightened Government of that nation had conferred upon this gentleman, in acknowledgment of his successful labours in the elucidation of various questions of Budhistical faith and doctrine, and in the discovery and procurement of the volumes "Kahgyur" and "Stagyur," in which a vast mine of curious literature had been concealed, no less than as a tribute due to his zeal in discovering and making known a great variety of new objects of Natural History and Science. It was heretofore a rare thing to see the Societies of Europe paying tribute to the worth and services rendered to Science and Literature by the learned, in this distant quarter ; but of late years their merits had worked out for them a reputation which was now universally acknowledged. Still admission on the ground of literary and scientific attainment to the distinctions conferred by the Sovereigns of other countries was a compliment that Mr. HODGSON only had yet received; and Mr. PRINSEP added, he felt assured that the Society would be glad to have the circumstance placed upon the Records of its Proceedings. Mr. P. then communicated a copy of the diploma of appointment as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor which had just been received, having been transmitted through the Honorable Court of Directors to the Government, to be forwarded to Mr. HODGSON. Ordered to be deposited. ART. XII.-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society. (Wednesday Evening, the 5th June, 1839.) At a Meeting of the Asiatic Society held in the Grand Jury Room: The Honorable Sir E. RYAN, President, in the chair. Read the Proceedings of the last Meeting. Drs. MARTIN and BAIN, proposed at the last Meeting, were ballotted for, and duly elected Members of the Society. Professor AGASSIZ, of Geneva, proposed at the last Meeting, was upon the favourable Report of the Committee of Papers, elected an Honorary Member of the Society. Dr. T. A. WISE was proposed by Sir EDWARD RYAN, seconded by Dr. O'SHAUGHNESSY. Library. Read a letter from JOHN WASHINGTON, ESQ., Secretary Royal Geographical Society, forwarding for presentation the following works, and stating that any Geographical and Statistical Documents would be acceptable in return: Transactions of the Geographical Society, 8 vols. Translation of GRAH'S Voyage to Greenland. Read a letter from Mr. N. GRANT, forwarding for presentation, in behalf of Mr. STANISFORTH, a copy of the Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, &c. in 51 vols. Read a letter from J. P. GRANT, Esq., Secretary to the Government of India, Revenue Department, forwarding for presentation the following Books :— Illustrations of Indian Botany, No. 9, and Figures of Indian Plants. Antiquities. Five Greek Coins, obtained at Delhi by Mr. J. ROBINSON, were presented by J. W. GRANT, Esq. Three Copper Coins were presented by Dr. G. G. SPILSBURY. Mr. E. C. RAVENSHAW communicated a few inscriptions, collected by him in a late tour through the district of Behar. (Printed in this Number.) A Tamba Patra with its translation and note on the same, were presented by H. T. PRINSEP, ESQ. (This Paper is printed in the April Number.) Physical. A Table shewing the Mortality in 13,019 fatal cases in Hindus, distinguishing the diseases and duration thereof, by Dr. DUNCAN STEWART, was read and ordered to be inserted in the Journal. (Printed in the April Number.) The Officiating Secretaries apprized the Meeting of the completion of Part 2. Vol. 20 of the Asiatic Society's "Literary Researches." Resolved-That copies be distributed to the members. ART. XIII..-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society. (Wednesday Evening, the 3rd July, 1839.) At a Meeting of the Asiatic Society, held in the Grand Jury Room :— Dr. T. A. WISE proposed at the last Meeting, was ballotted for, and duly elected a Member of the Society. Read a letter from J. K. KANE, ESQ. Secretary of the American Philosophical Society, acknowledging receipt of several Nos. of the Journal of the Asiatic Society, old series. Library. Read a letter from H. T. PRINSEP, ESQ. Secretary to the Government of Bengal, General Department, forwarding for presentation the following printed copies of pub lic records: Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England, vols. .... .... 6th, and 7th, 1837, royal 8vo. vol. 1st, royal 8vo. .... Rotuli Chartarum in turri Londinensi Asservatarum, 1837, vol. 1, "The Record of Carnarvon," Registrum Vulgariter Nuncupatum é Codice M. Sta. Harleiano 696, Descriptum, 1838, royal folio, The Officiating Secretary apprized the Meeting that the Geological Society of London has complied with the Society's application for a duplicate copy of the deficient part of the 4th vol. of their Transactions. Read a letter from the Rev. W. YATES, forwarding for presentation a copy of his translation of the Psalms of David, in Sanscrit Verse, and offering to supply copies for distribution to all the learned institutions with which the Society exchanges its publications. Journal of the Academy of Natural Science of Philadelphia, 1837, vol. 7th, part 2d, 8vo.-presented by the Academy. Kittoe's Illustrations of Indian Architecture, Nos. 3, 4,-presented by the Author. Chinese Repository, vol. 6th, from January No. 9 to April, 1838, No. 12. Ditto ditto vol. 7th, from May No. 1 to September 1838, No. 5,-presented by the Editors. New Testament in Hindustání, royal 8vo.-presented by the Baptist Mission Press. From the Booksellers, Naturalist's Library, Mammalia, vol. 8th, Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopedia, History of Denmark, History of British Birds, by W. YARRELL, London, 1839, parts 10th .... Antiquities. 1 Read a letter from H. T. PRINSEP, ESQ., forwarding on behalf of the Government of India for deposit in the Asiatic Society's Museum a Silver Plate from Kotah. Political Dept. To the Secretary of the Asiatic Society. SIR, I am directed by the President in Council to request you will lay before the Meeting of the Asiatic Society the accompanying Silver Plate received by Government from Kotah, where it is stated to have been used for taking observations of altitude and distance. 2d The plate has been for sometime in the Government Toshakhanah, and His Honor in Council does not think that he can dispose of it more usefully than by presenting it for deposit in the Museum of the Asiatic Society. Council Chamber, 26th June, 1839. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient servant, H. T. PRINSEP, A description and drawing of this plate will be given in a future number, Mr. R. DAVIDSON forwarded a bag of leaden Coins for presentation to the Society; the donor has promised to send descriptive notice upon a future occasion. Mr. W. LOCKE, of Chuprah, forwarded three large slabs with inscriptions, for presentation to the Society. Mr. H. T. PRINSEP submitted to the Meeting a palm leaf manuscript having the appearance of great antiquity, and which from the circumstance of there being no separate note of the date of copy is presumed to be the original as prepared by the commentator, near 800 years ago. The Pothi came by dawk to Mr. PRINSEP'S address from Col. ALVES, who forwarded it from Rajwara shortly before he left that country for the Cape of Good Hope, but sent no letter with it explanatory of his wishes or intentions. It is presumed that this is the work referred to in the Proceedings of the 5th April, 1837, vol. vi. p. 240, and therein mentioned as the " Baudh mat Jain mary grantha," and which the Society then expressed the desire to obtain. Mr. PRINSEP added that the manuscript had been put into the hands of KAMALAKANTHA for ascertainment of its value and character. It proves to be a copy of the Sama Vaya, in the Maghadhi Bhosha by JINESHWAR, a Jain, with a commentary in Sanscrit by ABHYA DEVA, composed in 1119 Sumbut, corresponding with 1063 A. D. The work begins with an exposition of the Boodhist religion as professed by Jains, including the worship of Harr, Hora, and Hiranyagarba, i. e. of Vishnu, Siva, and Brahma. Then follow discourses-on Dharma and Adharma, showing what is religion and what irreligion, and on the qualities and perfections of Bhugwan Sakhya Boodh. On the virtue of abstaining from taking animal life, and of truth and honesty. A resolution of all things to one God. On the place of abode of Devas and their means of locomotion. An explanation of regeneration, and the course of life by which the future birth and condition are affected By what course of action the mind is to be brought into a state of purity and immunity from worldly passion. What sins are fallen into from association with women and loose companions. On the measurement and depth of the Ocean. On mental abstraction and worship. On food. What is proper and what improper to be eaten. On times for worship with reference to phases of the Sun and Moon. On behaviour to Gooroos and persons of sanctity. Ditto in assemblies of Jains. On logical proofs and the means of verification. On the twelve motives of action in man. On the Saméra mountain, its locality, height, &c. It is described as having day only on one side at a time, the other side being in the shadows of night, and as being always to the north of every other country. This description would make it the north pole. On the size of the Earth and its seven Dweeps. On the Bharut Barta, that is the civilized world of Hindoostan, and the Ayjya Barta from the Himalaya to the Bind mountains in Rajmahal, including Behar, which is described as the site of all excellence and the birth-place of Bhugwan Sakhya Boodh, and full of sacred places of pilgrimage, of learned men, and authors of holy books. The work closes with two slokas in praise of JINESHWAR, the author of the original treatise in the Maghadha language. The commentator describes him as the author of Granthas, and his own Gooroo or spiritual teacher. The Pundit KAMALAKANTHA concludes the meaning to be, that he is the author of this particular work the "Sama Vaya," but the Jain Pundits declare the treatise to be of much greater antiquity than the commentary, and construe the expression "author of Granthas" as merely describing him as an author, not as the author of the particular work. Ordered that the book be deposited, and that the thanks of the Society be conveyed to Col. ALVES for this valuable addition to its Library. Physical. Various specimens of fossils were forwarded for presentation by Dr. G. G. SPILS BURY. Read a letter from M. A. D. DE CASANOVA, intimating that His Majesty the King of Oude has forwarded through his Minister the Nawab MAHAMED ALI KHAN, for presentation to the Society, skeletons of an Elephant, of a Camel, and of a Tiger, prepared by the writer of the letter. Read a letter from H. T. PRINSEP, ESQ., transmitting copy of a letter from Mr. Assistant Surgeon PEARSON to his address regarding specimens of a fragrant wood, leaves, and bark, found by him in the Darjeeling hills-also of a mineral occuring in the same locality. The tree in question is doubtless the Cinnamomum tamala, common on the lower range of hills, and which affords the Texpat of the bazars. The mineral is identical with the coarse Plumbago discovered by Dr. CHAPMAN in 1837. Political Dept. To the Officiating Secretary to the Asiatic Society. SIR, I am directed by His Honor the President in Council to transmit to you the enclosed copy of a letter from Mr. Assistant Surgeon PEARSON, under date the |