صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

6. To him, a son KIRTI SINGH was born, from fear of whom, kings ceased to fight,-whose liberality was celebrated in three worlds,-whom intently adoring HARI and HARA, trembled the fortune of INDRA,in whose brawny arms a terrific bow rivalled the grace of the aweinspiring are of ARJAUN.

7. To whom was born an illustrious son KALYANA SAHI, by whose favor the nymphs of paradise, in the bower of INDRA, revel in joy with lovers obtained by the fate of war-who happily established in his kingdom the lord of Yavanapur, after he had quickly overthrown in war the king of Delhi and his hostile army, in the conflict of artillery and squadrons of horse and elephants.

8. His son was MANA SAHI, renowned in every quarter, and celebrated for his generosity. "What is this INDRA, KUVERA, or BALI?" Such were the doubts of the learned: while him the lord of Gopachala conquering,BHARATI in strains of ascending melody modulated in the different harmonic notes loved to celebrate his complicated glory.

9. His son was VIKRAMA SAHI, surpassing fame-the crowd of whose enemies was dispelled by the heat of his intense and culminating glory;-in consequence of whose liberality, the divine tree and other sources of gifts withering as it were, became abashed.

10. His son was RAM SAHAI, whose prowess, valor, and perseverance, shewed in every quarter,-at whose name, a guest unwelcome to their cars-forthwith slipped the bows from the palms of his enemies hands.

11. His son was SALI VAHANA, celebrated for his excessive generosity and clemency,—who when he had in war overthrown many kings, shared the throne, graced by the regent of the gods.

12. His sons were SYAMA SAHI, a gem on the diadem of the universe, and MITRA SENA, renowned in the three worlds,-volcanoes in the ocean of their enemies' army,-fervent in gift, war, and mercyand votaries of the lotus of the feet of HARA and HARI.-Ever does JALALUDDIN SHAH designate them as unique heroes.

13. SYAM SAHI died illuminating the roads of heaven, designated by holy saints as PRAHLADA AMBARISHA OF BALI. On his death, VIRA MITRA SEN the younger brother of that monarch, though grieved, protects the world, awing the armies of hostile kings by his intense majesty.

14. Apt to baffle the martial throng by force of his arm,—which experienced warrior of unrivalled prowess, having conquered SHER KHAN quickly made his own the fort at Rohitaswa: beholding that, the

astounded emperor of Delhi exclaimed, no one has ever effected the same-other conquering heroes also felt intense astonishment.

15. On occasion of his vows of gift, by the libations of that MITRA SEN, a gem on the diadem of the world were extinguished—the many flames issuing from the fire of the poverty of the learned. That produced in the house of hostile kings, often was suppressed by streams of tears profusely gushing from the eyes of their wives.

16. From his donation of support and food to famine-striken Brahmins, a divine tree on earth-that MITRA SEN, a gem on the diadem of the world, repeatedly giving precious metals, not counted, but weighed, when he had constructed a house at Kashi, established in it a pre-eminent Brahmana.


So generous, eloquent, and the shrine of valor and virtueMITRA SEN, by whose name this fort is known, rebuilt the decayed Rohitaswa, having erected a row of lofty temples. He located in them an image of SIVA under the name of MITRESWARA, and made a divine garden here surpassing the bower of paradise.

18. In the year 1688 of the era of the king VIKRAMARKA, that gem on the crest like the moon of the world, constructed the palace. Having constructed the building denominated Mandira, he located in it DURGA, the mother of the three worlds. These verses were made by the son of KRISHNA DEVA, known in the Mithi territory.

19. Like streams of nectar to gods, may these verses impart delight to virtuous men,-these verses of the poet SIVA DEVA, celebrated in the court at Delhi, born in the Vaideha province, a votary of SRI KRISHN, contemplating as reality the three worlds.

20. Like a golden mountain with its ramparts, is the summit of Vindha, whose palaces reflect the beauty of the nectar-fraught luminary-the epitome of similies exhibited in composition according to the rules most approved in the universe,-abounding in bowers, dens, lakes, wells, and pools,-a land of plenty, dispelling worldly fear, where lived the Brahmun GADEndra.

21. May the virtuous be gratified-kings intent on the law-the subjects happy-and may there always be abundance.

Be there welfare and good fortune.

ART. II.-On Camel Litters for the Wounded.-By H. PIDDINGTON, ESQ.

To the Secretary to the Government of India, Military


SIR,-I have to beg you will do me the honor to submit, for the consideration of the Honorable the President in Council, and, if approved, for transmission to the Right Honorable the Governor General of India, the accompanying Memorandum and sketches. The importance of the subject to the interests of humanity, and to the movements of a military force, will, I trust, excuse the intrusion of it upon his Honor's



15th February, 1839.

I have, &c.



In the countries towards which the Army of the Indus is now advancing, it is nearly certain that no extra dooly-bearers for the carriage of the sick and wounded can be procured; and of even those taken with the force, it may be doubtful if they can be kept long together should the advance be prolonged far beyond the frontier. The sick and wounded then would, in this case, be left without the means of carriage, and not only many valuable lives might be so lost, but important military operations might be greatly impeded, or even prevented. I found the other day, in the course of my reading, what appears to be so simple and cheap a plan of providing against this cruel aggravation of the miseries and losses of war, that I am induced to lay it before the Right Honorable the Governor General, not doubting that he I will allow it a trial.

The plan I allude to, is in the "Memoires de Chirugie Militaire du Baron Larrey," a name standing so high in the annals of his profession for every talent and virtue which can adorn it, that nothing falling from his pen can be unimportant. I translate here the passage, which is found in vol. i. p. 278, of the "Campagnes d' Egypte."

Preparations for the campaign in Syria were ordered—

"The Medical Staff assembled to concert the necessary arrangements for their branch of the service in the army destined for this campaign. I was particularly occupied in providing every thing necessary to insure assistance to the wounded whom we might expect on such a painful and perilous expedition. The means of carriage were the first object of my attention, for merely dressing the wounded on the field of battle was

insufficient; they were moreover, to be placed out of the reach of the Arabs, and to be saved from the horrors of hunger and thirst, to which they would have been exposed if not promptly carried off. We had to employ for this purpose the camel-the only beasts of burden in the country; and to render the means of carriage easy for the wounded, as well as light for the animals, I had a hundred baskets* made cradle-wise, two for each camel, which were carried, one on each side, suspended by elastic straps. They were so made that they did not in the least impede his paces, or his movements, and yet were long enough, by means of a lengthening flap on hinges at one end, to carry a wounded man lying down at full length."

In adopting this plan, the simplest methods seem to be those most likely to succeed, and to be least subject to get out of order; and I should suggest that a few be made of basket-work-nothing is so durable as the entire ratan if it can be procured, as well as some of the frame-work kind shewn in the drawing.

For the simplest sort a cradle-like basket, higher at one end to raise the head comfortably, and a tarpaulin for rainy weather, seem to be all that is necessary. The straps or slings for this, should, I think, be fastened to bent iron bars going round the cradle, (not fastened to the sides of it,) and turned into a ring at the inner, upper side, sufficiently strong and properly placed. A spare ring or two may be added when necessary for steadying the whole, and a short plank should be placed outside across the bottom, where the iron bars take, that they may not cut in upon the basket.

A frame of light wood, with a corded net-work bottom, should be placed inside, and a quilted mattrass and covering; the last pretty wide, so as to be doubled if required, will be sufficient for the inside. There should also be two pillows, one for the head, and another to lay at the side, if required by the patient to steady himself against the motion of the animal.

Any intelligent officer accustomed to Camel-carriage will be able to arrange the lesser details of the necessary ropes, spare slings, &c. as well as the fitting of the curtain and tarpaulin, and a medical officer will easily add those necessary for the safety and comfort of the wounded and sick. H. PIDDINGTON.

CALCUTTA, 12th February, 1839.

* "Paniers disposés en forme de berceau" are the words used; though the Baron's plate represents frames with curtains, which would have been expressed by the words "Cadres avec des rideaux." Probably the plate may represent a better sort for the officers, and the Baron has forgotten to mention this?


To the Officiating Secretary to the Government of India,

Military Department, Calcutta.

SIR, I have had the honor of receiving and laying before the Right Honorable the Governor General your letter No. 473 of the 25th ultimo, with its enclosures herewith returned, from Mr. Piddington, submitting a memorandum, with sketch of a Camel litter for the conveyance of the sick and wounded in the Army of the Indus.

In reply, I am instructed to convey the expression of His Lordship's acknowledgments to Mr. Piddington for his useful communication, a copy of which will be forwarded to His Excellency Lieut.-General Sir John Kean, K. C. B. Commanding the Army of the Indus, for information.

J. STUART, Lt. Col.

ART. III.-Note by DR. KEAN of Moorshedabad, on DR. STEWART'S Table of Mortality among Hindu Females.

To the Secretaries of the Asiatic Society.

SIR, The table furnished by Dr. Stewart, and published in the Journal of the Society for April last, may be expected to attract much attention. Its results are unexpected and startling. Considering the

ignorance that prevails on the subject of Indian statistics, the unexpectedness of such information may be no argument against its accuracy; but the frightful mortality which the Table exhibits as arising from one source, will lead many to doubt its correctness, and all, to wish that there may have been some error in the data on which it is based.

We learn from the Table that one-fifth of the female population of Bengal die in childbed. But we know that only a portion of the female population can, during any given period, suffer from this cause of mortality. This portion might perhaps, without involving much error, be estimated at one-third of the whole; and if so, a mortality amounting to one-fifth of the female population will be equivalent to three-fifths of the portion actually liable to that cause of mortality ;-in other words, out of every five of the mothers in Bengal, three will die in childbed.

It is not however by arguments of this kind, nor indeed by arguments of any kind, that the truth of the Table can either be established or overturned. A census ought to be taken, and accurate

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