صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

succeed effectually in salt water also. Nay, even naked wires after having been used for about an hour as conductors in salt water are, I find, protected or insulated by the coat of oxychloride of copper, which forms on the positive wire.

In subsequent experiments I would recommend a copper or sheetiron, water-tight, tube to be soldered round the internal orifice of the screw plate into which the explosion tube is inserted (see fig. 10 c, c, c,) This would constitute a separate compartment in the mine or cylinder, and in the event of leakage, that portion only of the powder could be spoiled contained within this tube. This alteration I have taken the liberty of recommending to Captain Fitzgerald and Lieut. Smith, the engineer officers employed in these operations.

Lastly, were I again to undertake the destruction of a wreck, I would employ cork conductors secured from the mine to a buoy, and from this I would float 100 yards of conductors to a boat containing the battery and the mercurial discharger. At such a distance I have little doubt but that the whole apparatus, battery, boat, &c. would escape unharmed.

Calcutta, 20th January, 1840.

ART. VIII.-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society.

(Wednesday Evening, the 4th December, 1839.)

The Honorable Sir E. RYAN, President, in the chair.

The Proceedings of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Captain F. W. BIRCH, proposed at the last Meeting, was balloted for and duly elected a Member of the Society.

His Excellency Sir JASPER NICOLLS, Commander-in-Chief, was proposed by the President, seconded by Colonel D. MACLEOD.

Maharajah RAHAMUT ALI KHAN, Bahadur, was proposed by H. T. PRINSEP, Esq. seconded by the Secretary.

Read a letter from Sir G. C. HAUGHTON, acknowledging his election as an honorary Member.

To the Secretary of the Asiatic Society.

14 Grafton Street, Bond Street, London, 18th July, 1839. SIR,-I beg you will present my best respects to the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, and express to them how much I feel honored by the distinction they have conferred upon me in making me an honorary member of their Society. I am happy that any

little service rendered here on my part has been useful to a Society that has been equalled by few, and surpassed by no other, in the spirit and result of its labors. The names of JONES, COLEBROOKE, WILSON, and though last, certainly not the least, that of Mr. JAMES PRINSEP, (whose melancholy state of health every lover of literature, science, and generous disinterestedness must deplore) will ever form a proud subject of remembrance to the Asiatic Society of Calcutta; and make the republic of letters join in the wish of its founder-Esto perpetua.

I need scarcely add, that my humble services will always be at the bidding of the Society. I have the honor to be, Sir,

Your very obedient humble servant,


Read a letter from the Dutch Government, returning thanks to the Society for the books presented on their behalf to Prince HENRY of Orange, during his visit to Calcutta.

A la Société Asiatique, Calcutta.

Le Soussigné, chargé d'affaires de sa Majesté le Roi des Pays-Bas, près la cour de la Grande Bretagne, a l'honneur d'envoyer ci joint à la Société Asiatique à Calcutta, une lettre du Ministre de l'Intérieur du Royaume des Pays-Bas par laquelle Son Excellence remercie au nom de sa Majesté Neerlandaise à la dite Société du cadeau qu'elle a fait, à l'occasion du séjour de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Henri des Pays-Bas à Calcutta, de plusieurs ouvrages scientifiques destinés à des institutions savantes du Royaume des Pays Bas. BARON BENTINCK.

Londres le 19 Juillet, 1839.

Read the following letter from the Secretary to the Royal Geographical Society regarding the publication of Geographical Memoirs presented to the Asiatic Society of Bengal.

To the Secretary of the Bengal Asiatic Society, Calcutta.

Royal Geographical Society, London, 1st August, 1839. SIR, I have the honor to acquaint you, that in accordance with the suggestion of Major T. B. JERVIS, Surveyor-General of India, the Council of this Society has resolved to present a complete set of its Journal to the public Library of each of the ten principal stations in India, and I have now the pleasure to forward a copy, consisting of nine volumes, for the library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, which I am to request you will be pleased to present in the name of the Geographical Society of London.

In making this communication, the Council beg to express their hope that this Journal may prove useful to officers who may be about to undertake journeys in the various parts of India, and in the adjacent countries, and to make known to them, that there exists in London a Society specially devoted to the advancement of Geography, which will gladly receive, and publish in the best form, the correct account of any journey in a country of which our Geographical information may be imperfect, as is the case throughout almost the whole continent of Asia.

I am desired to propose to you the exchange, in future, of the Geographical Journal for the admirable Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, which contains so much

valuable Geographical, as well as other information. Should this arrangement meet your views, the subsequent numbers of our Journal shall be dispatched to Calcutta as soon as published.

I am Sir,

Your obedient servant,


P.S.-The other nine stations are Bombay, Madras, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mhow, Dum-Dum, Delhi, Meerut, and Cawnpoor; which I mention in order that officers moving from one station to another, and desirous of consulting the London Geographical Journal, may know where to find it.

Read a letter from H. T. PRINSEP, Esq. Secretary to the Government of India, Political Department, forwarding a Topographical Report, and Meteorological Register of Tatta, by Dr. WINCHESTER.


Read a letter from J. P. GRANT, Esq. Officiating Secretary to the Government of India, Revenue Department, forwarding for presentation the following books on the part of Government :

Illustrations of Indian Botany, No. 9.

Dr. WIGHT's figures of Indian plants, Nos 9 and 10.

The following books were presented :

Observations relative to the Statistical Reports on the sickness, mortality, and inva-
liding among the troops in the West Indies. By JAMES MOUAT, Esq. M. D.
-by the author.

Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, No. 62,-by the Society.
Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay, Volume 2-by the

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 14, part 1st,-by the

Proceedings of ditto, Nos. 13, 14, and 15,- -by ditto.

Third, fifth, and sixth Annual Reports of the Managers of the Pennsylvania Insti-
tution for the instruction of the Blind,-by the American Philosophical Society.
Pickering's Eulogy on Dr. BOWDITCH, President of the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences, -by ditto.

Constitution, Charter, and Bye-laws and Documents relating to the Pennsylvania
Institution for the instruction of the Blind-by ditto.

-by ditto.
A Discourse occasioned by the death of JULIUS R. FRIEDLANDer,
Proceedings of the Committee of Commerce and Agriculture of the Royal Asi-
atic Society, -by the Society.

A copy of "Akhlaqi Jelali,” translated from the Persian by W. F. THOMPSON, Esq. B. C. S.-by the translator.

On the causes of Bronchocele in India and England—presented by Dr. Mal


Hammer's Gemaldesal,- -by the author.

Hammer's (4 vols.) Mahmud Schebisteris Rosenflor des Geheimnis Persich und Deutch, 3 copies-by the author

Jahrbucher der Literatur, vols. 81, 82, 83 and 81,-by the Editor.

The following books were received from the Oriental Translation Fund :— Practical Philosophy of the Mohammedan People, being a translation of the Akklaki Jalaly, by W. F. THOMPSON, Esq.

Kumara Sambhava Kalidasa Carmen Sanscrite et Latine edited by A. F. STENYLER.

Rigveda Sanhita Sanscrite et Latine by F. A. ROSEN.

Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopædia; Statesmen, Vol. 7.


A curious helmet used by the warriors of the coast of Mergui, with a spear and a couple of shields, were presented by a Member on the eve of his departure for Europe.

Antiquities, &c.


Read a note from Mr. JAMES MIDDLETON, on the silver plate presented by Government on the 3rd July last, used for taking observations of altitude, and distance. lished in the present number.

Read a letter from Counsellor Von HAMMER, forwarding his translation of the Mohit.


Read a letter from W. SCOTT, Esq. forwarding observations on the Tides at Singapore, for June, July, and August, and stating that in consequence of a Tide Gauge being established by Government, he will discontinue the observations for the Society

in future.

Read a note from A. KEAN, Esq. on the Table furnished by Dr. STEWART, and published in the Journal for April last, respecting the Hindu population, and Mortality in each Police division and Thannah of Calcutta, for the year 1837.

Read a letter from Dr. J. G. SPILSBURY, forwarding drawings of Fossil Shells, with plates, by Captain P. A. REYNOLDS, 38th Madras N. I.

Both the preceding papers have been published in the September number of the Journal.


The generous kindness of COLONEL MACLEOD, enables us to present our readers with the spirited and accurate sketch now published of the " Nizamut Palace at Moorshedabad." In binding the volume the sketch should be placed in juxta-position with the architectural description given at page 552, of the July Number, 1839.

In our next Number will be published a sketch on stone of the explosion of the barque "Equitable," from the successful pencil of COLONEL LUARD. We regret that it is impossible to complete this admirable drawing in time for the present Number.

[blocks in formation]
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