N. 9. A Frontal view of N. 3. from A to B. breadth 5 to inches, or very nearly 11 inches from orbit to orbit. Found near Berah Ghaut, Nerbudda - May 1839. Natural size. The Jaw is so irregularly fractured that it defies representation. Printed by T. Black Lithog. Asiatic Lith. Press Cat. 1840. No. 4, are drawings of the vertebræ of the Mammoth; the centre one, which is extremely perfect, was found imbedded in the same matrix as the foregoing, near the village of Bikore, some fifteen miles up the river from Hoshungabad. On the same paper a convex and concave view of another vertebra of considerably larger dimensions has been annexed, with their different measurements on the same scale, shewing their relative size. The latter was found in this neighbourhood. No. 6, is portion of a ruminant jaw from near Niaghurreea, on the Barunj Nulla, and about a kos from Beltharee Ghat,* on the Nerbudda. The specimens brought in have been chiefly similar jaws and cylindrical bones of either buffalo or bovine genus. This site has not yet been visited by us. No. 7, a drawing of a Bovine skull, exhibiting some of the molar teeth. No. 8, is a frontal view of the same. This skull was for a long time unique, and was dug up at Heerapoor, on the right bank of the Nerbudda, at the junction of our boundary and the Bhopul state; but since this, numerous skulls from near Jhansee Ghat have been sent in; they are characterized by very large molars, and a great squareness of the occiput, a point not shewn in these drawings; the horn is imbedded in matrix, so that its actual circumference is not easily determined, but it appears to fall short of the buffalo skull No. 3, and as it does considerably in breadth of forehead. No. 10, 11, 12, are specimens from Brimhan Ghat, of two skulls and a cylindrical bone. This site was first brought to notice by myself in 1833, subsequently explored by Captain M. Smith, then in charge of the Saugor district, and latterly by Mr. C. Fraser, the Agent. The chief speciment was the head of a mammoth; the dimensions of which, as compared with a recent skull of an animal seven feet high, were The foramen magnum of the occiput was three inches and a half; diameter of tusk at base, six and a quarter inches; and as it stood on the occipital condyles, the height was thirty-three inches; breadth of the molars four inches. The fossil remains here have been chiefly those of the elephant and bovine classes. enormous. From Brimhan Ghat, proceeding. upwards, we come to Sagounee and its neighbourhood-sites from which I sent numerous specimens that have been laid before the Society, and among them a buffalo head with horns (a delineation of which was promised in my preceding communication) with one sent down by Serjeant Dean from the Jumna. * From this Ghat, in 1834, I forwarded fossil specimens, pronounced to be those of a horse. † It has been sent to Capt. Cautlay for comparison with those of the Sivalik range. Our next site is Jhansee Ghat, where the bivalves (drawings of which were lately forwarded for inspection) have been found. This place and its neighbourhood has yielded a large collection of fossils, but chiefly buffalo and bovine; vertebræ and leg bones of the first, and large skulls of the latter, bearing the same character as that delineated in No. 7. From this ford all the way up the river fossils have been found. At the Jogee Ghat, three miles below Berah Ghat, the upper portion of the head of a young hippopotamus was discovered, as shewn in No. 14. The upper coloured drawing gives a view of the entire fossil on a reduced scale, and the pencil one below a profile, natural size, from the anterior to the posterior molars of the left side. This is the first and only one of the kind; almost all our collections being derived from the elephant, horse, buffalo, and latterly a large bovine class, as noticed before. In the ravines of the Nerbudda, close to Berah Ghat a fine lower jaw of a mammoth was excavated and brought in, of which No. 15 gives an accurate facsimile, and some idea of the stupendous animal it was originally attached to. Above Jubulpoor, as far as our present researches extend, but few fossil remains of quadrupeds have been found, the perfect head of a horse (drawings of which were laid on the table some two years ago) forming one of the few exceptions. From Chewlea upwards, fossilized trees of various kinds and shells alone reward the zeal of the philo-geologist. For the interesting fossil discoveries from Jubulpoor to Jhansee Ghat the lovers of this pursuit are indebted to Mr. C. Fraser, the present Agent to the Governor General in these territories, who from the time of his rejoining this agency, has been most indefatigable in bringing to light these treasures of a former age. I cannot pass over the aid I have derived in my illustrations* of the fossils for the present notes (as well as those lately submitted of the different kinds of shells, chiefly found in these territories,) without saying how much I am indebted to the pencil of Captain Reynolds, whose kindness and readiness to devote his time and talent to the delineation of the numerous specimens sent to him, have been unwearied. N. B. Just as the foregoing was concluded, a fossil crab was brought in from near Jhansee Ghat, a drawing, No. 16, natural size, exhibits this as yet unique specimen. JUBULPOOR, 1st Nov., 1839. G. G. SPILSBURY. No. 3 is by Mr. M. C. Ommanney-not the first instance, by many, that I have had of his ability and kindness. ART. IV.-Proceedings of the Asiatic Society. (Wednesday Evening, the 5th February, 1840.) The Proceedings of the last Meeting were read. His Excellency Sir Jasper NICOLLS, Commander-in-Chief, &c. &c. and MahaRajah RAHMUT ALI KHAN, proposed at the last Meeting, were ballotted for, and duly elected Members of the Society. The Society then proceeded to the election of Vice-Presidents and the Committee of Papers for the ensuing year, when the following gentlemen were chosen : Mr. James COLQUHOUN proposed by Mr. SUTHERLAND, seconded by Dr. O'SHAUGH NESSY. Captain SWETENHAM proposed by Major FORBES, seconded by Mr. SUTHERLAND. C. K. ROBISON, Esq. proposed by Major FORBES, seconded by Mr. SUTHER LAND. Mr. Thomas Charles CADOGAN proposed by Mr. BAGSHAW, seconded by Sir H. SETON. Mr. R. H. MATHEWS proposed by Mr. BAGSHAW, seconded by Mr. H. T. PRINsep. The officiating Secretary informed the meeting that the Committee of Papers propose M. RENAUD as an Honorary Member, in succession to the late illustrious M. SILVESTRE DE SACY. Read the following letter from Professor H. H. WILSON, dated East India House, 3rd December 1839, intimating his having forwarded through Messrs. ALLEN and Co. the busts of Sir W. JONES and Mr. H. T. COLEBROOKE. East India House, 3rd Dec. 1839. MY DEAR SIR,-I have an opportunity of acknowledging your late, as well as your former overland letter at the same time. As the letter of the 27th August reached me this morning, just in time for to-morrow's mail, there will not be time to attend to any of its contents before the dispatch is made up, but I will make the inquiries respecting the anatomical plates without delay. There would be no difficulty in printing the work altogether in this country, and both for the sake of science and my friend MODнUSUDAN GUPTA I should willingly act as editor; he would probably, however, prefer correcting his own work. |