Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, المجلد 8Bishop's College Press, 1840 |
من داخل الكتاب
الصفحة iv
... Cultivation of Roses and the Manufacture of Rose - Water and Uttur at Ghazeepore . IX . - Memoranda on the Museum of the Asiatic Society . By Dr. M'Clelland . 415 X. - Observations on the " Report on the Museum of the Asiatic Society ...
... Cultivation of Roses and the Manufacture of Rose - Water and Uttur at Ghazeepore . IX . - Memoranda on the Museum of the Asiatic Society . By Dr. M'Clelland . 415 X. - Observations on the " Report on the Museum of the Asiatic Society ...
الصفحة 78
4th . The soil is generally fertile , and peculiarly adapted for the cultivation of the Sugar - cane . There are ... cultivated Area in Acres Land . of culturable ) Land . Area in Acres | Area in Acres of uncultivat- ed waste ...
4th . The soil is generally fertile , and peculiarly adapted for the cultivation of the Sugar - cane . There are ... cultivated Area in Acres Land . of culturable ) Land . Area in Acres | Area in Acres of uncultivat- ed waste ...
الصفحة 84
... cultivation , and the average produce of the land . This estimate gives a total area of 1,02,735 beegahs ( acres 57,877 ) , the produce of which is 12,32,707 Ghazeepore maunds ( 11,55,663 cwt . ) of Goor , or inspissated juice . This ...
... cultivation , and the average produce of the land . This estimate gives a total area of 1,02,735 beegahs ( acres 57,877 ) , the produce of which is 12,32,707 Ghazeepore maunds ( 11,55,663 cwt . ) of Goor , or inspissated juice . This ...
الصفحة 85
... cultivated than it is at present the quantity now annually manufactured is about 1,500 maunds . It is reckoned ... cultivation in its immediate precincts . They are generally tenants with rights of occupancy , or at will , and are ...
... cultivated than it is at present the quantity now annually manufactured is about 1,500 maunds . It is reckoned ... cultivation in its immediate precincts . They are generally tenants with rights of occupancy , or at will , and are ...
الصفحة 86
... cultivation are heavy , and now that Sugar yields so profitable a return , and is so much in demand , it is not probable that the production will be greatly increased at the present price . The cultivation is also generally unpopular ...
... cultivation are heavy , and now that Sugar yields so profitable a return , and is so much in demand , it is not probable that the production will be greatly increased at the present price . The cultivation is also generally unpopular ...
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Angamees appears Asiatic Society Assam Assamese Bactria Bajour banks Bay of Bengal Bengal birds Bootan Booteas Cabul Calcutta called Camel chief climate cloudy coal collection commenced considerable coolies cultivation Cumuli Cuttack direction distance district ditto Doab east elevation Europe feet foot four gale Government grain ground heavy height Hemp hills inches India Indus inhabitants inscription JAMES PRINSEP Jaxartes June jungle Khoorasan Kushmeer land lateral line latter leaves miles months mountains Museum Nagas natives nearly Nimbi noon observed Oxus palkee passed Pergunnah Peshawur plains plants Pouchong present PRINSEP probably province Punjab Punukka rain Raja range reached remarkable river road rupees sand season Seer shew side Sindh situated snow soil species specimens squalls stone stream tion Tongsa Toorkistan tracts trees upper valley vessel village weather whole wind wire wood Zemindar