Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, المجلد 8Bishop's College Press, 1840 |
من داخل الكتاب
الصفحة 21
... mountains . The Sun rises from behind the eastern range , and sets behind the western . V. 18. NARADA , like other ... mountain Sumeru . V. 20. The notion of submarine fire may be founded on volcanic phenomena ob- served in ancient ...
... mountains . The Sun rises from behind the eastern range , and sets behind the western . V. 18. NARADA , like other ... mountain Sumeru . V. 20. The notion of submarine fire may be founded on volcanic phenomena ob- served in ancient ...
الصفحة 23
... mountain rocks ; we do not find the same species everywhere , on the contrary , they seem to have many kinds of ... mountains , which form a natural and well defined barrier between the two Continents . The chief seat of this ...
... mountain rocks ; we do not find the same species everywhere , on the contrary , they seem to have many kinds of ... mountains , which form a natural and well defined barrier between the two Continents . The chief seat of this ...
الصفحة 33
... mountains , the latter however had been long before described as a Corvus . Brehm has described a third species under the name of Cinclus melanogaster , it however appears to me to be a mere variety of the Cinclus aquaticus . F wards ...
... mountains , the latter however had been long before described as a Corvus . Brehm has described a third species under the name of Cinclus melanogaster , it however appears to me to be a mere variety of the Cinclus aquaticus . F wards ...
الصفحة 161
... mountains , was another . " This obscure sloka introduces a new land measure . The yava , or barley corn , is the lowest linear measure , and suits , neither royal munificence , nor priestly expectation . We have Kalpi on the right bank ...
... mountains , was another . " This obscure sloka introduces a new land measure . The yava , or barley corn , is the lowest linear measure , and suits , neither royal munificence , nor priestly expectation . We have Kalpi on the right bank ...
الصفحة 182
... mountain of Lokálok . ” ( 28 ) 66 47. Placed by BANGA , after prostration made , that divine symme- trical Linga made of emerald , is victorious in this world . Worshipped by INDRA , it was obtained from him by ARJUNA , who had pleased ...
... mountain of Lokálok . ” ( 28 ) 66 47. Placed by BANGA , after prostration made , that divine symme- trical Linga made of emerald , is victorious in this world . Worshipped by INDRA , it was obtained from him by ARJUNA , who had pleased ...
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Angamees appears Asiatic Society Assam Assamese Bactria Bajour banks Bay of Bengal Bengal birds Bootan Booteas Cabul Calcutta called Camel chief climate cloudy coal collection commenced considerable coolies cultivation Cumuli Cuttack direction distance district ditto Doab east elevation Europe feet foot four gale Government grain ground heavy height Hemp hills inches India Indus inhabitants inscription JAMES PRINSEP Jaxartes June jungle Khoorasan Kushmeer land lateral line latter leaves miles months mountains Museum Nagas natives nearly Nimbi noon observed Oxus palkee passed Pergunnah Peshawur plains plants Pouchong present PRINSEP probably province Punjab Punukka rain Raja range reached remarkable river road rupees sand season Seer shew side Sindh situated snow soil species specimens squalls stone stream tion Tongsa Toorkistan tracts trees upper valley vessel village weather whole wind wire wood Zemindar