Early English Text Society. Floriz and Blauncheflur, The Assumption of our Lady. BY THE REV. J. RAWSON LUMBY, B.D., WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES, AND GLOSSARY, PUBLISHED FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY BY KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRÜBNER & Co., Committee of Management: Director: DR. FREDERICK J. FURNIVALL, M. A. Treasurer: HENRY B. WHEATLEY, Esq. Hon. Sec.: W. A. DALZIEL, Esq., 67 VICTORIA ROAD, FINSBURY PARK Hon. Secs. North & East: Prof. G. L. KITTREDGE, Harvard Coll., Cambr., Ma for America: South & West: Prof. J. W. BRIGHT, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltim LORD ALDENHAM, M.A. S. L. LEE, B. A. REV. PROF. J. E. B. MAYOR, M.A. PROF. NAPIER, M.A., Ph.D. ALFRED W. POLLARD, M.A. DR. W. ALDIS WRIGHT, M.A. Bankers: THE UNION BANK OF LONDON, 2, PRINCES STREET, E. THE Early English Text Society was started by Dr. Furnivall in 1864 for purpose of bringing the mass of Old English Literature within the reach of ordinary student, and of wiping away the reproach under which England had rested, of having felt little interest in the monuments of her early language and li On the starting of the Society, so many Texts of importance were at once tak hand by its Editors, that it became necessary in 1867 to open, besides the Ori Series with which the Society began, an Extra Series which should be mainly dev to fresh editions of all that is most valuable in printed MSS. and Caxton's and black-letter books, though first editions of MSS. will not be excluded when the venience of issuing completed Texts demands their inclusion in the Extra Series. During the thirty-six years of the Society's existence, it has produced, whatever shortcomings, an amount of good solid work for which all students of Language, and some of our Literature, must be grateful, and which has rendered sible the beginnings (at least) of proper Histories and Dictionaries of that Lang and Literature, and has illustrated the thoughts, the life, the manners and customs our forefathers and foremothers. pr But the Society's experience has shown the very small number of those inherito of the speech of Cynewulf, Chaucer, and Shakspere, who care two guineas a yearf the records of that speech. 'Let the dead past bury its dead' is still the cry of Gre Britain and her Colonies, and of America, in the matter of language. The Society b never had money enough to produce the Texts that could easily have been got rea for it; and many Editors are now anxious to send to press the work they have pared. The necessity has therefore arisen for trying to increase the number of t Society's members, and to induce its well-wishers to help it by gifts of money, eith in one sum or by instalments. The Cominittee trust that every Member will bri before his or her friends and acquaintances the Society's claims for liberal suppo Until all Early English MSS. are printed, no proper History of our Language or Soci Life is possible. The Subscription to the Society, which constitutes membership, is £1 18. a ye for the ORIGINAL SERIES, and £1 18. for the EXTRA SERIES, due in advance on the 1st JANUARY, and should be paid by Cheque, Postal Order, or Money-Order, crost Uni Bank of London,' to the Hon. Secretary, W. A. DALZIEL, Esq., 67, Victoria Rd., Fin bury Park, London, N. Members who want their Texts posted to them, must add their prepaid Subscriptions 1s. for the Original Series, and 1s. for the Extra Serie yearly The Society's Texts are also sold separately at the prices put after them the Lint Members can get back-Texts at one-third less than the List-prices l ash for them in advance to the Hon. Secretary. sen |