King Horn: Floriz and Blauncheflur, the Assumption of Our LadyJoseph Rawson Lumby, George Harley McKnight Early English Text Society, 1901 - 171 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 50
الصفحة xvii
... Reymyld etc .; Reynild , Ermenyld , etc. , all of which may have come from an original Eormenhild ( cf. OE . Leechdoms ) , the variants being due to metathesis as in OE . yrnan : rinnan . Cf. also the explanation of Westernesse below ...
... Reymyld etc .; Reynild , Ermenyld , etc. , all of which may have come from an original Eormenhild ( cf. OE . Leechdoms ) , the variants being due to metathesis as in OE . yrnan : rinnan . Cf. also the explanation of Westernesse below ...
الصفحة 13
... reymyld stille 304 And witen al hire wille . In hornes ylyche bou schalt hire bi swike . 13 284 288 292 296 300 304 Harl . MS . 2253 . þat he come hue to , | ant also shulde horn do [ leaf 85 ] in to hire boure , | for hue bigon to ...
... reymyld stille 304 And witen al hire wille . In hornes ylyche bou schalt hire bi swike . 13 284 288 292 296 300 304 Harl . MS . 2253 . þat he come hue to , | ant also shulde horn do [ leaf 85 ] in to hire boure , | for hue bigon to ...
الصفحة 14
... Reymyld was naut wilde . Hye wende horn hit were bat hye hadde pere . Hye sette him on bedde , 316 With ayol he gan wedde . In hire armes tweye Ayol he gan leye . 308 312 316 " Horn , " hye seyde , " so longe 320 Ich habbe yloued pe ...
... Reymyld was naut wilde . Hye wende horn hit were bat hye hadde pere . Hye sette him on bedde , 316 With ayol he gan wedde . In hire armes tweye Ayol he gan leye . 308 312 316 " Horn , " hye seyde , " so longe 320 Ich habbe yloued pe ...
الصفحة 15
... Reymyld hire bi wende , 340 pe stiward sone he schende . Horn is fairer and riche , Fairer bi one ribbe bane eni Man pat libbe . bez horn were vnder Molde , Oper elles wher he wolde , Oper henne a pusend Mile , The nolde him ne pe ...
... Reymyld hire bi wende , 340 pe stiward sone he schende . Horn is fairer and riche , Fairer bi one ribbe bane eni Man pat libbe . bez horn were vnder Molde , Oper elles wher he wolde , Oper henne a pusend Mile , The nolde him ne pe ...
الصفحة 16
... Reymyld , 3yf hye cowpe , 372 Gan leyhe wyt hire moupe . Hye lowe and makede blype Wel was hire swipe . 360 364 368 372 " Go , ” hye seyde , “ sone , ́ 376 And bring him after none , In a squieres wise , Wan þe king aryse . 376 ...
... Reymyld , 3yf hye cowpe , 372 Gan leyhe wyt hire moupe . Hye lowe and makede blype Wel was hire swipe . 360 364 368 372 " Go , ” hye seyde , “ sone , ́ 376 And bring him after none , In a squieres wise , Wan þe king aryse . 376 ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
anone Apulf Athulf Ayol azen bedde bere bigan Blauncheflur bope Cambr Cott crist cupe dede dere dide doun dude English F. J. Furnivall fader fere feren feyre Floris forp forto French gode habbe Harl haue Havelok herte heuene hire honde hure ihesu infin Ipomydon King Horn knizt knyht lady Laud Misc leaf leue londe loue makede mizte my3t myght neuer pere Petir pine poem pret quene rede Reymyld rimes rizt romance Rymenhild schal sche scholde sede seide sette seyde seynt shal sing sonde sone sore speke stede stonde Suddenne swerd swete Trentham Univ verses vnder wende Westernesse Wissmann wolde þat þe kyng þei þer þou
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 105 - Orfeo (Digby, 86). Dialogues between the Soul and Body. Barlaam and Josaphat. Amis and Amiloun. Ipomedon. Sir Generides, from Lord Tollemache's MS. The Troy-Book fragments once cald Barbour's in the Cambr. Univ. Library and Douce MSS. Poems of Charles, Duke of Orleans.
الصفحة 105 - Is. for the Extra Series, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold separately at the prices put after them in the Lists ; but Members can get back-Texts at one-third less than the List- prices by sending the cash for them in advance to the Hon.
الصفحة 105 - Desconus. Aunturs of Arther. Avowyng of King Arther. Sir Perceval of Gallas. Sir Isumbras. Partonope of Blois, Univ. Coll. Oxf. 188, Sic.
الصفحة 105 - Queen's Coll. Oxf. 207. St. Brandan's Confession, Queen's Coll. Oxf. 210. Scotch Heraldry Tracts, copy of Caxton's Book of Chivalry, &c., Queen's Coll. Oxford 161. Stevyn Scrope's Doctryne and Wysedome of the Auncyent Philosophers, AD 1450, Harl. 2266.