| William Lauder - 1864 - عدد الصفحات: 76
...Bank,' to the Hon. Secretary, AV. A. DALZIEL, Esq., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. Member* who want their Texts posted to them must add to their prepaid Subscriptions 1s. for the OrigiSeries, and 1s. for the Extra Series, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold separate,... | |
| Geoffroy de La Tour Landry - 1868 - عدد الصفحات: 336
...Smith's Bank,' to the Hon. Secretary, WA DALZIEL, Esq., 67 Victoria Rd., Finsbury Park, London, N. Members who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid Subscriptions Is. for the Original Series, and Is. for the Extra Series, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold... | |
| John Mirk - 1868 - عدد الصفحات: 136
...Bank of London," to the Hon. Secretary, WA DALZIEL, ESQ., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. Members who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid Subscriptions 1s. for the Original Series, and 1». for the Extra Series, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold... | |
| Chaucer Society (London, England) - 1870 - عدد الصفحات: 414
...Smith's Bank," to the Hon. Secretary, WA DALZIEL, ESQ., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbnry Park, London, N. Members who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid Subscriptions Is. for the Original Series, and Is. for the Extra Series, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold,... | |
| Richard Morris - 1874 - عدد الصفحات: 352
...to insure an early insertion of them in the List of Members.í.í Those Members in the United States who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid subscriptions 5s. yearly for the Original Series, and 3s. for the Extra Series. 1 This was the first year under the... | |
| Sir Sidney Lee - 1887 - عدد الصفحات: 278
...insure an early insertion of them in the List of Members. Those Members in the United States of America who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid subscriptions Is. 4d, yearly for the Original Series, and Is. for the Extra Series. The Director regrets that the... | |
| Thomas Vicary - 1888 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...insure an early insertion of them in the List of Members. Those Members in the United States of America who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid subscriptions 1л Ы. yearly for the Original Series, and 1*. for the Extra Series.. July, 1888. The Society is now... | |
| Mathew Tewart Culley, Frederick James Furnivall - 1890 - عدد الصفحات: 344
...order to insure an early insertion of them in the List of Members. Those Members in the United States who want their Texts posted to them, must add to their prepaid subscriptions as. yearly for the Original Series, and 3s. for the Extra Series. The Honorary Secretary of the C/miicer... | |
| John Thoresby, Henry Edward Nolloth - 1901 - عدد الصفحات: 220
...London, N. Members who want their Tc-xts posted to them, must add d their prepaid Subscriptions Is. for the Original Series, and Is. for the Extra Series, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold separately at the prices put after them ii; the Lists; but Members can get back-Texts at one-third... | |
| John Gower - 1901 - عدد الصفحات: 690
...of London,' to the Hon. Secrvt;iry, WA I)ALZIEL, Esq., 67, Victoria Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. Members who want their Texts posted to them must add to their prepaid Subscriptions Is. for the Original Series, imd 1 .for the Extra Scries, yearly. The Society's Texts are also sold... | |
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