| William Shakespeare - 1733 - عدد الصفحات: 480
...X)f them all : AlL.the Confpirators, fave only, -he, Did. That itheyidid in envy of great Ctefar : '- He, only, in a general honeft thought, - And common...one of them. 'His life was gentle, and the elements ULIUsCjESAR." So mixt in him, that Nature might Hand up, And fay to all the world j " This was a Man... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - عدد الصفحات: 548
...Roman of them all : All the confpirators, fave only he, Did that they did in envy of great C<efar : He only, in a general honeft thought And common good...that nature might ftand up, And fay to all the world, Ibis was a man ! Oft. According to his virtue let us ufe him, "With all refpect, and rites of burial.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - عدد الصفحات: 352
...did run on it. Mef. Ofiavius, take him then to follow thee, That did the lateft fervice to my mafter. Ant. This was the nobleft Roman of them all : All...might ftand up, And fay to all the world, This was a man / Ofl. According to his virtue let us ufe him, With all rcfpcet, and rites of burial. Within my... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1747 - عدد الصفحات: 352
...nobleft Raman of them all : AU the confpirators, uve only he, Did that they did in envy of great Cj-far : He only, in a general honeft thought And common good...nature might ftand up, And fay to all the world, This wat a man ! OH. According to his virtue let us ufe him. With all refpeft, and rites of burial. Within... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - عدد الصفحات: 268
...Roman of them all : All the confpirators, fave only he, Did, that they did, in envy of great Caefar i He, only, in a general honeft thought, And common...elements So mixt in him, that nature might ftand up, * &nd fay to all the world ; " This was a man !** * It may perhaps be needlefs to inform the reader,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - عدد الصفحات: 450
...he, Did That they did in envy of great Cafar: He, only, in a general honeft thought, And common go'.d to all, made one of them. His life was gentle, and...that Nature might ftand up. And fay to all the world ; " 'ihis was a Man ^ Ofia. According to his virtue, let us ufe him ; With all refpeft, and rites of... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1762 - عدد الصفحات: 440
...Roman of them all : All the Confpirators, fave only he, Did that they did in envy of great Ccffar : He, only, in a general honeft thought, And common...one of them. His life was gentle, and the elements So mix'd in him, that nature might ftand up, And fay to all the world ; " This was a Man * Ofla. According... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - عدد الصفحات: 566
...nobleft Roman of them all: All the Confpirators, fave only he, Did that they did in envy of great C*far, He, only, in a general honeft thought, And common...one of them. His life was gentle, and the elements So mix'd in him, that Nature might ftand up, And fay to all the world j This was a Man! Ofta. According... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 484
...Roman of them all :: All the Confpirators, fave only he, Did that they did in envy of great Ctefar : He, only, in a general honeft thought, And common...the elements So mixt in him, that Nature might ftand upi, And fay to all the world ; " This was a Man!" OSa. According to his virtue, let us ufe him ;;... | |
 | Mrs. Montagu (Elizabeth) - 1769 - عدد الصفحات: 300
...Roman of them all : AH the confpirators, fave only he, Did that they did in envy of great Cspfar ; He, only, in a general honeft thought, And common...one of them. His life was gentle, and the elements So mix'd in him, that nature might ftand up, And fay to all the world ; This was a Mart I *The following... | |
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