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النشر الإلكتروني

Usurps a greater pow'r and interest
O'er man the heir of reason, than brute beast,

That by two different instincts is led,

Born to the one, and to the other bred,

And trains him up with rudiments more false

Than nature does her stupid animals;

And that's one reason why more care's bestow'd

Upon the body than the soul's allow'd,
That is not found to understand and know

So subtly as the body's found to grow.



A man coming to the waterside, is surrounded by all the crew; every one is officious, every one making applications, every one offering his services, the whole bustle of the place seems to be only for him: the same man going from the waterside, no noise is made about him, no creature takes notice of him, all let him pass with utter neglect. The picture of a minister when he comes into power, and when he goes out.-Pope.


Orators and stage coachmen, when the one wants arguments and the other a coat of arms, adorn their cause and their coaches with rhetoric and flowerpots.-Shen



Looks kill love, and love by looks reviveth:
A smile recures the wounding of a frown,
But blessed bankrupt, that by love so thriveth.



The painter is, as to the execution of his work, a mechanic; but as to his conception, his spirit, and design, he is hardly below even the poet, in liberal art.-Steele.


Be not the fourth friend of him who had three before and lost them.-Lavater.


To a huntsman,

His toil is his delight, and to complain
Of weariness, would show as poorly in him
As if a general should grieve for a wound
Received upon his forehead, or his breast,
After a glorious victory.



We should feel sorrow, but not sink under its oppression; the heart of a wise man should resemble a mirror, which reflects every object without being sullied by any. -Confucius.


There are but three ways for a man to revenge himself of the censure of the world; to despise it; to return the like, or to endeavour to live so as to avoid it: the first of these is usually pretended, the last is almost impossible, the universal practice is for the second. Swift.


Self-love and morosity, together with luxury and effeminacy, breed in us long and frequent fits of anger; which which, by little and little, are gathered together into our

souls, like a swarm of bees and wasps.-Plutarch.


If, instead of furnishing a room with separate portraits, a whole family were to be introduced into a single piece, and represented under some interesting historical subject, suitable to their rank and character, portraits which are now so generally and so deservedly despised, might become of real value to the public. By this means history painting would be encouraged among us, and a ridiculous vanity to the improvement of one of the most instructive, as well as the most pleasing, of the imitative arts. Those who never contributed a single benefit to their own age, nor will ever be mentioned in any after-one, might by this means employ their pride and their expense in a way which might render them entertaining and useful both to the present and future times. Fitzosbørne's



The head has the most beautiful appearance, as well as the highest station in a human figure. gure. Nature has laid out all her art in beautifying the face; she has touched it with vermilion, planted in it a double row of ivory, made it the seat of smiles and blushes, lighted it up and enlivened it with the brightness of the eyes, hung it on each side with curious organs of sense, given it airs and graces that cannot be described, and surrounded it with such a flowing shade of hair as sets all its beauties in the most agreeable light. In short, she seems to have designed the head as the cupola to the most glorious of her works; and when we load it with a pile of supernumerary ornaments, we destroy the symmetry of the human figure, and foolishly contrive to call off the eye from great and real beauties, to childish gewgaws, ribands, and bone-lace.-Addison.-on Ladies' Headdresses.


As misers their own laws enjoin
To wear no pockets in the mine,
For fear they should the ore purloin;
So he that toils and labours hard
To gain, and what he gets has spar'd,
Is from the use of all debarr'd.
And tho' he can produce more spankers
Than all the usurers and bankers,
Yet after more and more he hankers;
And after all his pains are done,
Has nothing he can call his own,
But a mere livelihood alone.



There are a set of dry, joyless, dull fellows, who want capacities and talents to make a figure amongst mankind upon benevolent and generous principles, that think to surmount their own natural meanness, by laying offences in the way of such as make it their endeavour to excel upon the received maxims and honest arts of life.Guardian.


Mathematics is a ballast for the soul, to fix it, not to stall it; nor to jostle out other arts. As for judiciall astrology, (which hath the least judgment in it,) this vagrant hath been whipped out of all learned corporations. If our artist lodgeth her in the out rooms of his soul for a night or two, it is rather to hear than believe her relations.-Fuller.


It was perhaps ordained by Providence, to hinder us from tyrannizing over one another, that no individual should be of such importance as to cause by his retirement or death any chasm in the world.-Johnson.


There is a sort of masonry in poetry, wherein the pause represents the joints of building, which ought in every line and course to have their disposition varied.-Shen

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As thrashing separates the corn from the chaff, so does affliction purify virtue. Burton.


There is always, and every where, some restraint upon a great man. He is guarded with crowds, and shackled with formalities. The half hat, the whole hat, the half smile, the whole smile, the nod, the embrace, the positive parting with a little bow, the comparative at the middle of the room, the superlative at the door; and, if the person be pan huper sebastus, there is a hyper-superlative ceremony then of conducting him to the bottom of the stairs, or to the very gate: as if there were such rules set to these leviathans, as are to the sea, "Hitherto shalt thou go, and no further."-Cowley.


The jealous is possessed by a "fine mad devil," and a dull spirit at once.-Lavater.


A table without music is little better than a manger, for music at meals is like a carbuncle set in gold, or the signet of an emerald highly burnished. -Epictetus.


As 't is a greater mystery in the art

Of painting to foreshorten any part

Than draw it out, so 't is in books the chief

Of all perfections to be plain and brief.



Great efforts of anger to little purpose, serve for pleasantry and farce. Exceeding fierceness, with perfect inability and impotence, makes the highest ridicule.Shaftesbury.


The aged man that coffers up his gold,

Is plagu'd with cramps, and gouts, and painful fits;
And scarce hath eyes his treasure to behold:
But still like pining Tantalus he sits,
And useless bans the harvest of his wits,
Having no other pleasure of his gain,
But torment, that it cannot cure his pain.

So then he hath it, when he cannot use it,
And leaves it to be master'd by his young,
Who in their pride do presently abuse it:
Their father was too weak, and they too strong,
To hold their cursed blessed fortune long.
The sweets we wish for, turned to loathed sours,
E'en in the moment that we call them ours.



'Tis a great imperfection, and what I have observed in several of my intimate friends, who as their memories supply them with a present and entire view of things, derive their narratives from so remote a fountain, and crowd them with so many impertinent circumstances, that though the story be good in itself, they make a shift

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