643, 682, 838, 877, 982, 1045, 1116, | Newspapers, 740 1272 Logic, 191 London parish, 795 happiness of, 1297 Longevity, 351, 772 Loquacity, 250, 292, 850, 932, 977, Love, 129, 185, 232, 237, 251, 285, Lying, 39, 270, 776, 887, 968 Money, 726 Moon, the, 1276 Motive, 826 Murder, 635 Nobility, mishaps of, 436 Obligations, 418, 609 Opera singing, 520, 797 Pageantry, 768 Painting, 5, 18, 38, 74, 106, 955, Parishioner, the good, 514, 585 Passions, the, 331, $28 Patience, 199 Parson, character of, 1011 Periodical literature, 277 Philosophy, 146, 440, 595, 606, 613, Pity, 881 Pleasing, the art of, 356 1167, 1233, 1253 Poetry, 11, 92, 112, 121, 195, 211, Politics, 11, 1289 Poor laws, 670 Poor Richard's almanack, 307, Music, 40, 116, 412, 860, 954, 1010, Popularity, 467, 1231 1143 Narrow minds, 433 Nat. Lee, the poet, 1230, 1306, 1316 Portrait-painting, 1282 Poverty, 488, 541, 680, 949, 1139 Prejudice, 153, 276, 522 Reformation, 22, 524 Religion, 154, 477, 705, 903, 1135, Suicide, 575 1180, 1206, 1254, 1277 Reserve, 236 Restlessness, 871 Riches, 10 Story-telling, 120, 1092 Subsistence, 737 Success, 947 Superiority, 111, 179 Superstition, 512, 1034 Suspicion, 1244 Swearing, 897, 961 Swift, Dean, 535 Systems, 284 Travelling, 521, 952, 1012 Travelling advice, 1008 Treachery, 134, 170, 377, 642, 661, 1222, 1320 Troubles, 670 War, 911, 1050 Wealth, 88, 569, 735, 773, 1184, Weather, bad, remedy for, 38 Truth, 310, 398, 733, 842, 1048, Wife, the good, 138 1134, 1318, 1321 Wigs, 696 Will, 1035, 1213 Wine, 275, 389, 470, 981 Wisdom, 87, 220, 279, 804, 879, Wit, 229, 259, 260, 271, 323, 329, Yeoman, the good, 44,759 Zeal, 490. END OF VOL. II. |