صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

643, 682, 838, 877, 982, 1045, 1116, | Newspapers, 740


Logic, 191

London parish, 795

happiness of, 1297

Longevity, 351, 772

Loquacity, 250, 292, 850, 932, 977,
1002, 1103

Love, 129, 185, 232, 237, 251, 285,
316, 318, 320, 348, 366, 384, 392,
413, 415, 437, 446, 468, 476, 533,
548, 660, 695, 700, 729, 766, 786,
791, 815, 825, 858, 863, 916, 923,
927,934, 940, 948, 956, 979, 1041,
1047, 1058, 1098, 1117, 1133, 1138,
1146, 1160, 1164,1166, 1176,1188,
1191, 1212, 1255, 1291, 1302, 1313
Loyalty, 1003

Lying, 39, 270, 776, 887, 968

[blocks in formation]

Money, 726

Moon, the, 1276

Motive, 826

Murder, 635

Nobility, mishaps of, 436
Novelty, 1128

Obligations, 418, 609
Observation, 1097
Old age, 19

Opera singing, 520, 797
Opinions, 303

Pageantry, 768
Pain, 157

Painting, 5, 18, 38, 74, 106, 955,
1028, 1169

Parishioner, the good, 514, 585
Parliament, 444
Parody, 502
Party, 124, 564

Passions, the, 331, $28
Pastime, 161

Patience, 199

Parson, character of, 1011
Pedantry, 136, 150
Penance, 147
Perception, 34

Periodical literature, 277
Perseverance, 23, 568
Philanthropy, 358

Philosophy, 146, 440, 595, 606, 613,
763, 899, 907, 674, 1026
Physic, 761

Pity, 881

Pleasing, the art of, 356
Pleasure, 479, 1019, 1159, 1223
Poet, 243, 546,959, 1076, 1110, 1132,

1167, 1233, 1253

Poetry, 11, 92, 112, 121, 195, 211,
213, 496, 599, 824, 1027, 1105
Poet's Elysium, 517

Politics, 11, 1289

Poor laws, 670

Poor Richard's almanack, 307,
512, 536, 586, 637, 659, 694, 756,
901, 921, 978, 1001

Music, 40, 116, 412, 860, 954, 1010, Popularity, 467, 1231


Narrow minds, 433

Nat. Lee, the poet, 1230, 1306, 1316
Natural History, 1271
Nature, love of, 778, 859, 890
Navigation, 12

Portrait-painting, 1282
Posterity, 754

Poverty, 488, 541, 680, 949, 1139
Praise, 2, 54, 1065, 1248
Preaching, 207, 255, 266, 621, 1292
Precepts, 704

Prejudice, 153, 276, 522
Presumption, 132, 166

[blocks in formation]

Reformation, 22, 524

Religion, 154, 477, 705, 903, 1135, Suicide, 575

1180, 1206, 1254, 1277

Reserve, 236

Restlessness, 871

Riches, 10

Story-telling, 120, 1092

Subsistence, 737

Success, 947

Superiority, 111, 179

Superstition, 512, 1034

Suspicion, 1244

Swearing, 897, 961

[blocks in formation]

Swift, Dean, 535

Systems, 284

[blocks in formation]

Travelling, 521, 952, 1012

Travelling advice, 1008

Treachery, 134, 170, 377, 642, 661,

1222, 1320

Troubles, 670

War, 911, 1050

Wealth, 88, 569, 735, 773, 1184,
1194, 1281

Weather, bad, remedy for, 38
Welcome, 1226

Truth, 310, 398, 733, 842, 1048, Wife, the good, 138

[ocr errors]

1134, 1318, 1321

[blocks in formation]

Wigs, 696

Will, 1035, 1213

Wine, 275, 389, 470, 981

Wisdom, 87, 220, 279, 804, 879,
1207, 1275
Wishes, 253, 811

Wit, 229, 259, 260, 271, 323, 329,
416, 454, 501, 717, 814, 925, 958,
1083, 1084, 1100, 1148, 1154, 1195,
Women, 54, 246, 330, 443, 636, 746
789, 833, 883, 923, 937, 999, 1018,
1020, 1033, 1234
Wooden-heads, 554
Words, coinage of, 1319
World, picture of, 1044
Worms, 1016

Yeoman, the good, 44,759
Youth, 402, 409,673, 711, 867, 886,

Zeal, 490.


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