4. The termination iv becomes a yū before suffixes. Thus, - Я karyū-m (for kariv + am), make ye for me, or make ye me. When suffixes are added to the root direct, in the second singular imperative, au is inserted (viii. i. 16). Thus,— kar, make thou. karu-m, make thou for me, or make me. When suffixes are added to the 3rd person singular of the Future, indicative, thea of the suffix is not elided. Thus, af kari, he will make, kary-as, not af kari-s, he will make for him. This does not hold with the suffixes of the second person. Thus, af will make for thee, afa kari-wa, he will make for you. kari-y, he [When interrogative and other adverbial suffixes are added to the verb, they follow the pronominal suffix. E.g., chu-m-a, is there to Some verbs are never used without pronominal suffixes of the dative case (viii. i. 45). These are, tsar, be inwardly wrathful. phoç, be inwardly wrathful. phuh, be inwardly wrathful. marts, be inwardly wrathful. gwuts, be burnt. fphits, forget. tyamb, look eagerly (viii. iii. 45). Moreover these verbs are always conjugated in the feminine, whether the subject is masculine or feminine. They are then used as impersonal verbs. Thus, a tsarăn chě-s, lit. there is inward anger to him. I.e., he is inwardly angry. Similarly, कशान् वयस् phoçān chč-s, फुहान् व्यस् phuhān chě-s, मर्चान् martsān che-s. Again ч tsarẫn chě-m, there is inward anger to me, I am inwardly angry, and so on. Again, a wutsan chě-s, there is burning to him, i.e., he is burning (inwardly); f phitsān che-s, there is forgetfulness to him, he forgets: tyamban chě-s, he looks eagerly. Sometimes full pronouns are used instead of suffixes (viii. i. 46). Thus, afay ago tamis tsaran chěh, there is inward anger to him. The verb gatsh, be proper, be desirable, is also used with the dative (viii. i. 47). Thus,— तमिस् गढ़ान् कुछ ज़ि परहो tamis gatshān chuh zi parahā, to him it is desirable that I should read. He thinks it proper that I should read. This is only in the third person. For the other persons always, and for the third person optionally, suffixes are used when they exist (viii. i. 48). Thus,- गछ्रान् कुव gatshãn chu-m, it is proper for me. gatshăn chuh (no suffix), it is proper for us. gatshãn chu-s, it is proper for him. gatshãn chu-kh, it is proper for them. This applies only to the present tense. FIRST PERSON. The suffix of the Nominative Singular is as, which is not used with the Future tense (viii. i. 43). Thus, karan chu-s, I make. a paku-s, I went. afaḤ karyō-n-as, I (as) was made (karyō) by him (an). I.e., he made me. But kare, not a kara-s, I shall make. kara-s means I shall make for him' (vide post, third person). For other cases of the singular, the suffix is am (viii, i. 24). Thus, aua ga karān chu-m, he makes me, or for me. a faЯ karān chi-m, they make me, or for me. ◄◄◄ karu-m, made by me, I made. There are no Plural Suffixes of the first person: the full pronouns are used instead (viii. i. 44). Thus, aua qe qa karān chuh asẽ, he makes us, and so on. J. 1. 3 SECOND PERSON. For the Nominative Singular the suffix is akh, which is used as follows (viii. i. 36). Thus, karān chhu-kh, thou makest. kara-kh, thou wilt make. aceta karahā-kh, (if) thou hadst made. dga pạku-kh, thou wentest. kạru-m-akh, thou wast made by me, i.e., I made thee. nafaa karyō-n-akh, thou wast made by him, i.e., he made thee. For the Accusative Singular, ath is used in the first person singular and plural (viij. i. 37). Thus, say af kara-th, I shall make thee. karō-th (karav+ath), we shall make thee. A ga karan chu-s-ath, I make thee. a fau karān chi-th, we make thee. We cannot use this suffix with the third person. Thus, we cannot kari-th, he will make thee. We must use instead the suffix ay, which properly belongs to the Dative. Thus, afy suh kari-y, he will make thee, or for thee. fatim karan-ay, they will make thee, or for thee. BE HUI Y suh karān chu-y, he makes thee, or for thee. faq aa fa tim karan chi-y, they make thee, or for thee. The same suffix (ath) is also used for the Agent Singular with the past tenses of transitive verbs. Thus, karu-th, made by thee, i.e., thou madest. aaf karyo-th, made by thee, i.e., thou madest. For the Dative Singular and also (when the verb is in the third person) for the Accusative Singular, the suffix ay is used (viii. i. 40). Thus, ua ya karān chu-y, he makes for thee, or thee. A karan chu-s-ay, I make for thee. aua fag karān chi-y, we make for thee. aaf karān chi-y, they make for thee, or thee. af kari-y, he will make for thee, or thee. This form is liable to certain changes in the Aorist and Pluperfect tenses of verbs. These will be found duly explained in the proper place. With the Past Conditional this suffix may have the force of the Accusative. For all cases of the Plural, the suffix is a wa. Thus,Nominative aa faa karān chi-wa, you make. Accusative or Dative Agent aa ga karān chu-wa, he makes you, or for you. kar"-we, made by you, you made. THIRD PERSON. There is no pronominal suffix of the Nominative Singular or Plural. The pronominal suffix of the Dative Singular is as (viii. i. 33). Thus,-(masculine). a ga karān chu-s-as, I make for him. ala gaa karān chu-h-as (chu-kh + as, thou makest for him. karān chu-s, he makes for him. karān chi-s, we make for him. aa faag karān chi-wa-s, you make for him. aa faa karān chi-s, they make for him. kara-s, I shall make for him. So also for the feminine, a karān che-s-as. [This suffix is also used for the Accusative, when the verb is in the third person. Thus, fa karan chi-s, they make him]. karān chu-s, he makes him, cıq For other oblique cases of the singular, an is used (viii. i. 34). Thus, Accusative aug gea karān chu-h-an (chu-kh+an), you make him. as is however, used for an with the third person. करान् छुस् karān chu-s, not करान् छन् karan chu-n, he makes him. 1 、 Thus, For all cases of the plural, the suffix is akh (viii. i. 35). Thus, ua ya karān chu-s-akh, I make for them, or I make them. aga karan chu-kh, he makes for them, or makes them. karu-kh, made by them, they made. Moods and Tenses. The Kaçmiri verb has four Moods, viz., the Indicative, the Imperative, the Benedictive, and the Conditional. The Indicative Mood is usually credited with eight tenses, viz.,— 1. The Present. Of these, Nos. 2, 7, and 8, are not discussed by Ïçvara-kaula in his grammar. I shall, however, give short notices of them for the sake of completeness. Nos. 1, 2, 7, and 8, are all periphrastic tenses, made up of Participles conjugated with auxiliary verbs. In No. 1, the Present participle is conjugated with the Present tense of the auxiliary verb, and in No. 2, it is conjugated with the Past tense of the same. In No. 7, the Past participle is conjugated with the Present tense of the same verb, and in No. 8, with its Past tense. The Imperative Mood has three tenses, viz., The Present Imperative has two forms, a Simple, and a Modified. The Benedictive Mood has one tense, which may be called the Future. The Conditional Mood has two tenses, viz.,— 1. A Present-Future. This is the same in form as the Future Indicative. 2. A Past. |