same as the feminine plural (viii, iii. 6). None of these verbs belong to the second conjugation. As usual there are two groups of these verbs, viz., those which change their final vowel, i, to ya, such as feat, and others (vide p. 1) and those which do not, which are three in number, fa ni, take, fe di, give, and fa yi, come, of which the last belongs to the third conjugation. Taking the verb f khi, eat, we get. 3 ख्योख् khyī-kh or ख्ययख khēya-kh. ख्ख् khye-kh. यो khyau-kh. Similarly is conjugated, fa ci, drink. The verb fa take, is further irregular (viii. iii. 6, 34; ix. i. 38). The verbs fhi, take, and fe di, give, are still further irregular (viii. iii. 7, 32). Thus, दि di, give, is similarly declined, but its first person is दितुम् or द्युतुम् dyutu-m, fe¶¶ ditsa-m, fefaų diti-m, fe¶ ditsa-m, and so throughout. The verb hahar, to get a girl married, is of necessity, conjugated in the past tenses only in the feminine. Moreover it forms its feminine Past Participle, optionally, in an irregular fashion (viii. iii. 76), Thus, hahar*-n or haraç-n, he got her married. NOTES. (1) Once for all. By the first person singular, is meant, 'I made him, her, them (masc.), or them (fem.),' literally, he, she, they (masc.), or they (fem.) were made by me.' So the second person singular means thou madest him, her, them (masc.), or them (fem.),' and so on, through the other persons. (2) There is no suffix for the first person plural. Hence this form is always the same as the past participle. (b) Impersonal Verb (viii. iii. 3–9) (c. forms only), ‘I laughed,' literally, 'it was laughed by me,' &c. When an Impersonal Verb is conjugated in the feminine (see pp. 22 and 48), we get forms such as the following, (a tsuv, quarrel) (viii. iii. 9), Singular 1 ga tsuv-m, I quarrelled. चुबूम् If such an Impersonal Verb is conjugated in the plural, we get- tsar and the others are thus conjugated (see pp. 16, 22, In the case of Transitive verbs, when the grammatical subject (ie., the logical object) is a pronoun, it may be added to the verb in the shape of an additional pronominal suffix in the Nominative case. The following are the masculine forms which occur. The feminine ones can easily be made on the same principle. From karu-m, made by me, I made. ◄◄ kạr"-m-akh, thou wast made by me, I made thee. So au kari-m-akh, thou (fem.) wast made by me, I made thee (fem.). [◄◄aq kar"-m-an, I made him, is not used. We always say सुड् कथम् sun learn-m. केमस् karu-m-as means ‘I made kạru-m. for him.'] fen kari-m-awo, I made you. [af¶ kari-m-akh, I made them, is not used. We always say निम् करिम् tim kari-m. केरिमखु kari-m-akh means ‘I made them for them.'] From karu-th, made by thee, thou madest. aug kạr”-th-as, thou madest me (or thou madest for him). quq kar”-th-an, thou madest him. afcu kạri-th-akh, thou madest them (or for them). From a karu-n, made by him, he made. ¶ kar”-n-as, he made me (or he made for him). kar”-n-akh, he made thee (or he made for them). [qqa karu-n-an, he made him, is not used. We say Y a suh karun.] kari-n-awa, he made you (or for you). [afaa kari-n-akh, he made them, is not used. We say faŋ af tim kari-n. af for them.'] kari-n-akh, means 'he made them From kar”, made by us, we made. karu-kh, we made thee. [◄◄ą karu-n, we made him, is not used. We say suh karu]. af、a kari-wa, we made you. [aft kạri-kh, we made them, is not used. We say fay af tim kari]. From a kar”-wa, made by you, you made. aqqɛ karu-wa-s, you made me (or for him) dqaq kar"-wa-n, you made him. afra kạri-wa-kh, you made them, |