صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

From karu-kh, made by them, they made.

karu-h-as, they made me (or they made for him).

karu-h-akh, they made thee (or for them).

[◄◄◄◄ karv.h-an, they made him, is not used. We say,

सुड् केवख् suh karu-kch].

afe kari-h-awo, they made you.

[afa kạri-h-akh, they made them, is not used. We say,

तिम् करिख् tim kari-kh. केरिचय् kagri-h-akh, means the

made them for them '].

There being no suffix for the first person plural, there are no special forms for thou, he, you, or they made us.

With regard to all these forms, the full forms of the pronouns may also be used, with, or without the suffixes. Thus,—

We may say either

(a) ra đi mẽ karm-akh tích, by me was made-by

me-thou thou, or

(b) que ay kar"-m-akh tsch, was-made-by-me-thou thou, or (c) ☎ aqua mẽ kạr"-m-akh, by me was-made-by-me-thou, or (d) karmakh, was-made-by-me-thou, or

(e) ♬ ◄◄◄ mě karu-kh te̱oh, by me was-made-thou thou, or

(ƒ) ■ ◄◄◄ mě kạru-kh, by me was-made-thou.

We cannot, however, use the two following forms.

(g) mě karu tsch, by-me was-made thou or

(h) ◄◄◄ ◄ karu-m tsch, was-made-by-me thou.

In other words when the full form of the pronoun in the nominative

is used, the corresponding suffix must always accompany it.

Other pronominal suffixes can similarly be used. Thus, dqay kar"-m-ay, I made for thee.


Neuter Verb (viii. iii. 77–97). (c. Forms only).

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The verb mar, die, has its past tense irregular. It is thus conjugated (viii. iii. 26, 31, 59, 65, 92).

[blocks in formation]

2 सूदुख् mūdu-kh. स्वय moya-kh. मूदिव mūdi-us. स्वयव moye - 204.

3 सूदु


म्वय moys.

afe müd1.

म्वय moys.

When mar means to unite, it is regular. Thus, a marun, he united him.


This participle occurs in all three conjugations. In the first and second (viii. iii. 78) conjugations it is a true aorist. It expresses past time indefinitely, with no reference to proximity or distance. E.g., afa karyōv, he (was) made (by us), we made; bŏvyōv, he became. It is therefore the participle, and the aorist is the tense, of narration in these two conjugations.

J. 1. 8

In the third conjugation, it is used instead of the past participle; and describes something which has happened lately. Thus, wuphyov, he flew (a short time ago).

This participle is formed in the first and second conjugations by changing the final y (ě) of the feminine plural of the past participle to a yov. Thus,

kurě; aorist participle

kar, do; past participle karu, fem. plur. ◄✈

fa kuryŏv.

In those cases, in which the feminine plural ends in a, instead of in a ya (ě), (see p. 42) the aorist participle ends in a ōv, not in ☎ you. Thus, ♬ daz, burn; past participle dad", fem. plur. दज़ daze ; aorist participle दज़ोव् dazūr. There are four exceptions (viii. iii. 49, 81). The aorist participle of kets, be moist, is a katsyōv; that of vyats, pervade, isa vyatsyōv; that of a rūts, be preferred, ǹa rōtsyōv; [and that of wutsyōv]. Note that in the fem. pl. Past, y is elided. Thus katse, not katse; रोन rölse not रोच्य rotsē (viii. iii. 49, 81).


wuts, be burnt, qǹą


these verbs, the

vyats, not a vyatsě;

In the third conjugation, the aorist participle is formed by adding योव् yāv to the root direct. Thus, बुफ wph, fly, aorist participle वुफ्योब् wuphyōv, but there are exceptions which will be dealt with later on.


İçvara-kaula spells this participle indifferently with a yōv or with yauv. Both are pronounced the same, like yōv (viii. iii. 39). [The true termination of this participle is yō, the v, as well as the y of the plural to be noted later, are only added for the sake of euphony]. Special Rules for the First and Second Conjugations.

The base of the aorist participle of the first and second conjugations being the same as the feminine plural of the past participle, the final consonant of the verbal root undergoes certain changes (viii. iii. 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75). For the same reason, in the aorist participle, the vowel of the verbal root remains unchanged (see page 41). The following are examples of the changes. The reader is referred to pp. 42 and ff. for details.

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Aorist Participle. First and Second Conjugations.

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a phacyōv.

मध्योव् machyāv.

गंत्र्योव् ganjyôr. कज़ोव् katsōr.

a wŏtshōv.

लज़ोव् lazov.

całą rañōv.

अश्योव् tsajyōr. fama piçyōv. gua muçyōv.*

सभ्योब् saçyŌv. ग्श्योव् g°gyūo.

ama tsaçyōv.


Nos. 7-10 are also examples of the elision of y. The following

are further examples, see p. 42 for details.

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The past participles of these two verbs are irregular, vide p. 45.

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Remember that all these changes occur only in the first and second conjugations. The rules for the third conjugation are quite different.

* My Pandit prefers muhyōv.

Special Rules for the Third Conjugation.

In this conjugation, the participle (and consequently, the tense formed from it) is not used as an aorist, but as a past; with the same meaning as the past participle of the first and second conjugations. It is not the tense of narration.

The aorist participle is formed by adding you to the root. Thus, g¶ wuph, fly, gua wuphyōv. Before this the final consonant of a root is not liable to change, as it is in the case of verbs of the first and second conjugations. Thus, from zẽth, be long, a verb of the 3rd conjugation, the aorist participle is a zethyōv, and not séchyōv, as it would be, if the verb belonged to the 2nd conjugation.

Note also that in this conjugation, y is not elided afterts, tah, e, or (viii. iii. 49). Içvara-kaula in this sutra gives the following list of verbs, which do not elidey. It includes many of the verbs ending in these letters which belong to the third conjugation.

qa grots, be splashed out; tsots, have insufficient means of livelihood; tshots, be empty; a tez, be sharp; paz, be fit; braz, shine; a bāwaz, be preferred; lets, be weak; y frōts, be pure. Thus, q grotsyōv, not a grötsōv.

The other verbs belonging to the third conjugation, which end in these letters, and which are not mentioned by Içvara-kaula in the above sūtra are the following:

ats, enter; trats, fear; atsh, be weak; gatsh, go;

pleased; laz, be suitable;

mots, remain over and above; palaz, be useful; ranz, be wuz, be wide awake, appear.

sapaz, become, is considered the same as a sapan, or a sapad, and belongs to the second conjugation. According to my Pandit palaz, above recorded, belongs to the second conjugation.

According to my Pandit, of these, trats and retain य f. The others retain it optionally except gatoh, which are irregular. See below, pp. 64 and 65.

atsh, always

▼ ats and TM

All the

Moreover, y is not, in this conjugation, elided afters. examples of the elision ofy after this letter given by Içvara-kaula belong either to the first or second conjugation.

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