صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Never to hope again.
Why, how now, Cromwell?

[Enter Cromwell.

Crom. I have no power to speak, Sir.

Wol. What, amaz'd

At my misfortunes ? Can thy spirit wonder

A great man should decline ? Nay, if you weep,
I'm fallen indeed.

Crom. How does your grace ?

Wol. Why, well;

Never so truly happy, my good Cromwell.
I know myself now, and I feel within me

A peace above all earthly dignities

A still and quiet conscience. The king has curst me, I humbly thank his grace; and from these shoulders,

These ruin'd pillars, out of pity taken

A load would sink a navy, too much honor.
Oh, 'tis a burden, Cromwelt, 'tis a burden
Too heavy for a man that hopes for heaven !
Crom. I'm glad your grace has made that right
of it.

Wol. I hope I have: I'm able, now, methinks,
Out of a fortitude of soul I feel,

T' endure more miseries, and greater far,
Than my weak hearted enemies dare offer.
What news abroad?

Crom. The heaviest and the worst

Is your displeasure with the king.
Wot. God bless him!


Crom. The next is, that Sir Thomas Moore is chosen Lord Chancellor in your place.

Wol. That's somewhat sudden

But he's a learned man. May he continue
Long in his highness' favor, and do justice,
For truth's sake, and his conscience; that his bones,
When he has run his course, and sleeps in blessings
May have a tomb of orphan's tears wept on him!

What more?

Crom. That Cranmer is return'd with welcome ;
Instali'd Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.
Wol. That's news indeed !

Crom. Last, that the Lady Anne,

Whom the king hath in secresy long married,
This day was view'd in open as his queen,
Going to chapel; and the voice is now

Only about her coronation.

Wol. There was the weight that pull'd me down: 0


The king has gone beyond me; all my glories

In that one woman I have lost forever.

No sun shall ever usher forth my honors,
Or gild again the noble troops that waited

Upon my smiles. Go, get thee from me, Cromwell;
I am a poor fall'n man, unworthy now
To be thy lord and master; seek the king-
(That sun, I pray, may never set!) I've told him
What and how true thou art; he will advance thee;
Some little memory of me will stir him,
(I know his noble nature) not to let
Thy hopeful service perish too. Good Cromwell;
Neglect him not; make use now and provide
For thine own future safety.

Crom. Oh, my lord!

Must I then leave you ? Must I needs forego
So good, so noble, and so true a master ?
Bear witness, all that have not hearts of iron,
With what a sorrow Cromwell leaves his lord!
The king shall have my service; but my prayers,
Forever and forever shall be yours.

Wol. Cromwell-I did not think to shed a tear
In all my miseries-but thou hast forc'd me,
Out of thy honest truth, to play the woman
Let's dry our eyes; and thus far hear me, Cromwell.
And when I am forgotten as I shall be,
And sleep in dull cold marble, where no mention
Of me must more be heard-say then I taught thee:
Say, Wolsey, that once rode the waves of glory,
And sounded all the depths and shoals of honor,
Found thee a way, out of his wreck, to rise in;
A sure and safe one, though thy master miss'd it.
Mark but my fall, and that which ruined me.
Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition:
By that sin fell the angels; how can man, then,

(Though the image of his Maker) hope to win by't ? Love thyself last; cherish those hearts that wait thee Corruption wins not more than honesty.


Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace,
To silence envious tongues. Be just and fear not.
- Let all the ends thou aim'st at be thy country's,
Thy God's and truth's; then, if thou fall'st, O Cromwell,
Thou fall'st a blessed martyr. Serve the king.
And pri'thee lead me in-

There take an inventory of all I have;

To the last penny, 'tis the king's.

And mine integrity to heaven is all

My robe,

I dare now call my own. Oh, Cromwell, Cromwell!

Had I but serv'd my God with half the zeal

I serv'd my king-he would not in mine age

Have left me naked to mine enemies.

Crom. Good Sir, have patience.
Wol. So I have. Farewell

The hopes of court! My hopes in heaven do dwell.

VI I.-Sir Charles and Lady Racket.


Lady R. O LA! I'm quite fatigued-I can hardly move-Why don't you help me, you barbarous man? Sir C. There-take my arm

Lady R. But I won't be laugh'd at- I don't love


Sir C. Don't you ?

Lady R. No. Dear me! This glove! Why don't you help me off with my glove? Pskaw! You awkward thing; let it alone: you an't fit to be about me. Reach me a chair-you have no compassion for me I am so glad to sit down-Why do you drag me to routs ?You know I hate 'em.

Sir C. Oh! There's no existing, no breathing, unless one does as other people of fashion do.

Lady R. But I'm out of humor-I lost all my money,
Sir C. How much?

Lady R. Three hundred.

Sir C. Never fret for that-I don't value three hunfred pounds, to contribute to your happiness.

Lady R' Don't you? Not value three hundred pounds to please me ?

Sir C. You know I don't.

Lady R. Ah! You fond fool!-But I hate gamingIt almost metamorphoses a woman into a fury -Do you know that I was frighted at myself several times tonight ? I had a huge oath at the very tip of my tongue. Sir C. Had you !

Lady R. I caught myself at it-and so I bit my lips. And then I was crammed up in a corner of the room, with such a strange party, at a whist table, looking at black and red spots-Did you mind 'em P

Sir C. You know I was busy elsewhere.

Lady R. There was that strange unaccountable woman, Mrs. Nightshade. She behaved so strangely to her husband-a poor, inoffensive, goodnatured, goodsort of a good for nothing kind of a man. But she so teazed him-" How could you play that card? Ah, you've a head, and so has a pin. - You're a numskull, you know you are-Ma'am he's the poorest head in the world; he does not know what he is about; you know you don'tAh, fie! I'm ashamed of you!"

Sir C. She has served to divert you. I see.

Lady R. And then to crown all there was my lady Clackit, who runs on with an eternal volubility of nothing, out of all season, time and place.-- In the very midst of the game, she begins--" Lard, Ma'am, I was apprehensive I should not be able to wait on your ladyship-my poor little dog, Pompey-the sweetest thing in the world!-A spade led! There's the knave.I was fetching a walk, Me'em, the other morning in the Park-A fine frosty morning it was. I love frosty weather of all things-let me look at the last trick-and so Me'em, little Pompey-and if your ladyship was to see the dear creature pinched with the frost, and mincing his steps along the Mall-with his pretty little innocent face -I vow I don't know what to play. And so, Me'em, while I was talking to Captain Flimsey--your ladyship knows Captain Flimsey - Nothing but rubbish in my hand!--I can't help it.--And so, Me'em, five odious frights of dogs beset my poor little Pompey-the dear creature has the heart of a lion; but who can resist five at once ?-And so Pompey barked for assistance-the hurt he received was upon his chest-the doctor would not advise him to venture out till the wound is healed, for fear of an inflamation. Pray what's trumps ?"

Sir C. My dear, you'd make a most excellent actress. Lady R. Well, now, let's go to rest-but, Sir Charles, how shockingly you play'd that last rubber, when I stood looking over you!

Sir C. My love, I play'd the truth of the game. Lady R. No, indeed my dear, you played it wrong. Sir C. Po! Nonsense! You don't understand it. Lady R. I beg your pardon, I'm allowed to play bet ter than you.

Sir C. All conceit, my dear! I was perfectly right. Lady R. No such thing, Sir Charles; the diamond was the play.

Sir C. Po! po! Ridiculous! The club was the card, against the world.

Lady R. Oh! No, no, no-I say it was the diamond. Sir C. Madam, I say it was the club.

Lady R. What do you fly into such a passion for? Sir C. Death and fury! Do you think I don't know what I'm about? I tell you once more, the club was the judgment of it.

Lady R. May be so-have it your own way.

Sir C. Vexation! You're the strangest woman that ever lived; there's no conversing with you.-Look 'ye here, my Lady Racket 'tis the clearest case in the world-I'll make it plain in a moment.

Lady R. Well, Sir; ha, ha, ha!

Sir C. I had four cards left-a trump had led they were six-no, no, no-they were seven, and we nine-then, you know-the beauty of the play was


Lady R. Well, now, 'tis amazing to me, that you can't see it. Give me leave, Sir Charles-your left hand adversary had led his last trump-and he had before finessed the club, and roughed the diamond-now if you had put on your diamond

Sir Č. But, Madam, we played for the odd trick.

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