The Tatler, المجلد 1C. Whittingham, published by John Sharpe, 1804 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action Æsculapius agreeable appear April April 22 beauty behaviour called character chimæra collection fill comedy court desire discourse Distaff dress duel duke duke of Marlborough entertainment esquire est farrago libelli excellent eyes farrago libelli favour fortune France gentleman give Hague half hand happy hero honour hope human kind humour instant Isaac Bickerstaff James's Coffee-house July June June 18 king lady late laugh learned letter live look lord lover Madam majesty manner matter nature never nostri est farrago obliged observed occasion Pacolet passion persons play present pretend pretty fellow prince Quarterstaff Quicquid agunt homines racter reason received sense shew Sir Mark Sophronius speak spirit STEELE Tatler tell things thought tion Tipstaff town White's Chocolate-house whole Will's Coffee-house woman words writ write