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" And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. "
The Servant of the Lord Described and Vindicated: In a Sermon, Delivered at ... - الصفحة 25
بواسطة William Huntington - 1788 - عدد الصفحات: 104
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Philosophical and Theological Works of ...

John Hutchinson - 1749 - عدد الصفحات: 498
...like a Jafper, and a Sardine Stone: and there ivas a Rainbow round about the Throne. vi. 2. And If aw, and behold a white Horfe-, and he that fat on him had a Bow ; and a Crown was given him, and he went Jorth conquering, and to conquer. xi And 1 faw another mighty Angel come down from...

Arcana cœlestia: or, Heavenly secrets, which are in the sacred Scripture ...

Emanuel Swedenborg - 1750 - عدد الصفحات: 88
...23,24. which is fpoken of Jofeph, Bow is put for the Doctrine of Good and Truth. In John, " And I faw, and behold, " a white Horfe, and he that fat on him had a Bow, and a Crown was given " unto him," vi. 2. the white Horfe is put for Wifdom, he that fat on him for the Word, as is plainly faid, Chap....

Dissertations on the Prophecies, which Have Remarkably Been ..., المجلد 3

Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - عدد الصفحات: 518
...firft of the four living creatures, who was like a lion, and had his ftation in the eaft. And I fait), and behold, a 'white horfe -, and he that fat on him...him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. This firft period commenceth with (i) Hujus (Vitellii) tempore Epit. Cap. 8. Vefpafianus in oritnte...

The Arminian Magazine: Consisting of Extracts and Original ..., المجلد 19

John Wesley - 1796 - عدد الصفحات: 664
...entering upon his miniftrjr among us. His text was, " 1 looked, and behold, a white horfe, and he who fat on him had a bow ; and a crown was given unto him : and he went forth conquering, and to concpe-." Rev. vi. 2. He had no fooner read the words, but the fpirit of joyful praife fell upon him,...

Conjectures on the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of st. John ...

1795 - عدد الصفحات: 76
...Almighty. RUSSIA. RUSSIA. REVELATION, CHAP. VI. Verfe " \ ND I faw, and behold, a white horfe ; 2. JT\. and he that fat on him had a bow, and a crown was...him, and he went forth conquering, and to conquer." • Ruflla, in its original flate, was divided into two Dominions : the one diftinguifhed by the flaves...

A General and Connected View of the Prophecies Relating to the Times of the ...

Edward William Whitaker - 1795 - عدد الصفحات: 318
...with the regular dr'der of the hiftory given in this wonderful difclofure,. v . -JBT : 3' !' white " white horfe, and he that fat on him " had a bow ;...and a crown was given " unto him: and he went forth con" quering, and to conquer."* In coincidence with this prediction, there ap. feared after the death...

The Ruin of Rome: Or, An Exposition Upon the Whole Revelation. Wherein is ...

Arthur Dent - 1798 - عدد الصفحات: 490
...roufed, fitted and prepared, to receive thefe heavenly vifions. ' Therefore 1 beheld, and lo, there was * a white horfe, and he that fat on him had * a bow,...was given unto him, * and he went forth conquering, that he * might overcome,' Rev. vi. 2. John keeping his eye fteady upon the Lamb, having now opened...

History the interpreter of prophecy; or, A view of scriptural ..., المجلد 2

Henry Kett - 1800 - عدد الصفحات: 420
...It is obfervable,that when the/r/? feal was opened, there appeared " a white horfe, and he that lat on him had a bow ; and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer." Rev. vi. 2. Mede, Lowman, and Sir Ifaac Newton, confuler this perfon as repreienting Jefus Chrift,...

Morsels of Criticism: Tending to Illustrate Some Few Passages in ..., المجلد 1

Edward King - 1800 - عدد الصفحات: 610
...vixfiarj. And thus tranflated : And ffawt and behold a "white borfe ! and be that fat on him bad a lozu, and a crown was given unto him ; and he -went forth conquering , and to conquer. And Biihop Newton's interpretation of this is* : " The firft féal or period is memorable for 369....

History the Interpreter of Prophecy: Or, A View of Scriptural ..., المجلد 2

Henry Kett - 1801 - عدد الصفحات: 400
...Daniel u. 35. ' Rev. xix. ii, &c. It is obfervable, that when thefrjl Jeal was opened, there appeared *' a white horfe, and he that fat on him had a bow ; and a crown was given umo him, and lie went forth conquering and to conquer." Rev. vi. 2. Mede, Lowman, and Sir Ifaac Newton,...

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