صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Chriftian Church can be produced through "the whole World, where the Sacraments

were not administered, the Gofpel preach

ed, and the Worship of God celebrated " in an open and public Manner. Even in "the fharpeft Perfecutions, the Chriftian "Affemblies, though it may not be fo

openly as in Times of Peace, were con"ftantly held and frequented: And who"ever did not chufe to endure the most "cruel Death, rather than preserve his

Life by abfenting himself, was thought "unworthy to be called a Chriftian."

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We find that, after our Saviour's Ascension, his Followers continued ftedfaftly in the Apoftles Fellowship, and in breaking of Bread, and in Prayers. We are commanded not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. Had Chriftianity been, agreeably to the Notion of a certain Perfon*, a divine Philofophy, exifting in the Mind, without public Worship, or any Thing that looked like a Church, it must foon have expired of itfelf: The internal Relation which we bear to Christ would have been forgotten, where there were no publick Obfervances, expref


Algernoon Sidney. See Bishop Burnet's Secret Hiftory,

Vol. I.

five of it, kept up. The Light would SERM. X. have gone out, which was to be kept fo clofe, as not to shine out before Men, by any avowed Profeffion. But our bleffed Saviour, by the Settlement of a vifible Society, by appointing a standing Ministry, and obliging his Disciples to attend to their Instructions, has perpetuated his Religion, and founded it upon a Rock, against which the Gates of Hell fhall not prevail.



The Duties of Family and private
Prayer, confidered.


Continuing inftant in Prayer.


Aving in a former Discourse proved, SERM.XI.
Ift, The Reasonableness of Prayer

in general; and

IIdly, Of publick Worship.

I now proceed

IIIdly, To confider the Duty of Family Prayer.

It is the Business of every Man within the Compass of his Abilities, to promote the Honour of God; and confequently of every Head of a Family to warm those, that are beneath him, with a Sense of Religion, and to fee, that nothing, as far as the Sphere of his Power extends, be hid from the Heat thereof.


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If then to instruct your Family in reli gious Duties, and to pray fervently with them, as well as for them, would be of Service to promote Piety; if every any Man ought to promote Piety, as much as he can, in the Station in which God has placed him: Then it is the Province allotted you, as the Head of it, to walk, as the Scripture expreffeth it, in your House with a perfect Heart, and by your Example to provoke them (the only Way one would willingly provoke any Person) to Love and good Works.

You may fay, it is true, Prayers at periodical and stated Times are neceffary to revive those Impreffions of the Deity, which would otherwife be effaced by the Bufinefs or Pleasures of Life; it is requifite to shift the Scene, and commune with the Father of Spirits, to prevent that Difrelish for, and Deadnefs of Affection to heavenly Things, which a continual Intercourse with fenfible Objects would elfe occasion. why may not this be done in the Clofet? What Occafion is there for Family Prayers?


To this I answer, that this is to make a wrong Estimate of Things; it is to confider your Family, as entirely confifting of Perfons,

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