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النشر الإلكتروني

many objections made be the Lords of Clergie and their adherents against the legalitie of the proceedings of this Assemblie, I am tyed yet to say somewhat; and I am sorry that I must protest against that in word, which my heart desires not. Sore greaved I have reason to be to protest against soe good a work as is the restoring of the Kirk to her Records; yet considering my many causes, which now I will not expresse, I am forcit to protest against it. For albeit these Books may be found authentick by the consent of this Assemblie, yet may I do nothing which may import either his Majesties assent to it or myne; and therefore here I make protestation against it. The Moderator said, wee onlie crave the Assemblies approbation; and if the pretendit Bischops, or any other, will take upon them to improve these Bookes, or any part of them, they salbe heard. It is pittifull that there sould be such a fearfull rent in our Church, and that any pointe of the cause of it sould be impute to auctoritie, if wee consider what a sweet unitie was once in this Kirk;-to cleare this unitie, I will read a testimonie out of the Preface of the Booke, called the Harmonie of the Confessioun of the Reformed Kirkes. After the reading of it in Latine, he exponed it, shewing the rare priviledges of the Kirk of Scotland beyond other Kirkes ; that for the space of 54 years, it remained in puritie of doctrine and discipline without any errour or schisme; and gave a reason of it, because the Kirk of Scotland was reformed in doctrine and discipline according to the word of God: so it is cleare this Kirke once had unitie; and it is cleare also by what meanes and instruments schisme hes come in. The Commissioner said, I pray God this Kirk may injoy that puritie 40,000 years more, if the world shuld indure so lang; yet I must protest in more pathetick wordes against the auctoritie of these bookes, (for I did it in modestie before.) Albeit, I would give my estate, and venture my life, in furthering the Church to be restoired to her Registers; but because of the manifold exceptiouns I gave against the way of the meeting of this Assemblie, and against sundrie persones which are members of it, I protest heir, that neither the Kings Majestie nor the bischops be wronged be any act in these books; and that they are not oblist be the acts of any book, which is not subscryved be the clerk of Assemblie. My Lord Rothes said, your Grace promised to propone some scruples against these bookes, wherein your Grace was not yet satisfied, which wee desire to heare; for they are found of all who have tryed them, comparatively authentick, and otherwayes also. The Moderator said, wee are sure if his Grace had perused these bookes, hee would approve them also. The roll being called be the clerk, the Moderator asked if the Bretherene did approve the Registers, who answered, that they did; and desires that the reasones of the approbatione might also be insert in the Bookes of Assemblie; and that there was not any protestatione made by his Majesties Commissioner. They desired also that the Bischop of Sanct Androis might be summoned for the productioun of these bookes which are wanting.


Anent the report of the Assemblies judgement of the authority of the books of Assembly; The Moderatour having desired that if any of the Assembly had any thing to say, they would now declare it, otherwise they would hold all approven by the Assembly.

The Commissioner his Grace protested that the Assemblies approving these books, or any thing contained in them be no wayes prejudiciall to his Majestie, nor to the Archbishops and Bishops of this Kingdome, or any of their adherents; because he had some exceptions against these books. My Lord Rothes desired these exceptions to be condescended on, and they should be presently cleared, and protested that these books should be esteemed authentick and obligatorie hereafter.

The whole Assembly all in one voice approved these books, and ordained the same to make faith in judgement, and out-with, in all time comming, as the true and authentick Registers of the Kirk of Scotland, conforme to the testimonie subscribed by the Committie, to be insert with the reasons thereof in the books of Assembly: Whereof the tenour followeth.

WE under-subscribers, having power and commission from the Generall Assembly now presently conveened, and sitting at Glasgow, to peruse, examine, and cognosce upon the validity, faith, and strength of the books and registers of the Assembly under-written, to wit: A register beginning at the Assembly holden the twentie day of December 1560, and ending at the fourth session of the Assembly holden the 28. of December 1566.

Item another register beginning at the Generall Assembly, holden the second day of Iune 1567, and ending at the fourth session of the Assembly holden at Perth the ninth day of August 1572, which register is imperfect, and mutilate in the end, and containeth no leaf nor page, after that page which containeth the said inscription of the said fourth session, which two registers bears to be subscribed by Iohn Gray, scribe.

Item a register of the Assembly holden at Edinburgh the seventh day of August 1574, and ending with the twelfth session, being the last session of the Assembly 1579. Item another register beginning at the Assembly holden at Edinburgh the tenth of May 1586, and ending in the seventeenth session of the Assembly holden in March 1589.

Item another register being the fifth book, and greatest volume, beginning at the Assembly holden in Anno 1560, and ending in the year 1590.

Having carefully viewed, perused, and considered the saids registers, and every one of them, and being deeply and maturely advised, as in a matter of greatest weight and consequence, do attest before God, and upon our conscience declare to the world and

this present Assembly, that the saids foure registers above expressed, and every one of them, are famous, authentick and good registers: which ought to be so reputed, and have publick faith in judgement and out-with, as valid and true records in all things; and that the said fifth and greatest book, beginning at the Assembly 1560, and ending 1590, being margined by the hand-writs of the Clerk, and reviser of the registers, cognosced, and tryed, and agreeable to the other foure registers, in what is extant in them, ought also to be free of all prejudice and suspicion, and received with credit. And in testimony of our solemne affirmation, we have subscribed these presents with our hands.

Sic subscribitur.

Master Andrew Ramsay.
Master Iohn Adamson.

Master Iohn Row.

Master Robert Murray.

Master Alexander Gibson.

Master Iames Boner.

Master Alexander Peerson.

Master Alexander Wedderburn.


The books now exhibited unto us under-subscribers, which we have revised and perused by commission from the Generall Assembly, are true registers of the Kirk : to wit, Five volumes, whereof the first two contain the acts of the Assembly, from the year of God 1560, to the year 1572, all subscribed by John Gray, Clerk. The third from the year of God 1574, to the year 1579. The fourth from the year of God 1586, to the year 1589. At which time Master James Richie was Clerk, who hath frequently written upon the margine of the saids two last books, and subscribed the said margine with his hand-writing. And the fifth book being the greatest volume, containing the acts of the Generall Assembly, from the year of God 1560, to the year 1590, which agreeth with the foresaids other foure books and registers, in so far as is extant in them, and further recordeth what is wanting by them, passing by what is mutilate in them, and which with the two volumes produced by Master Thomas Sandilands from the year 1590, to this present, maketh up a perfect register.

I. For the first two volumes subscribed by John Gray, albeit it be not necessar in such antiquitie to proove that he was Clerk, seeing he designs himself so by his subscription, yet the same is made manifest by an act mentioned in the third book, in the time

of Master James Richie, who succeeded him in the said office, and his hand-writ was acknowledged by sundry old men in the ministery.

II. The uniformitie of his subscriptions through both volumes, evident by occular inspection above the ordinarie custome of most famous Notars, delivers the same from all suspicion, in facto tam antiquo.

III. There be many coppies, specially of generall acts, yet extant, which do not debord from the saids registers, but are altogether agreeable thereto.

IIII. It is constant by the universall custom of this Kingdome, that all registers are transmitted from one keeper to his successour, and so comming by progresse and succession from the first incumbent to the last possessour, are never doubted to be the registers of that judicatorie, whereof the last haver was Clerk; and therefore it is evident, that these books comming successively from John Gray, Master James Richie, and Master Thomas Nicolson, who were all Clerks to the Assembly, into the hands of Master Robert Winrame, who was constitute Clerk depute by the said Master Thomas Nicolson (as his deputation here present to show, will testifie) are the undoubted registers of the Assembly: like as Alexander Blair succeeded the said Master Robert in his place of Clerkship to the assignations and modifications of Ministers stipends; and during Master Robert his life-time, was his actuall servant, and so had the said books by progresse from him, which the said Alexander is readie presently to testifie.

V. The two registers of Master James Richie, albeit not under his own hand, yet are frequently margined with his own hand-writ, and the same marginall additions subscribed by him, which hand-writ is seen and cognosced by famous men, who knoweth the same, and is evident, being compared with his severall writings and subscriptions yet extant.

VI. The saids registers are more perfect, lesse vitiated, scored, and interlined, than any other authentick and famous registers of the most prime judicatories within this Kingdome.

VII. Master Thomas Sandilands, in name of his father, who was late Clerk by dimission of Master Thomas Nicolson, hath produced a volume, which proveth the saids two registers of Master James Richie to be sufficient records; because that same volume is begun by that same hand, whereby the said Master James Richie his registers are written, and is subscribed once in the margine by Master James Richie his hand, and is followed forth, and continued in the same book by Master Thomas Nicolson, who succeeded him in the place, and was known by most men here present to be of such approven worth and credit, that he would never have accomplished a register which had not been famous and true: and whereof the hand-write had not then been known to him sufficiently.

VIII. That Register produced by Mr Thomas Sandilands, and prosecuted by Master Thomas Nicolson, proves the first part of that register to be true and famous, and that first part being by ocular inspection of the same hand-writ, with Master James


Richies registers, and subscribed in the margine with the same hand-writ, proveth Richies two books to be good records, and Richies registers doth approve Grays books by the act of Assembly before written: specially considering the same hath come by progresse and succession of Clerks, in the hands of Alexander Blair, now living, and here present.

IX. The compts anent the thirds of benefices between the Regent for the time, and the Assembly, in the second volume, page 147, are subscribed by the Lord Regents own hand, as appeareth: for it is a royall-like subscription, and there is no hand writ in all the book like unto it, and beareth not Sic subscribitur, which undoubtedly it would do, if it were a coppie.

X. Master James Carmichell was commanded by the Generall Assembly 1595, Sess. 9. in the book produced by Master Thomas Sandilands, to extract the generall acts forth of their books; and it is evident that these books are the same which he perused for that effect, because he hath marked therein the generall acts with a crosse, and hath designed the act by some short expression upon the margine, which is cognosced and known to be his hand-writ, by famous and worthy persons: which is also manifest by the said Master James his band and subscription, written with his own hand in the last leafe of the said books; as also acknowledged in the said book, produced by Master Thomas Sandilands, wherein the said Mr James Carmichell granteth the receipt of these, with some other books of the Assemblies.

XI. The registers produced, are the registers of the Assembly, because in Anno 1586, the Assembly complaineth that their registers are mutilate which hath relation to Richies third book, which is lacerate and mutilate in divers places without any interveening of blank paper, or any mention of hic deest.

XII. If these were not principall registers, the enemies of the puritie of Gods worship, would never have laboured to destroy the same: which notwithstanding they have done; as appeareth by the affixing and battering of a piece of paper upon the margine, anent a condition of the commission not to exceed the established discipline of this Kirk, subscribed by the Clerk, book 3, page 147. And the blotting out the certification of the excommunication against Bishop Adamson, book 4, page 30, who in his Recantation generally acknowledgeth the same: but which, without that recantation, cannot be presupponed to have been done, but by corrupt men of intention to corrupt the books, which were not necessary, if they were not principall registers.

XIII. In the Assembly 1586, the Church complained upon the Chancelour his retention of their registers, and desired they might be delivered to their Clerk, which accordingly was done; as a memorandum before the beginning of the first book, bearing the redeliverie of these foure books to Master James Richie, Clerk, proporteth; which clearly evinceth that these foure books are the registers of the Assembly.

XIIII. The said fifth book and greatest volume, is also marked on the margine, with the hand-writ of the said Mr. James Carmichell (which is cognosced) who was appointed to peruse the books of the Assembly as said is, and would not have margin

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