The Stacions of Rome ...: And The Pilgrims Sea-voyage ... with Clene Maydenhod ... A Supplement to "Political, Religious, and Love Poems," and "Hali Meidenhad," (... 1866)Early English Text Society, 1867 - 47 من الصفحات |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
3ere 3if pou wolt Auter autur Ayenbite of Inwyt British Museum Cambridge Chapel Church of St Clene Maydenhod Cockayne Coll Committee Copied Cotton crist Early English Text Edinburgh edited English Text Society euery day F. J. Furnivall Floris and Blancheflour Frederick Glasgow godes graunted gret pardoun Hali Meidenhad Hall Hampole's Harl haue Henry heore herte heuene honde hundred zer Ihesu inserts John Kyng Lambeth Library lines London loue M¹ zere maizt Manchester Martyrs miht mony neuer Northern Dialect pat place per-to pere Peter pettur Piers Plowman Pope Pope Gelasius porw pousend zer printed remission Romance Rome schal seide seint seinte Marie sent seynt St Mary Stacions of Rome Street synne Thomas Thomas à Becket Treatise tyme Vche day Vernon vre ladi W. W. Skeat weore WHEATLEY Whon writen zere of pardon þat þat holy þer þider
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 3 - Works in the Northern dialect. The Gospel of Nicodemus in the Northumbrian dialect. To be edited for the first time from Harl. MS. 4196, &c., Cotton-Galba, E ix., by R.
الصفحة 40 - A sak of strawe were there ryght good, Ffor som must lyg theym in theyr hood ; I had as lefe be in the wood, Without mete or drynk ; For when that we shall go to bedde, The pumpe was nygh oure beddes hede, A man were as good to be dede As smell therof the stynk ! SIR ANDREW BARTON.
الصفحة 15 - Treatises. IV. Miscellaneous. The following are some of the works which in future years will be published in each of the Classes. (The Extra Series, which commenced in 1867, is intended for re-editions.) Syr Thomas Maleor's Mort d
الصفحة 15 - Ihesu, &c., perhaps by Robert of Brunne. To be edited from the Harl. MS. 1701 (ab. 1360 AD), &c., by JM Cowper, Esq., MA Lydgate's Life of St Edmund.
الصفحة 39 - And som wold have a saltyd tost, Ffor they myght etc neyther sode ne rost ; A man myght sone pay for theyr cost, As for oo day or twayne. Som layde theyr bookys on theyr kne, And rad so long they myght nat se ; — " Allas ! myne hede woll cleve on thre !
الصفحة 11 - The Babees Book, Urbanitatis, the Bokes of Norture of John Russell and Hugh Rhodes, the Bokes of Keruyng, Curtasye, and Demeanour, &c., with some French and Latin Poems on like subjects, ed.
الصفحة 37 - howe! hissa!' then they cry, 'What, howe, mate! thow stondyst to ny, Thy felow may nat hale the by'; Thus they begyn to crake.
الصفحة 37 - When they begyn to sayle. Ffor when they have take the see, At Sandwyche, or at Wynchylsee, At Brystow, or where that hit bee, Theyr herts begyn to fayle. Anone the mastyr commaundeth fast To hys shyp-men in all the hast, To dresse hem sone about the mast, Theyr takelyng to make. With " howe ! hissa !" then they cry,
الصفحة 3 - Skynner (ab. 1440 AD). To be re-edited from the unique MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi Coll., Cambridge., by FJ Furnivall, Esq., MA (In the Extra Series.) The Arthur Ballads.