The history of Scotland, from M.CCCC.XXXVI to M.D.LXI.

الغلاف الأمامي

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 40 - And than ceiffit all religious and godlye myndis and deidis, quhairwith the fecularis and temporall men beand fldanderit with thair evill example, fell fra all devocioun and godlynes to the warkis of wikednes, quhairof daylie mekill evill did increafe. Becaus of the greyt fpulye of guidis quhilk wes takin at the breking of the faide barge in Ingland, and had bene oftymis required and no reftitucione maid, and als that notwithftanding the trewis the...
الصفحة 76 - King maid greit cost, bot all in vaine. This Abbott tuik in hand to flie with wingis, and to be in Fraunce befoir the saidis ambassadouris ; and to that effect he causet mak ane pair of wingis of fedderis, quhilkis beand...
الصفحة 76 - ... thair was sum hen fedderis in the wingis, quhilk yarnit and covet the mydding and not the skyis.
الصفحة 94 - ... us, and nocht ellis. We fueir oure brodir brak firft to us, and fen his brek we "haif required diverfe tymes him to amend, and laitlie we warnit oure broder, as he did nocht us or he brak. And this we tak for oure quarell, and with Godis grace fall defend the fame at your defixit tyme, quhilk we fall abyd.

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