صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني





Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the
variety is able alone to refresh and repair us?

BEN JONSON'S Discoveries.







C. Baldwin, Printer,

w Bridge-street, London.


[blocks in formation]

Anecdotes of Ghosts, 255, 256.
Arab character, 385.

Architecture, French work on, 213-Ger-
man ditto, 214-remains of Moorish, at
Palermo, 390.

Ariosto, Rose's Translation of, 623-his

immorality, 624-compared with Dante

and Tasso, ib. his characteristic merits,
625 difficulty of translating, 626.

Aristotelian logic, value of, 310.

Arithmetic, mental, 509.

[blocks in formation]

Callcott, Dr. memoir of, 306.
Character, National, Kant on, 381.
Characters: a cynic, 67-Laird Hause-
lock, 74 The Superior of the Convent
of St. S, 359-Frank Hargrave,
523-Henriette de P, 618.

Chatterton, Richard, Letters to the Coun-
try by, 64, 293.
Chatterton, Thomas, 631.

Children, young, death of, 117.

Christmas holidays, 198.

Colman, Mr., refuses to license Shee's
Alasco, 313.

Commerce, 109, 220, 328, 440, 574, 685

-Retrospective View of, 686.

Bacon, his error in rejecting Aristotelian

logic, 310-his New Atlantis, 652.

Baphomet, the Symbol of the Knights'

Templars, 660.

Batavian Anthology, review of, 300.
Biography: Vauquelin, 26-Schiller, 37
-Steibelt, 99- Viganoni, ditto - H.
Smart, ditto-C. Rosycross, 142-Ros-
sini, 189, 209-Dr. Callcott, 306-Ri-
cardo, 309-Rev. T. Delafield, 397-
P. Gringore, 401-J. Brasbridge, 417
Paul Jones, 492, 630 Richard
Tarlton, 517-Chatterton, 631, (see
also Deaths.)

Bird in a darkened cage, complaint of, 117.
Bombet's Memoirs of Rossini, 189.
Bowring's Batavian Anthology, 300.
Boys, plan for education of, in large num-
bers, 410.

Brasbridge's Fruits of Experience, 417.

Bride of Modern Italy, 357.

Buhle, his work on the Free Masons, 5.

Bullock's Mexican Museum, 521.

Byron, Lord, 276-remarks on his trans-

lation of the ballad of Alhama, 279,

note his poetical imitations, 283-imi-

[blocks in formation]

Dahlmann, Professor, his historical re-
searches, 443.

Dale, Commodore, 629-his account of
Paul Jones's action with the Serapis, ib.
Death, 117.
Deaths: Bishop Cornwallis, Gandon (ar-
chitect), Ex-King of Sardinia, 224-
Sir H. B. Dudley, Sir Brooke Boothby,
Langlés, Sir T. Maitland, 336-Admi-
ral De Courcy, 447-Miss Lee, Eugene
Beauharnois, T. E. Bowdich, Camba-
ceres, Cardinal Gonsalvi, 448-Rev. T.
Maurice, Duchess of Devonshire, 578-

R. Payne Knight, Bishop Buckner,

Belzoni, Lord Byron, 694.

Delafield, Rev. Thos, 397, note.

Delavigne, French poet, his Ecole des

Vieillards, 99-account of, 153-trans-

lations from, 154.

Democritus Junior, 239.


Epigrams, German, 237, 364.

Equitable Loans, 621.

Esquimaux, 475-Iligliuk, an Esquimaux
lady, 479-general character, 482-
dogs, ib. superstition, 483.

Essayist, young, advice to, 501.

Etiquette, punctilious, of naval comman-

ders, 629.

Euripides, supposed Drama of Richard the
Third by, 603.

Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 663.

Facetiæ Bibliographicæ, No. IV. Demo-
critus Junior, 239-V. Rahere, 397-
VI. Tarlton, 517.

Featherstonhaugh, C. F., Memoirs of, 133.
Female tongue, 119.
Fleet-street Biography, 417.
Flogging in the Navy, 139.
Fludd, Robt., the immediate Founder of
Free-masonry in England, 257.

Forgiveness, 119.
Foreign Literature, Sketch of, 99, 211,
329, 441.

Franco di Girolamo, a Jesuit, beatification
of, 230-account of, 231-miracles per-
formed by, 233.

Free-masons and Rosicrucians, origin of, 5
-internal characteristics, 7-who ex-
cluded from, 8-their pretensions to
mysteries, 9-external characteristics,
and public profession of beneficence, 9-
earliest historical traces of, 10-their
origin in England, 256-Free-masonry,
Rosicrucianism adapted to England,
ib. the first Lodge in England, 259-
the building of Bacon's Temple of So-
lomon not their object, 652-nor the
restoration of Charles II. 653-not con-
nected with politics, 654 what is to be
understood by the "Lost Word or Lo-
gos," 655-Cromwell not the founder,
ib. the "Scotch Degree," 656-not
derived from the Knights Templars, 657.
French, their taste with respect to the Fine
Arts, 381 French character, 382.

Poets, Early, F. Vauquelin, 26-
Amadis Jamyn, 251-Pierre Gringore,

Modern, C. Delavigne, 153.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Imaginary Conversations, Landor's, 523.
Imagination, 118-not possessed by women
in a greater degree than by men, 642-
not by savages and oriental nations in a
superior degree, 643.

Imitations and plagiarisms, recent, poetical,

277-Scott, 277-Southey, 278-Mont-

gomery, 281-Crabbe, Graham, Milman,

Moore, 282-Byron, 283.

Intellect, superior, an object of admiration,

per se, 309.

Jones, Paul, sketches of, 492 his action
with the Serapis, 630.

Ireland, the Devil in, 453-the Kildare-
street association, 459-Captain Rock,
563-wretched state of Ireland under
Elizabeth, 588-James I. 589-despotic
government of Strafford, under Charles
I. 591-Cromwell, ib. James II. 592
--administration under Townshend,
Harcourt, &c. 595-the Church Esta-
blishment, 680. (See Public Events.)

Italy, recollections of, 21-walk to Pæs-

tum, &c. 122-number of ruins of the

middle ages, in, 128.

Jurisprudence, foreign publications on, 330.

Kant, in what degree obscure, 344-on

National character in relation to the sense

for the sublime and beautiful, 381-on
Swedenborgianism, 489.
Kildare-street association, 459.
Kings have succeeded in many arts, but
not in poetry, 639-and why, ib.

Labour, the quantity of, the ground of va-
lue, 347.

Lacy, J., his reply to Terentius Secundus,


Lancasterian system of education, Mr. Cole-
ridge's censure of, 511.
Landor's Imaginary Conversations, 523.
Languages, how to be taught, 505, 508.
Letter from one of the Dramatists of the

Day to J. Lacy, 272-reply to, 469.
Letters to the Country, by R. Chatterton,
No. I., 64-No. II. on the intellectual
characteristics of the two sexes, 293.

Lion's Head, 3, 115, 227, 339, 451, 581.

Literary Life, its disadvantages, 37.

Literature, Danish, 101, 444.

French, 99, 211, 329, 441.

German, 101, 214, 331, 443.

-remarks on Madness, 645.

Madras system of Education, 410.

Maier, Mich. writer on the Rosicrucian So-
ciety, 148.

Malthus, Mr., his objections against Ri-

cardo, 343-his doctrine of value, 551

-objections to Ricardo's theory of va-

lue, 557-errors of his table illustrating

the invariable value of labour, 562.

Man, a misanthrope by nature, 67.

Martyrdom, 121.

Maynard's "Twelve Wonders,” extracts

from, 620.

Memoir of C. F. Featherstonhaugh, 133.
Memoirs of Rossini, review of, 189 of

Captain Rock, ditto, 583.
Mexican Museum, Bullock's, 521.
Midshipman, miseries of one, 136.
Milman, Mr., his poetical imitations, 282.
Milton, Latin manuscript of, discovered,


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