The English Prosody: With Rules Deduced from the Genius of Our Language, and the Examples of the PoetsCrocker, 1847 - 152 من الصفحات |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accent and cadence adapted Amphibrachic Verse amphimac anapæstic verse antibacchy antient arranged bacchy bards blank verse cæsural pause called CHAPTER Cite examples comma marks common Composite Orders contains couplet dactyle descriptive different kinds emphasis English prosody foot foregoing genius Greeks harmony hence iambic verse iambus Irregular Orders kind of stanza kinds of feet kinds of verse language long and short lyre lyric manner melody moloss monosyllable movement muse nature necessary numbers o'er observed in reading Orthoepy pathetic pause the length pertaining to verse Pindaric poetic pauses poetical composition poetry poets principles proper properly pyrrhic Questions and Exercises reading verse regular correspondence Remarks rhyme rules and precepts Sapphic Sappho SECT sentiment short quantity short syllables sometimes song sounds and pauses species spondee stanza strophe style syntax pauses technical terms thee thou tion tones Tribrachs trochaic verse trochee verse is composed versification voice words written