صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

answering your Tatler of the twenty-first instant" until the company was gone, and season over; but having resolved not to regard any impertinencies of your paper, except what relate particularly to me, I am the more easily induced to answer you, as I shall find time to do it. First, partly lest you should think yourself neglected, which I have reason to believe you would take heinously ill. Secondly, partly because it will increase my fame, and consequently my audience, when all the quality shall see with how much wit and raillery I shew you-I do not care a farthing for you. Thirdly, partly because "being without books," if I do not shew much learning, it will not be imputed to my having none.

• I have travelled Italy, France, and Spain, and fully comprehended whatever any German artist 12 in the world can do; yet cannot I imagine, why you should endeavour to disturb the repose and plenty which, though unworthy, I enjoy at this place. It cannot be, that you take offence at my prologues and epilogues, which you are pleased to miscall foolish and abusive. No, no, until you give a better, I shall not forbear thinking that the true reason of your picking a quarrel with me was, because it is more agreeable to your principles, as well as more to the honour of your assured victory, to attack a governor, Mr. Isaac, Mr. Isaac, I can see into a mill-stone as far as another, as the saying is; you are for sowing the seeds of sedition and disobedience among my puppets, and your zeal for the good old cause would

has, in my mind, entered into the depth of the argument in dispute [between Ben Hoadly and the bishop of Exeter], and given a complete answer to all that the reverend bishop either can or will say upon the subject.

N° 44.

12 See Spect. N° 31.

make you persuade Punch to pull the string from his chops, and not move his jaw when I have a mind he should harangue. Now, I appeal to all men, if this be not contrary to that unaccountable and uncontroulable dominion, which by the laws of nature I exercise over them; for all sorts of wood and wire were made for the use and benefit of man: I have, therefore, an unquestionable right to frame, fashion, and put them together as I please; and having made them what they are, my puppets are my property, and therefore my slaves: nor is there in nature any thing more just, than the homage which is paid by a less to a more excellent being: so that by the right, therefore, of a superior genius, I am their supreme moderator, although you would insinuate, agreeably to your levelling principles, that I am myself but a great puppet, and can therefore have but a co-ordinate jurisdiction with them. I suppose, I have nowsufficiently made it appear, that I have a paternal right 3 to keep a puppet show, and this right I will maintain in prologues on all occasions.

' And, therefore, if you write a defence of yourself against this my self-defence, I admonish you to keep within bounds; for every day will not be so propitious to you as the twenty-ninth of April; and perhaps my resentment may get the better of my generosity, and I may no longer scorn to fight one who is not my equal, with unequal weapons: there are such things as scandalums magnatums; therefore, take heed hereafter how you write such things as I

13 Sir Robert Filmer published two books; one on the "Anarchy of a limited and mixed Monarchy," the other on Patriarchal Government; in which he endeavours to prove that all government was monarchical at first; that paternal is the same as royal authority, and implies despotic power, &c. &c.

cannot easily answer, for that will put me in a passion.

' I order you to handle only these two propositions, to which our dispute may be reduced: the first, whether I have not an absolute power, whenever I please, to light a pipe with one of Punch's legs, or warm my fingers with his whole carcass? the second, whether the devil would not be in Punch, should he by word or deed opposę my sovereign will and pleasure? and then, perhaps, I may, if I can find leisure for it, give you the trouble of a second letter.

• But if you intend to tell me of the original of puppet-shows; and the several changes and revolutions that have happened in them since Thespis, and I do not care who, that is Noli me tangere! I have solemnly engaged to say nothing of what I cannot approve. Or, if you talk of certain contracts with the mayor and burgesses, or fees to the constables, for the privilege of acting, I will not write one single word about any such matters; but shall leave you to be mumbled by the learned and very ingenious author of a late book, who knows very well what is to be said and done in such cases. He is now shuffling the cards, and dealing to Timothy; but if he wins the game, I will send him to play at back-gammon with you; and then he will satisfy you, that deuce-ace makes five.

And so, submitting myself to be tried by my country, and allowing any jury of twelve good men, and true, to be that country; not excepting any unless Mr. Isaac Bickerstaff to be of the pannel, for you are neither good nor true, I bid you heartily farewell; and am,

SIR, your loving friend,



Age, by what rendered most agreeable.



BSOLUTE power represented in a dance.....

represented i

Advice not asked for information, but out of fulness

and perplexity of heart.......
not to be given to every body....

Æsculapius falls in love with the divine Hebe...

his recipe for love

Africanus, character of....

magnanimity of, and manner of purchasing


indecent when not spent in virtue.











Alchymist, of Ben Jonson, remarks on.....
Alicant, castle of, surrendered.....



Allen, a player, founder of Dulwich college
Almanack, Oxford, for 1709, considered..

[blocks in formation]

Alost, attempt to surprise the garrison of......
Amanda, the happy wife of Florio, character of......... 49
Annihilation described by Milton and Dryden..........

[blocks in formation]

Aspasia, a most excellent woman, character of.......... 42





first of the beauteous order of love...
Asturias, prince of, acknowledged heir to the crown of
Avaro, a mean-spirited rich man, described.............. 25
Aurengezebe, an Indian stockjobber, history of, with
his indecent manner of spending old age


BACHELOR'S scheme to govern a wife
Bankers, why poems ought to be taken for bills by....
Barry, Mrs. an excellent player....

[blocks in formation]


Bath, commotions among the good company at ......... 16
Bays, expedient of, to procure applause at the play-



[blocks in formation]

force and efficacy of......

...10, 15

Belfry, an ignorant clown, behaviour of, at lady Dainty's 37

Bernard, a French banker, consequences of the failure


...3, 5, 29

offer of, to his creditors.


Betterton, a celebrated player, account of the benefit

play of..


Bickerstaff, Isaac, an adept in astronomical specula-



did not compound with the milliners

and toymen


disposes of his three nephews........ 30

expects hush money.


extraordinary cures performed by,

at his lodgings....


genealogy of..


gives advice for his own sake


will of...


Bicknell, or Bignell, Mrs. a comedian, commended

Billet-doux concerning a rival...

Birth, to be proud of, the greatest of vanities

[blocks in formation]
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