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" ... And spouting fires incite his eager speed, Appall'd he flies, while rattling show'rs invade, Invoking ev'ry Saint for instant aid : Breathless, amaz'd, he seeks the distant shore, And vows to tempt the dang'rous gulph no more. JOHN FERRIAR, The Bibliomania... "
Bibliosophia; or, Book-wisdom, containing some account of book-collecting ... - الصفحة iii
بواسطة James Beresford - 1810 - عدد الصفحات: 126
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Bookmart: A Monthly Magazine of Literary and Library ..., المجلد 3

Halkett Lord, Richard Halkett - 1886 - عدد الصفحات: 432
...ART. SEPTEMBER, 1885. ADDRESS. II MAXIM FROM THE BOOK Coi.i.Kf'Tou то тик BOOK RKAW.U. Ye Pedante burning to be known For literary blood, and bone, Though all your energies are shown In opening Authors, like dissectorsGive room! — and, gulping your disgrace, Be taught to take...

Book-verse: An Anthology of Poems of Books and Bookmen from the Earliest ...

William Roberts - 1896 - عدد الصفحات: 262
...the dang'rous gulph no more. JOHN FERRIAR, The Bibliomania : An Epistle to Richard Heber, Esq., 1809. ADDRESS FROM THE BOOK-COLLECTOR TO THE BOOK-READER....your disgrace, Be taught to take the second place ; The-/?rrf— I vaunt it to your face — Belongs to ... whom but Us COLLECTORS ? Book-worms, attend...

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