The Wright's Chaste Wife, Or "A Fable of a Wryght that was Maryde to a Pore Wydows Dowtre

الغلاف الأمامي
Early English Text Society, 1865 - 26 من الصفحات

الصفحات المحددة

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 21 - The publications of The Early English Text Society are divided into Four Classes. I. Arthur and other Romances. II. Works illustrating our Dialects and the History of our Language, including a Series of re-editions of our early Dictionaries. III. Biblical Translations and Religious Treatises.
الصفحة 21 - Treatises. IV. Miscellaneous. The following are some of the works which in future years will be published in each of the Classes. (The Extra Series, which commenced in 1867, is intended for re-editions.) Syr Thomas Maleor's Mort d
الصفحة 21 - Esq. [CopicdHampole's other English Works in the Northern dialect. The Gospel of Nicodemus in the Northumbrian dialect. To be edited for the first time from Harl. MS. 4196, etc., Cotton-Galba, E ix., by R.
الصفحة 20 - Ileel," p. 107, Col. 2. Take, 161, deliver. The, 187, thrive. Tolle, 62, entice (HH Gibbs). Tre, 105, wood, timber. Trewloves, 669, either figures like true-lovers' knots, or the imitations of the herb or flower Truelove, which is given by Coles as Herb Paris (a quatrefoil whose leaves bear a sort of likeness to a truelovers' knot), and in Halliwell as one-berry ; but I cannot find that Edward IV.
الصفحة iv - His clairne to the crowne was declared to be by two maner of waies ; the first, as sonne and heire to duke Richard his father, right inheritor to the same ; the second, by authoritie of parlement, and forfeiture committed by king Henrie. Wherevpon it was againe demanded of the commons, if they would admit and take the said erle as their prince and souereigne lord ; election.} _u:«i. &\\ ^fa one voice cried : "Yea, yea ! " Finally Lewis assents to the proposed marriage.
الصفحة 21 - A collection of Early English Treatises on Grammar. To be edited chiefly from MSS. for the first time by Henry B. Wheatley, Esq. [Copied. III. The Old and New Testament in Verse. To be edited from the Vernon MS. by R. Morris, Esq.

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