The Wright's Chaste Wife, Or "A Fable of a Wryght that was Maryde to a Pore Wydows Dowtre/the Whiche Wydow Havyng Noo Good to Geve with Her/gave as for a Precyous Johelle to Hym a Rose Garlond/the Whyche She Affermyd Wold Never Fade While She Kept Truly Her Wedlok." Supplement to The Wright's Chaste Wife

الغلاف الأمامي
Early English text society, 1865 - 15 من الصفحات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 37 - ... of solid darkness, and were with difficulty recognised by the king and his ministers. The whole assembly then burst out laughing, and the king in his curiosity asked Upakos"a what was the meaning of all this ; so the virtuous lady told the whole story.
الصفحة 29 - The wise Devasmita said to herself, " This is a novel conception of duty; no doubt this woman has laid a treacherous snare for me " ; and so she said to her, " Reverend lady, for this long time I have been ignorant of this duty, so procure me an interview with some charming man." Then the ascetic said, " There are residing here some young merchants that have come from another country, so I will bring them to you.
الصفحة viii - The story alluded to in this passage appears to be nearly the same as that which is related in a comparatively modern ballad, entitled, " The Fryer Well-fitted : or, A Pretty Jest that once befel, How a Maid put a Fryer to cool in the Well.

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