Africa, المجلد 54Oxford University Press, 1984 Includes Proceedings of the Executive council and List of members, also section "Review of books". |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 49
الصفحة 123
... Kenya : Bachue - Kenya , St Martins Press for the International Labour Office , 1983 , 755 pp . , ISBN 0 566 00258 2 , £ 20 . Arnold , G. , Modern Kenya , Longman , 1981 , 244 pp . , ISBN 0 582 64286 8 , ( hb ) £ 7.95 , 224 pp . , ISBN ...
... Kenya : Bachue - Kenya , St Martins Press for the International Labour Office , 1983 , 755 pp . , ISBN 0 566 00258 2 , £ 20 . Arnold , G. , Modern Kenya , Longman , 1981 , 244 pp . , ISBN 0 582 64286 8 , ( hb ) £ 7.95 , 224 pp . , ISBN ...
الصفحة 89
... Kenya is more likely due to state repression of dissident leader- ship and of autonomous organizational forms that may voice dissent . Detail on repression in Kenya may be found in Anyang ' Nyong'o ( 1983 ) , Race and Class ( 1983 ) ...
... Kenya is more likely due to state repression of dissident leader- ship and of autonomous organizational forms that may voice dissent . Detail on repression in Kenya may be found in Anyang ' Nyong'o ( 1983 ) , Race and Class ( 1983 ) ...
الصفحة 90
... Kenya and Tanzania , rev . edn . New York : Praeger . and J. Okumu 1978. ' Semi - competitive elections , clientelism , and political recruit- ment in Kenya ' , in Guy Hormet ( ed . ) Elections Without Choice , pp . 88-107 . London ...
... Kenya and Tanzania , rev . edn . New York : Praeger . and J. Okumu 1978. ' Semi - competitive elections , clientelism , and political recruit- ment in Kenya ' , in Guy Hormet ( ed . ) Elections Without Choice , pp . 88-107 . London ...
MARTIN HALL 1 | 65 |
Reviews of books 1 | 80 |
North Africa 1 | 105 |
حقوق النشر | |
19 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
administration African Studies agnatic agricultural analysis anthropology Bagisu Bohannan boreholes Botswana bridewealth Cambridge Cameroon cattle central centres century club heads colonial Committee cooperative crops cultural customary Decree District Dodoma dry season economic elders ethnic ethnographic farmers farming father fertility Fulbe Guider Hausa households ideological igba important indigenous ingôl group Institute interests International ISBN Islam isusu clubs ityô Kambia Kenya kinship Kwandu labour Lake Tanganyika land Liberia lineage London Lubanda marriage marriage systems migrants Mlowa Muslim networks Ngwa Nigeria Nkulabi nonmigrant nonwage occupations organization Pagan peasant political polygyny population Port Loko production Quranic relations role Rukuba rural Sankoh segmentary lineage self-help Sierra Leone society Sokoto status structure Tabwa Tanzania Temne tenure tion town trade traditional Tswana University Press urban village West Africa wives women