صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Boste, s. a menace, a threat, 7962.
Bot, Bote, s. a boat, 958, 1299,

Bote, s. (A.S.) gain, profit, ad-

vantage, 448, 12334.

Bote, v. to help, to profit, 3391,

8854. bowman 3901.
Boumon, s. an archer, 5536.
Boun, Boune, Bowne, v. (A.S.)
to make ready, to prepare, to dress,
827, 2756; to rush, to dash, 6899,


bouny, bonnet, 6905, 6997; adj. ready, going,
Boun=bound, compelled, 9474.
Boundyn abounding, great,




Bourde, &. (A.N.) a joke, a jest

pl. conversation, 3112.


Bourder, 8. edge, border, 329,
sourdurs 1652 1248; a corner, 1598. bourders w
Bourdfull, adj. (A.N.) sportive,
free, 3952.

to bow

Boure, s. (A.S.) a chamber, 505,


Bove, v. to behove, 5115.


Bow, Bowe, v. to bend, to bow,
bowet to submit, 507, 2511, 8147, 13220;
to go, to come, to wend, 362, 775,
851978 to retreat, 9490.
Bowande, part. of Bow, bending,
obedient, submissive, 901.
Bowe, s. a yoke for oxen, 901.
Bowe, s. a bough, a branch, 412,


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Brake, v. to beat, to crush, 6922.

Brake, s. that which breaks or
breaches, artillery engine, a balist,
"big bowes of brake"=Arcoballis-
tae, or huge crossbows mounted on
stand, with crank, 5728.

Bras, v. to embrace, 13810.
Brasier, s. a brazier, a bronze-
worker, 1589.
Brast, v. to burst, to break, 3711,

8255; pret. Brast, 865, 2681, 3469.

Brathe: See Brethe. 5075 feel. braft.
Braunch, v. to spread, to shoot out,

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1172; part. p. Bred, spread, laid
out, 383; pret. Bret, 8794.
Brede, 8. breadth, spreading,
4964; "upon brede "extensively,
3022; "borly of brede" = of great
extent, very wide, 11874.

Bref, s. a writing, a parchment,

Breff, adj. (A.N.) brief, short, 74.

Bregh, s. (A.S.) the eyebrow,
Breke, v. to crash, to rush, 5827,


Brem, Breme, adj. (A.S. brem) 11874
great, wonderful, 1563, 3714; wild, tem
vigorous, fierce, cruel, 860, 1314, pestuous
5872, 9632.3 [brym 6905.
Bremnes, s. fierceness, fury, 1066, ags
brent of impf 10104
Bren, Brenne, v(A.S.) to burn,
171, 570, 889,-1379, 1989, 7113;
pret. & part. p. Brent, Brente.


Braid, Braide, v. (A.S.) to turn | Brent, adj. burnt, refined, bright,

up, 904; to pull, to pull up, to


bremly 6765; bremely



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Bret adj. & part. from Brede,
quite all spread out, crammed, 10254, 12561;
fixed, set, 4960. 1262 tuck we
Bret pret. of Brede, spread,
passed, soaked, 8794.
breBrethe, Brathe, s. rage, anger,
5066, 5075; wind, 1945, 3697.
Brethe, v. to smell,8777, 9119,



Brether, pl. of Brother, 8400,

13167, 13599; Brother, 8368.
Bretton, v. (A.S.) See Britten.
Breve, v. to write, to record, 14,
65, 3736. brang hp. 5518.
Bridde, s. (A.S.) a bird, 345,

Brig, Brigge, s. a bridge, a draw-
bridge, 7130, 10464, 13880, 13886,
13897. gi-ges

Bright, adj. beautiful, lovely,

Bright, v. to illumine, to light
up, 815.

Brise, v. to bruise, to shatter,
7929, 10275. te britton 5073
Britten, Britton, Bretton, v. (A.S.)
to dash, to batter, to killed
2234, 14034 fretonitionpf.
Broche, v(Fr.) to pierce, to
transfix, 6503; to spur, to dash,
7690, 10033.
spear, lance

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Broche, s. a thrust, 10872.



Brother, s. pl. brothers, 8368;
Brether, 8400, 13167, 13599.
Brunston, s. (A.S.) brimstone,
sulphur, 860.

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(Brush) Brussh, v. to rush, to dash, brussket
1192, 1216, 109693 bicherard
Bude, v. impers.


must, to be
bound to, "bude wirke" = must
work, 172.


brusshit i

Buern, Buerne, Barne, s. (A.S.) a
child, a man, a person, a soldier, a
noble, 90, 91, 170, 321, 324, 2887, -burret
8143; pl. people, 321; Burnes,
Buffette, s. a blow, 9674.
486; Burnys, 6111.
Bult, pret. of Belt, tumbled head-
long, 7476, 9992.

Burbel, Burbull, v. to bubble, to
mingle, 3697; to choke, to be
choked, 5760,


Burd, Burde, s (A.S.) a board, a
table, 211, 383, 486; the wood, or
wooden portion of a shield, 5827;
a shield, 5836.

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Brode, adj. broad, great, large, Buske, v. (cel.) to busk, 1989, subj.

362, 1299; on

over, through, 8780.

Broght, pret. & part. p. of Bring,
brought, hurried; of lyue broght=
killed, 1443, 8633.
Brond, s. (A.S.) a sword, 10275.

bround 10073.

to array, to make ready, 683, 757,
1186, 1322, 2568, 12968 to hide,
to lie hid, 1168.

Busshement, 8. (A.N.) an ambus-
cade, 13014.

Bustious, adj. See Boistous.



cantly 6504, 11480, 10349–
Kantry $285
carpying $7609.


But, conj. unless, 879, 927; so|
that, 13730; but if — if only,
8620, unless, 7369.
Buyldyng, s. a house, 1519.
By, prep. by, for, with, of; beside,
along with, 11569; adv. by the time
that, when, 814, 1074; by wisshyng
= flowing past, 1606,
By, Bye, v. to abide, 2230; to
pay for, 4865; to buy, 11513.
Byccer, v. See Biker


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Bytell-browet, adj. beetle-browed,
with prominent brow, 3824.
cables 2848.



Cable, s. a cable, a rope, 1944.
Cacchen, Cacche, Cache, v. (A.S.)
to catch, to attach, to take, 489,
1077, 2876to press, to push,
2710; to capture, to seize 1467,
kag*.p. 3192. (9766; pret. Cacht, Caght, Kaght-

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derived, obtained, 2155 Coght
= caught, 300.

iliary before verbs in the infinitive
to express a past tense), 374, 9916.
Cant, adj. strong, hearty, courage-

ous, 1191, 2267. 5429
Caple, Capull, s. (A.N.) a horse,
°5530, 7720, 9895, 10878.
Care, s. grief, vexation, 1306;
fear, 5997; concern, 427, 2464.
Caren, Karyn, s. carrion, a dead Caryn
body, 1972, 11185, 13027.
Carle, s. (A.S. ceorl) a low fellow,

a marauder, 9766.


carpit pp


Carpe, v. (Lat.) to talk, to tell,
to speak, to discourse, 829, 2450;
"karpes carpi (:)
part. Carping.?
Carpentour, s. a carpenter, 1597.
Carve, Karve, v. to carve, to cut,
to hack, to hew, 1268, 1650; pret.
Caru pr. crven p
Karve, 9468.
Case, s. (A.N.) chance, event,
2537, 2932; case, matter, purpose,
532, 11480.

Cast, adj. rank, vile, 10448.
Cast, Caste, s. reach, extent,
dat 1447; reason, reasoning, 7951,
11241; a plan, a contrivance, a
plot, a stratagem, 714, 1184, 10488,
11241, 11243, 11328.

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Cage, v. to catch, to entangle by Cauping, Caupyng, s. fighting,

shaking, or warping, 3703.

Caire, v. See Kaire.

Caitif, s. (A.N.) a wretch,


dastard, 1393; Caiteff, 10352.
Cald, part. p. called, 1490, 2844;
Calt, 388.

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fight, 1265; part. tossing, tum-
bling, 13161.

Cause, s. a case, matter, 1004;
occasion, 1105; reason, 2896.
Cautel, 8. (A.N.) a scheme, a
device, 11490.
Cayre, v. See Kaire.

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8270 Don

resest pc, 521

"fast. he

Certen, adj. certain, a few, 1709. | Chese, v. (A.S.) to choose, 1772, chess impof.
Chaltrede, Chaltrid, part. p. com-2299, 8952; to recognize, 13509; to ehese
pret. Ches, 9627; part. p. Chosen,

pressed, bound, overcome, 894,

Chape, v. to escape, to be passed
over, 7904.dimpf.
Charbokill, s. (A.N.) a carbuncle,


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Cheve, Chef, Chefe, v. (A.N.

chevir) to accomplish, 16; to obtain, cheat pip
95; to happen, to befall, 518, 708, he
ch5985; to result, to turn, 595, 947,

Chaseond, part. pres. rushing,
dashing, 10436.
p. pres
Chateryng, s. talking, 1967; silly
talk, 1931; in both cases the word
conveys the idea of boastful speech.
Chauffe, v.(A.N.) to warm, to
1953. heat, 7996. Shawng 1881 - Extehange of prisoper
Chaunce, Chaunse, s. chance,
accident; by chaunce afterwards,

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1007; to go, to haste, to enter,
370, 6019, 8265, 9331. chef mpf deten impf. pl.
Chevere, v. to shiver, to quiver, ehe


Childer, Childre, Children, Chil-
dur, pl. of Child, 1356, 1383, 1418,
1499, 2099.

Chivaler, s. (Fr.) a horseman, a
knight, 6019.

Choise, adj. fine, 1356; elegant,
beautiful, 490. adv. he was h..
Choisly, adv. completely, cer-
tainly, 894, 1621. 7777 especially.

Chop, Choppe, s. (A.S.) a blow,
7701, 8265, 8643; v. to pierce,



as it turned out, 108; an under-cher1967; to rush, to drive, 7259. choppit ipf.
taking, 1009, 1292; a mishap, 1751. Chosen, Chosyn, pret. and part.
Chef, Chefe, v. See Cheve.
p. of Chese, gone, entered, 490, impf.pl.

cheval Chefe, Cheffe, adj. chief, choice,
main, 1663; the cheffe = the upper
end, 1663.


Chefely, adv. particularly, earn-
estly, 1292.

Chekker, s. (A.N.) the game of
chess, 1621.

Chele, adj. cold, 7958.
Chene, s. a chain, pl. Chenys, 894.
Chere, s. (A.N.) countenance, be-
haviour, entertainment, 366, 1186,
1356, 13509; lot, condition, 8683;
of no gre chere not of sufficient
rank, or excellence, 7197.

Chere, adj. dear, noble, faithful,
1772, 5286, 7197.

Chere, v. to hearten, to strengthen,
8643; to revive, to recover, 10416.
Cherys, v. to cherish, to entertain,
509; Cherisshyng, part. fondling,

670; liked, esteemed, 1621; pre-
pared, fitted up, 1663.

Chricken, v. (A.S.) to shriek, to
crackle, 9511.

Chynyng, s. shining, gleaming,

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Cleane, adj. See Clene; s. a | Cloyse, adj. See Close.
lady, 1914; adv. entirely, 9468. Cluster, Clustre, v. to set in
Clede, v. pret. Clede, to clothe, clusters or groups, 1634, 1647,
candy8476; to adorn, 8752.



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Cobb, v. to lay about one, to

Clene, Cleane, Kleane, adj. pure," "Clynke, s. the sound of blows,
clean, 164, 399, 1395, 9468; in-
most, secret, 467; distinct, separ-
ate, 1634; whole, 10835; polished,
finished, 77; super. Clennest, 1496.
Clenly, adv. properly, 774.
Clennes, Klennes, 8. purity,
modesty, 523, 13041; clearness of
elrar Clense, v. to cleanse, 1608,


skin, 1503.

fight, 8285; Kobb, 11025. To spar
Cogge, s. (A.S.) a boat, a vessel,
1077, 3242. cosges pl.

Coght, pret. of Cache, caught, 300.
clens Coint, Coynt, adj. (A.N.) cun-

Clent, adj. steep, high, rocky,

Clepe, v. (A.S. clypian) to call,


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ning, skilful, curious, 125, 187,
191, 7715. coint 11243;
Cointly, Coyntly, adv. cunningly,
skilfully, 164, 204, 11228. 8779
Coke, s. a cook, 1596.

Cold, v. (A.S.) to grow cold, 1306.
Colde, pret. of Can, could, was

Cole, adj. cold, 1076, 9255. cool

capable, 2529. conv. t. knew

Coler, s. the collar, the neck,


Color, Colour, s. colour, a banner,
the ground of a shield, 5462,
10970; v. to colour, to gloss, 523,
1063; Colowr, 7852. colord pp.
Combir, Combur, Cumbre, v. to
trouble, to vex, 2065, 11331, Contac
11759. Comp


Combraunse, Cumbranse, S.
trouble, misfortune, 2281, 9169,
169, combrans



Come, v. (A.S.) to go, to come,
to reach, to arrive at, 193,1021,
1071, 1101, 1300; to become,
2181; pret. Come, Comen, Comyn; 100 4
part. p. Comyn descended, 1847.
Come, s. coming, approach, ar-
rival, 375, 975, 1142,1230, 2026.
Comely) Comly, Coumly, Cumly,
adj. beautiful, 474, 1395; as a s. a
lady, 552.

Comford, Comfford, v. pret. Com-
ferd, to comfort, to reassure, 532,

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