صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Saght, pret. of Seek, sought,
searched for, 7670.
Sale, s. (A.N.) a hall, a palace,
361. saluti.)
Salue, v. (A.N.) to salute, to

greet, 1909, 4981.

Salus, s. pl. greetings, 3640.

Sam, adj. same, 10829.

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Sclaunder, v. to slander, to blame,
834; 8. blame, slander, disgrace,
11756; Sklaunder, 1810, 4932. kurdurial's
Scrive, s. a shriek, a noise, 9511.

Samyn, adv. together, 752, 1176. Se, v. to see, to look on, to be-

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hold, 1643, 1985; imperat. 1422;
pret Segh, Sogh, saw, 739, 1317 se imp
Se, s. the sea, 1982; See, 1989.
Seche, v. to seek, 531, 11702,
seche imper

12677 seck in

6324,Sedur, s. the cedar; of sedur tre
Seche, adj. such, 11680.

12137; Sawle, 10768.
Saut, Saute, Sawte, s. (A.N.) an
assault, 57, 85, 3532, 6869,


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Sawte, s. See Saut.
sauter Sawter, s. the Psalter, 4435.
443 Say, v. to tell, to relate, 374;
pret. & part. p. Said, 1073, 1416;
pret. Sayn, Sain, said, 277, 5203,
tres 5214. pies. pres.
Say, s. a speech, a proverb, an
opinion, 8063.

Sayn, Sain, pret. of Say, said,
-277, 5203, 5214. no is prés.
Schalk, Schalke, s. See Shalk.
Schall, v. shall, 6900.

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of cedar wood, 1658.


to sech infl.


Seek, v. to agitate, to work upon;
pret. Sought, 8716; (Soght, 9127. fro pre herlle,
Sege, s. (A.S.) a man, a noble, 9979.
Segh, pret. of Se, saw, beheld,


1222, 1246.5806 sigan Per. siren
Seie, Seye, v. (A.S.) to turn, to
turn over, to fall down, 2512) 3398, it to
Seyn, hut, 7129. ne = move on, yo,
6579, 6644; pret. Seit, (Seyit, Seyt;
Seigne, s. a sign, 3108. seignes 31.
Seke, adj. (A.S.) sick, 6057, 9175.
Seke, v.to go on pilgrimage, to resort to
worship, 2002; pret. Soght. appy to solicit.
Seker, Sekir, Sekur, adj. sure, no.
1. sicker
secure, 198, 7991; Syker, 1544.
9517 sekin
Sekurly, adv. certainly, surely,

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GLOSSARIAL INDEX. sesit 2764 ceas?A.

Semble, s. an assembly, a council,

a battle-field, 3737; Semely, 7389;
Semly, 4160.

Seme, v. to seem, to appear; me
semys it seems to me, me thinks,

Semly, adj. comely, good-looking,
beautiful, 127, 1472, 8246; s. a
lady, a gentleman, 503, 1854;
Semely, 390, 560.

Semond, part. seeming, seen, ap-
parent, 469.

Semple, adj. low, downcast, 8247.
Semster, s. one who does the
ornamental sewing on gloves and
other kinds of leather work; hence
they are classed with sadlers and
souters; 1585.

Send, v. to send, to keep, to de-
fend, 3510; pret. Send, sent,
10796; part. p. Send, sent, 10501.
Seniour, s. a chief, 13056.7841.
Senowe, s. a sinew, a muscle,

8794. se nowvis pé
Sent, v. to assent, 6280.
Seond, part. seeing, 8094.

Ser, compar. of Sere, sure, 5627.
Serch, v. to turn up, to dig, 1534;
to plunder, 12015; to test, to
measure, 1537.

Sercle, s. a circle, 1658; circuit,
course, 1052, 1555; site, situation,


Sere, adj. several, many, 1413,
sere goddes. 2000, 7160; all; on sere haluys

= on all sides, 1353, 1702, 6070,
12980; on sere halfe, 6054; sure;
comp. Ser, surer, more secure, 5627.
Sere, v. to serve, to worship, 2946,

as above, several, redund.
Serklyt, adj. encircled, 3038; set
with, 3408.


Sertan, adj. certain; in sertan
assuredly, 9556.
Servage, s. (A.N.) bondage, 1384.
Serve, v. to deserve, 550.

Ses, Sese, v. to cease, to cause to

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sean, Seyvyn, adj. seven,

10118, 10546. seuon 738.
Sevynt, adj. seventh, 6215.
Sew, pret. of Sow, sowed, 941.
Sew, v. to proceed, to follow, 361,

1475, 11109; to sue, 1854.
Sewertie, s. surety, certainty,


I set



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Sewte, s. a company, 12995. 34/0 - suit,
Sextene, adj. sixteenth, 10639.
Seye, v. See Seie; pret. Seyn,
-shut, 7129.

schalk 6885.
Shake, v. (A.S.) to set out, to
roam, 2921, 3178.
stait shalkes
Shalke, s. (A.S.) a man, 72, 89, men, soldiks
Shame, v. to be, or to become

ashamed, 7468. 1234f
Shap, s. shape, form, 1550.
Shape, v. (A.S.) to shape, to

form, 1649; to dress, to array,
2572; to cause, to bring about,
2073; to direct, to guide, 1144 to
hie, to haste,-pret. Shope, 2758.
Share, v. (A.S.) to cut, to shear,
" through,
1233, 1269, 11113; pret. Share.
Sharpe, adj. quick, rapid, 2758.
Shaw, s. a thicket, a small wood,

shaply a, 3080.



Shede, s. the parting of the hair | Shone, v. to shun, to shrink, to
of the head, 3023.
Sheltron, Sheltrone, Sheltrun, s.
sheltrums a squadron of ships, 3239; a body
of soldiers, 5249, 5804, 10047 on
sheltrum Shemere, v. (A.S.) to glitter, to
shine, 4974.

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Shend, v. (A.S.) to destroy, to
shatter, 2544, 5249, 5697; pret. &
0 part. p. Shent; to excuse, to par-
don, 8119.old

Shend, a form of Send, v. pret.
defended, answered in defence,

Shene, a form of

part. p.
seen, 89, 2950
Shene, adj. (A.S.) bright, splen-
did, beautiful, 330, 1408; noble,
exalted, 600; as a s. fair one, lady,
8144; as an adv. well, seemly, 1649.
Shenship, s. confusion, disgrace,
ruin, 4176, 8119.

Shent, part. p. excused, pardoned,

8119; ruined, shattered, exhausted,
p. 10348, 13416. See Shend.

Shentyng, part. "shrinking, shun-
ning, withdrawing, 481. See Shone,
to-shuar Shevere, v. to shiver, 1264. 73916


Shew, v. to appear, to offer, to
Shewe.display, 801, 1581; to look upon,
1456, 1550. e shene


Shilde, s. (A.S.) a shield, 889,
1194; to shield, to defend,
12310. To shiedi dit. for
Shire, Shyre, adj. (A.S.) clear,
bright, fresh, sparkling, 270, 330,
346, 1269, 2373; great, solemn,
729; Schir, 12168.

Shodere, Shodure, v. to shudder,
S to burst, to break, 1335, 3706-der
Shogge, v. to attack, to thrust,
jog, move or

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Share ou


Shok, Shoke, pret. went, passed,
1980, 3132; carried, 9907, 11124;
v.i v.i
rent, split, 6888.
Shold, pret. of Shall, should, 7558;
Shuld, 10795.

rush from; pret. Shont, 919, 1335,
5732; Sehunt, 19730.
Shont, pret. of Shone.
Shope, v. pret. made, shaped,
made for, prepared, put, fell, hap-
pened, 72, 1780, 2758, 3245,
10242, 10348; Schope, 13730.
Shot, pret. & part. p. entered, darked
passed, put, set, filled, 1901, 5564,
9509; rushed, 5933.

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Shote, s. a clump, a group, 330;

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Shotte, a flood, a stream, 3300.
Shottyn, pret. shot, tossed, 1408.
Shoure, s. a shower of rain, 1577; 4(3€ snour 5
a conflict, a combat, 5804, 11048.
Showve, v. to fly away, 11804.- imy'
Shrike, s. a song, a carol, 346; v. shower!
to sing, 12974.

Shuld, pret. of Shall, should,

were about to, 10795.
Shunt, v. to shun, to shrink, to

withdraw, to retreat, to desist,
600, 729, 10377, 10998; to free
from, to protect from, 2544;
Schunt, 13730.

Shyre, adj. See Shire.

Sib, Syb, s. (A.S.) a relation,
5449, 5461.

Sib, Syb, Sibbe, Sybbe, adj.
(A.S.) related by blood, near, 2057,
5019, 7080, 7090.

Sib-men, Syb-men, s. relatives,
kinsmen, 1802, 2588, 11293.
Sibradyn, s. (A.S.) relationship,


siehe on

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Siche, adj. such, 7585. gehe 17577.
Sicken, Sykyng, part. sighing,
866, 12427. See Sike.

Sighkyng, part. falling down,
hanging, waving, 3900.

Sight, s. sight-seeing, curiosity,

Sike, v. to sigh, to sob, 1307;
part. Sikyng, 1515, 2680; Sykyng,
495, 866.

Siker, adj. certain, sure, expert,
2075, 3903; (Sekir, 6950; Syker,
1544; Sycher, 13861;), eompar.
safer, better, 1752. positiv
Sikernes, 8. security, 11733.
Sikyng, Sykyng, s. sighing, sob-
bing, 1515, 2680, 8032, 8452.
Sile, Syle, v. to drop, to fall, to
flow down, 1307, 2168, 2680; to
compose one's self, 372, 9210; to
pass, to move, 364, 1973.
Sir, s. a sire, a father, 7894;
knight, a noble, 9470.
Sit, probably for Set, 2730.
Sital, s. a stringed musical instru-
ment, 3435. Chauc. citole.

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Sité, s. a city, 10409. Time
Sith, (adv. since), 8. & way; no
sithin no way, 9535.

Sithe, Sythe, s. (A.S.) time, 188,

11039, 12996.

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Skewe, Skiew, s. the sky, the

heavens, 9637, 9932, 10182, 12496,
awa 12500. skewer, wis shrew skewes
Skire, Skyre,. fierce, cruel, shay
angry, 8897, 12500, 12700,(13397,


Skirme, v. to battle, to flash,
12500, 13601.

Sklaunder. See Sclaunder.
Sknowe, s. snow, 10971.
Skope, pret. of Skape, 13541. 13/30
Skorne, s. contempt, 1874.

Sithen, Sythen, adv. (A.S.) since,+Skoute-wacche, Scowte-wacche, s.

after, afterwards, 66, 176, 4558,
13790; Sethyn, 455. sithen 289

Os/2363 Sitte, v. to become, to suit, to
concern, to befal, 530, 2130, 2284;
Syt, 2552; part. Sittyng, becom-
9/40 ing, suitable, more becoming, 1737,


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2962, 12345.

Skaire, v. to divide, to send forth,

to set here and there, 1089.

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Skant, adj. deficient, imperfect,
to turn to to lend
Skape, v. to shape, to lead to, to
bring, 8897; to escape, 834, 13117,
fing life fim 13130. 13514 skapt impl.

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Skathe, Skather) . to skathe,
efer to harass, 2111, 5557.
Skathe, Skath, 8. injury, damage,
danger, 834, 1810, 2725, 13130.
Skathell, Skathil adj. fierce,
cruel, 4067, 13130. murin l
Skathill, adv. grievously, for
-gene, 13397.q.

Skelte, v. to warn, to report,
1089, 6042; part. Skeltyng.. 6:
vide note

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Skryke, s. a shriek, 910; to

shriek, 101825 skryngiv.s.
Skylle, s. skill, opportunity, 1874.
Skyrme, s. battle, struggle, 13541.
Slade, s. (A.S.) a ravine, a narrow
way, a valley, 6006, 6601, 6795,
7005, 7693, 10673.
Slagh, Slaght, Slaghte,
slaughter, murder, 2178, 6006,
7693, 9270, 13008, 13609.
Slange, Slaunge, pret. of Sling,
dashed, 1296, 13745.

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pat slegh

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Slegh, adj. skilful, far-reaching,
3849; neatly formed, 3063.
Sleghly, Slely, "Slighly, adv.
slyly, cunningly, skilfully, cleverly,
swiftly, 196, 789,1251, 1296,


Sleght, s. (A.S.) skill, contrivance,
the knack of doing anything, 196,

1251, 1996, 9186; perfection,

beauty, 3063; Slight, 10673.
imp. 8225 Sleppit, part. p. slept, 817.
Sletyng, verbal 8. sleight, cun-
ning use of anything, 196.
Slicche, s. mud, wet, plashy
ground, slush, 5710, 13547;
Sluche, 12529; Sliche, 5763.
Slighly, adj. See Sleghly.
Slight, s. See Sleght.

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Sling, Slyng, v. to cast, to cast
down, to dash, 8851; pret. Slange,
13745; Slaunge, 1296; Slong,

Slip, Slyp, v. to glide, to fall, to
slip, 8096; pret. Slypped, 2378;
part. p. Slippit, 8428, 4703 imp
Sliper, adj. slippery, 11295.
Slit, v. (A.S.) to cleave, to cut
through, to rip, 5939, 6409, 7001,




slyly Fr. 8090

Sluche, s. slush, foam, 12529.
Slym, Slyme, s. slime, mud, quick-
sand, 5710, 13547; a snare, a trap,

Slyme, v. to do anything care-
lessly, to pretend ignorance, 8096.
See Sling.

Slyng, v.
Slyngyng, part. casting down,

slaughter, 6006, 7693.
Slyp, v. See Slip.

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Smaragden, s. a precious stone, emerald.
probably sardonyx, 924.

Smelt, adj. shining, polished,
bright (as if smelted), 1667.
Smert, adj. rough, uncut, 924;
sharp, fierce, 9512.

Smethe, adj. (A.S.) smooth,

polished, clear, 924, 1667, 11796.
Smorther, s. a suffocating smoke
or smell, smut, 911, 3511, 9512,

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"snaw 3067,

Smult, pret. of Smile, boiled,
bubbled, rushed, 911.
Soberly, Soburly, adv. earnestly,
248, 380.

Soche, adj. such, 1364; so great,
so noble, 1725.

Socur, s. (A.N.) succour, help,

- Slithe, s. for Sliche. See Slicche.31344; allies, 9700; v. to succour,

Slober, s. foam, drift, 12529.
Slogh, s. a slough, 13547.
Slogh, pret. of Sle, slew, killed,
1218, 1296, 9038; Sloght, 9728;
Slough, 10306.
stomeryng 1.5
Slomer, v. (A.S.) to slumber, 6,
8428; part. Slomeryng.

Slomur, 8. slumber, 13285.

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Slong, Slongen, Slongyn, Slungen,
pret. of Sling, cast, dashed, 3201,
3217, 4215, 12529.

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Slote, 8. the throat, 908; the

hollow in the throat above the
breast, or, the pit of the stomach,
3063, 5939, 6409.

Slough. See Slogh.

slode pret. 8225 1,4 pidi!)
slidon p. p. 4037 slydyn 6.

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to help, 6447. to sopr5923 for 644.
Sodenly, adv. suddenly, 1697. dan syed
So-gat in such manner, 5207.
Sogh, pret. of Se, saw, 739.
Soght, Soghton, Sought, Sought-
on, pret. of Seek, sought, searched,
invented, 1623; went, pushed on,
rushed, poured, 964, 1353, 5903,659,
-9127; rose, 1091; fell, 4315;
came, entered, 392, 1376, 8716;
departed, 6644, 13209; part. p.
driven, forced, 1513.

Soiourne, v. to sojourn, to abide,

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