صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Somer, Somur, s. summer, 1626,


Somon, Somyn, v. (A.N.) to


summon, 205, 1702, 2579.
Somyn, adv. (A.S.) together, 66.
7813 Son, Sonne Sun, 8. the sun,
1539, 2730. te b b
Sonder; in sonder



Sone, adv. (A.S.) soon, at once,
940, 2668; comp. Soner, sooner,
2182; super. Sonest, soonest, fore-
most, 1877, 2184; Sonyst, 1155.
Sop, Soppe, s. a band of men,
1309, 1311, 6054, 6739, 6758
hollsoppe holle="one mass, 1289, 9986.
Sope, s. a draught, 3299.
Sopertyme, s. supper-time, 3398.
Sor, Sore, s. a sore, a wound,
9193, 9270.
Sore, adj. great, 1259; severe,
1266; adv. sorely, 1307.
Soré, Sory, adj. sorry, worthless,
wicked, 4467, 10445.
Sorgrym, s. See Sourgrem.

sorely 3692" (Sorili, Sorily adv. miserably,
certainly, 754. painfully pitiably
Sorow, 8. sorrow, grief, 1457,


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Community Company
Sort, s. manner, 4326; a set, or
company, 5782.37/3
Sossynge, 8. fondling, cajolery,
wheedling, 2932. 6othyn 11495
Sot, s. (A.N.) a fool, 1961.

Soteltie, s. a


1623, 8395. ingenuity,
Sotely, adv. skilfully, 3031.
Sothe, adj. (A.S.) true, 11; s.

031. soteley 11495.

truth, 36, 158, 188, 277.
Sothely, adv. truly, certainly,
altogether, 335; Sothly, 1019.
Sothyn, s. glossing, special plead-
ing, 11495.

Sotly, adv. in truth, soothly,
4219, 4229.
8201. sow di puris
Soudiour, s. a soldier, 1136. soudours.
Souet, should be Sonet, grieved,

495. See Soune.

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10506, 10621.- sound
message, 2102, sound
Soundismen, s. messengers, en-
voys, 8866.

Soundly, adv. safely, 1826.
Soune, v. (Fr. soin, Jamieson,
Sonyie to grieve, 5284; Sonet, 495. vide note
Sourcher, s. choking, agony, 9127.
Soune, s. a sound, 11919.
Sourde, v. (A.N.) to swell,
5051. sourde; sourdit im /.1816.
Sourdyng, s. dislike, hatred, 1000.

Sourgrem, Sourgreme, 3. venge-

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Sotell, adj. subtle, cunning, 1576. Spar, s. a blow, a thrust, 10684.

Sote, pret. of Sit, sat, 8266.

sotele 9.1920 s. of sycnse.

sowme vit (-timp. 13356.

Spar, Sparre, v. to aim, to hurl, Spise, v. to despise, 3889. spibit impf,

Le sparet 6194, 6502, 6690, 6914.

he sparit

Spare, v. to spare, to leave, to

omit, 1274, 13173. 12736.)

Spart, s. Sparta, 1011.

inspase: milder Keil.
Spase, s. the open sea, 2811;
time, 12692.

Specially, adv. particularly, 1492,


Specyal, s. a favourite, a servant,
4292. speoyals 12119 speciall
Sped, pret. of Spede, 13236.
Spede, Sped, s. haste, progress,
8. haste, progress,
conen 2090, 13236 departure 7887
success, 823, 984, 1107, 1120,

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Spede, v. (A.N.) to speed, to
subj.pe; in hasten, to succeed, 233, 1776,

1968; pret. Sped, exerted, 13236.

Spede-full, adj helpful, 1107
Speire, Spere, Sper, s. a spear,
3698, 5852, 6887, 7007. spers per
Speke, to speak; part. Spek-
and, 4292.

Spell, s. a spell, rapt attention,

2090; a season, an interview, 7917.


Spence, 8. expense, 233; Spense,


Spent, pret. of Spend, spent,

hurled, 6502; fastened, 10942.
Spere, Spire, Spirre, v. to ask, to
inquire, 4297, 8161, 9555, 10186,
.4.12093,413135; Apret. Spird; part.

Spicer, s. a grocer, 1595.

Spie, s. a spy, 13477. spies pl.

To Spille, v. (A.S.) to destroy, to
kill, to wreck, 1968, 8134, 12119,
12692, 12736; pret. & part. p.

Spilte, adj. waste, bare, 4060;
dead, 6416, 10131. sp
4. Spire, v. to ask, 8161. pre
Spire, v. (Lat.) to rush up, to flow,
3698. nid spirit vp
Spiritualtie, 8. doctrine, 3100.


Spite, s. spite, hatred, contempt,
1968, 12093; v. to hurt, to injure,
2114. p


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Spitiously, Spitously, Spitusly,
adv. fiercely, furiously, 3698, 6914, 66qe
Sporior, s. a spur-maker, 1595.
Spousaile, s. espousals, marriage
Vows, 12736.

Spred, part. p. spread, covered,


Sprent, pret. of Springe, shivered,
split, 7248.

Sprets. a spirit, 13217.prete 5099-

Springe, v. to warp, to break, to

shiver, 1195; to dawn, to spread,
sprongen 1. pl.
295, 1128, 1137. sprange (6) spring sungja
Spritte, s. a spirit, 4297.pl-
Spronge, Sprongen,Sprongyn,
Sprongen, pret. of Springe, broke,
shivered, 1195, 5783,966611022; pro
Sprongyn, part. p. 6106.
Sprotte, s. a fragment, a shiver,

1195, 5783, 6406, 7248, 9666,
Spurn, v. to beat, to drive, 4744.7652
Spyll, s. a splinter, a fragment,


Spynner, s. a spinner, 1595.
Stable, adj. sure, sound, 1423.
Stad, s. stoppage, delay, 4654.
Stad, v. to stand, to stop, 11073;
part. p. Stad, placed, situated, 1319,
9437, 12874; opposed, pitted,
2389; caught, 12520, 13290; pret.
Stad, sufficed, 4681. availed"
Stake, pret. of Steek, Stick,
shut up, closed, 893, 11147, 13844;
stuck, caught, 9435.

Stale, pret. of Steal, stole, 988,
6455, 12282, 12831.

Stall, s. a booth, 1580.

Stall, v. to satisfy, to fill, 5186.
Stalle, adj. proud, obdurate, 9789.

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stith 9679.



Stalworth, adj. (A.S.) strong,
brave, 365, 9182.
Stalworthly, adv. bravely, secure-
ly, 2076.

Stanke, 8. a tank, a receptacle,

Starf, pret. of Sterve, died, perish-
ed, 7398, 9583, 9870.
Staring, "Staryng, Starond, adj.
shining, glittering, 3037, 7349,
10783, 11943.7.

Statur, s. a statue, 11654.





188 from the syth,




Stirryng, s. a bustle, a gathering,
a merry-making, 2928.
Stiryng, s. raging, 12067. (Pro-
bably (another spelling of last,
word.) stithe pl. stythe
Stithe, Stythe, adj. (A.S.) strong, m
rank, broad, brave, heroic, noble, 3519
7, 21, 251, 727, 922, 945. wrong! 932.
Stithely, Stithly, (Stythly,? adv.
stoutly, greatly, 1240, 5871, strongly, highly
Stody, 8. study, reverie, 2515,
9263.dy 4011..

Stole, Stel, s. steel; as an adj. Stoken, Stokyn, part. p. of Stick,

9634. swedis

Step, v. to march, to go, 351.

Stepe, adj. deep, full, 3758, 7724.
Stere, s. a rudder, 1981, 1997,

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patched, compiled, 11; shut, closed,
9207; stuck out, prominent, 3758;
fixed, in its place, 12227.
Stondyng, part. standing, set,





Stonye, v. (A.N.) to astonish, to knytin
confound, 2515, 10371, 11806 or 3042
Store, Storre, adj. (Icel.) strong,
great, 538, 1193; Stoure, 942. storest 2193,
Store, v. to restore, 727; to fill,
to choke, 8862.

Storven, part. p. of Sterve, killed,
dead, 9634.

Stotie, v. to stutter, 3881. See
Stut. he solid.

Stound, s. (A.S.) a moment, a
while, 7910, 9770.

Stoupe, v. (Icel.) to stoop, to
shrink, 7256, 10150.0 Fr. estor
Stoure, s. (feet. sty) battle, Gounter
shock, onset, attack, 7, 28, 365, tumult
1179, 7691; opposition, difficulty,
615; time, space, 4681.
Stoure, adj. See Store.

Stour 10423.

Stourk, v. to strike, to beat at,
13885. Mourket i
Stoute, adj. great, lovely, 8388.
Stowrnes, Stowrenes, s. greatness,
excess, 9015, 10345.
Stoynye, v. to stagger, to reel,
7431. stognyt ipf.
Straght, pret. of Streke, stretched,
swang, 915, 1240; extended, 3024.
emit, drew out,

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Strang, adj. strange, unknown, | Stuerne, udj. stern, strong, 538, šlyn 9511


Straught, part. p. of Streke,
stretched, passed, 11.
Straunge, adj. as a s. a stranger,
a foreigner, 2975.
Straungior, s. a stranger, 2879.
Straw, v. to strew, 12145.

Stray, 8. straggling; stert upon
stray = begin to straggle, or to
desert, 6258.



Streght, adj. straight, direct, 351,
udu, 959, 1574, 3024; ppo streght
3841, upright, 3810, adv. straight, di-

rect, 1954. no.

Streght, pret. of Streke, struck,
rushed, 1354.

Streit, adj. close, 2815.

Streke, v. to stretch, to extend, to
pull out; pret. Straght; part. p.
Jeppes Straught; to strike, to fights, pret.
Strekyn, 7786, 11061.


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but s
stroke. Stremes, Stremys, s. waters, the
shike sea, 283, 1603; gleams, fire, 7724.
Strenght, v. (A.S.) to strengthen,
to support, 283, 2127; Strenkythm
Strenght, s. (A.S.) a stronghold,
a fortress, 3234; might, resistance,
1035, 6272, 6276, 12182; nature,
kind, 567; Strenkith712182;
Strenkyght, 6276; Strenkyth,

nestrinkle 6272.


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4169; S. a man, an enemy,


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Stuf, Stuff, 8. material, might, eas cromat
77283, 6272, 6276; v. to fill, to
replenish,7855; to occupy, to

take up one's attention, 10264.-press, crowd,

Sturne, adj. stern, strong, 7450; (Awoust
Styrn, 9511. slurnest beg↑ sturnya syao
Sturnly, adv. sternly, firmly,

6852. stuerney 13585 = harshin 5885 fior &

Sturnyst, adj. super. of Sturne,

Stut, v. to stutter, 3825. est.
Styfe, adj. strong, great, 1527.
Stylle, adv. quietly, noiselessly,
in secret, 988.

Stynke, s. foul water, 11189.
Stynt, v. (A.S.) to cease, to stay,
to hinder, 3825, 4023, 7857, 9679, sigut imp
13892, 13957. syst

Styrn, adj. See Stuerne. 951!
Styrond, adj. See Stirond.
Sue, Sew, v. (A.N.) to go, to pro-

1475; to rush, 1243, 1259; to
ceed, to follow, 687, 820, 1422,
seek, to sue, 1737.

Suerge, s. (O.F. cerge) a wax-
taper, 700. ne.
Suet, s. pursuit, 6014.
Suete, s. See Sute.

Strenklit, part. p. sprinkled./2/45 Suffrayn, s. a sovereign, a king,
Strete, s. (A.S.) a street, 1354,

Suffis, v. to suffice, 13609. 9356 surise



retis 1574, 12145. streite 351 stretes 1548Suld, should, 5413.

Streught, adj. straight, direct,
starme 3758; a streught loke a full,

bold gaze.
Striffe, s. struggle, quarrel, main
force, 174, 6787; Stryfe, 28,
Strike, s. a straight line, 3024.

See Note. please!?
• Stronge, adj. great, unusual,


Stroy, v. to destroy, to spoil, 928,
2118, 10319.

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Sute, s. a suite, a company, 546,
3257, 11455; Suete, 8888.

Sutelly, adv. cunningly, skilfully,


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Swale, v. to swell as in music, to

sing, 1061 walyng .s.
Swalgh, s. a whirlpool, 13299.
Swalpre, v. to plunge, to toss
about in water, 12526.
Swalt, part. p. of Swelt, dead,
5753; pret. died, 1200, 6503,


Swalton, Swaltyn, pret. of Swelt,

died, fell dead, 5741, 8319.
Swang, Swange, pret. of Swing,
hurled, rushed, 10390, 10430;
struck, 13590. swange

Swap, Swapp, s. a blow, 5741,

Swap, Swappe, v. to strike
quickly, as with a sword, to cut,
swappi -1271, 11002, 18585; pret. Swappit,

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swerdes 9511

sword is 5785 swortis nges
Swerde, s. a sword, 1240, 3503.
Swerd, 8319.were 11381. sweyres pr.
Swere, Sweyre, v. to swear, 11833,,
11837, 13643. severyn (1), swere upt.
Swete, adj. sweet, pure, 1060;
sacred, 11381; as a s. a sweet, racing wo
Swetnes, 8. sweetness, purity,
13683, 10567. Bat swete se man
the end



sweetneste dy

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Swice, adj. as an adv. angry, treaherous

5071. See Swike.

Swicly, adv. angrily, quickly,
S. Traiter decoince
Swike, Swyke, adj. (A.S.) de-
ceitful, treacherous, false, 11833;
as a s. deceit, 11837; Swice,
angry, 5071.

Swing, Swinge, s. a dash, a blow,
a cut, 1271, 6699, 13024.
Swinge, v. to beat, to battle with,
13299. swinget - suring, murl
Swinke, Swynke, v. (A.S.) to
work, to labour, 3604; s. work,

Swire, Swyre, s. (A.S.) the neck,
3301, 9136.

Swith, Swithe, adv. (A.S.) soon,
quickly, immediately, 1230, 1982,
2076, 5936, 10723, 13156.

Swogh, s. (A.S.) a swoon, a state
4687, 5936, 6699; part. as a s.
Swapping, 5785; Swappyn, 9668,
of insensibility, 3551, 8705.
Swappyng, 1889. Tp.pl. prience, Swoghyng, part. (A.S.) murmur-
Sware, 8. struggle, ado, 1200.(ning, sighing, 1061.
Sware, adj, square, broad, 3967.
Swarve, v to stretch, 2358; to
swerve, to glance off, 5785.

cut out
ffort in Swat, pret. of Sweat, perspired,
3895, 10201. See Note on 1.3895.
Swayme, s. See Swym. 389
Swelt, v. (A.S.) to faint, to-swoon,
to die, to fall dead, 1889, 3551,
8705, 10905; pret. Swalt, 1200,
6503; Swalton, Swaltyn, 5741,
8319; (part. p. 5753.)
Sweppit, pret. of Swepe, swept
along, gushed, 342.

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sweyt imp. 9454 slip, rink

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