صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

=8319 unConso passes.

fear, dread, terror, 2366,(3503; as | Tale, s. (A.S.) a story, a remark,
an adj. dazed, muddled, deadly, number, reckoning, 1941, 2619,

3604, 9561.
Syb, Sybbe, adj.

See Sib.

Sychen, part. 1524. See Sichen.
Sycher, adj. See Siker. 386/
Syde, adj. (A.S.) long, wide, far
off, distant, 1513, 1843, 7670,

Sydelyng, adv. side-ways, 7320.
Syense, s. science, knowledge,


Syker, adj. See Siker.

Sykyng, part. & s. sighing, 495,
866, 8032, 8452, 10484.
Syle, v.

See Sile.

Syling, Sylyng part. falling,
flowing, 1307, 8142.
Symylacres, s. idols, 4315.

Syn, Syne, adv. since, seeing that,
1106, 1865; after which, after-
wards, 2551.

Synagod, s. a temple, 4467.
Syster, s. pl. sisters, 10759.
Sythe. See Sithe.

1060 Sythen, Sython/adv. See Sithen.
0 synes. 13790

Tabernacle, s. a canopy, a throne,
1671. taburna 8813,

Tabul Tabill, s. a table, 1665.

1668. Tables, s. the
gammon, 1624.


of back-

Tache, Tacche, v. (A.N.) to fix,
tachit to fasten; to tache on to rush on,
Upon 6787
to attack, 6717, 8297. aechilon
Machet on
Taght, pret. of Teche,.S.)
7856, taught, advised, counselled, 881,
6117, 10279; Toght, 9232..
kowy Tainted, adj. attainted, 8109.

Take, v. (A.S.) to take up, to
imr. begin, 747; to attack, 10197;
1090 part. p. Takyn, seized, 10197. or

Takell, -Takyll, s. tackle of a
ship, 3704; arms and armour,
Jabe 12313 takill

Talent, s. (A.N.) desire, inclina-
tion, 464.

Taliour, s. a tailor, 1586.
Tall, adj. fine, solemn,, obsequi-
ous, 3098.
12268, J.
Tally, adv. finely, elegantly, eom-
pletely, 8813.

Tane, Tan, part. p. of Take, taken,

1010, 2645, 9072, 12207, 12825.
Tapster, s. a seller of liquor,, a

taverner, 1594. Stary v. i. Tag, alvide
Tary, v. to delay, 1508, 11653; iis v.t.
part. Tarying, as s. delay,
hindrance, 1094, 1938.


Tase, Tas, pres. t. of Take, takes,

661, 7067.

Taste, s. smell, the sense of smell,

1668; with taste for to touche =
tested by the sense of smell.
Taverner, s. the keeper of a
tavern, 1594.

Taward, Tawardes, prep. with,
against, towards, 3324, 5072, 6097.
Tes, 3 sing. pres. of Te, to raise,
to elevate, hence to esteem, to hold
dear, 8313. inf
high inf.
Tegh, v. to go, to haste, to hie, fight rom

1518, 1786,2541, 12903; pret.
Tegh, Teght, Tight, 1358.

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Tegh, v. to tie, to fasten, 3523, teg st



10382, 12154. do Tegh
Tegh, v. (A.S. teón) to tug, to
draw, to pull, 7628.

Teler, s. (O.F. Telier) a linen


draper, a cloth merchant, 1586.
Tellus, 3 sing. pres. tells, 286, 4313.
Temyn, part. p. of Teme, related, ie, ver
of the same blood, 3306.
Tendle, s. a candle, a splint of
resinous wood used as a candle,
6038, 7353.

Tendre, v. to make tender, to
melt, 10769.
tendur 4003

Tenderly 7771-

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Tene, 8. (A.S.) grief, anger, spite,
rage, injury, mischief, 81, 1978,
-2718, 10079.

Tene, v. (A.S.) to grieve, to in-
jure, to become angry or spiteful,
(pp_4567, 4600, 9448, 10078.
Tenful adj. angry, spiteful,


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2310, 2718, 10237.

Ter, pret. of Tere, 9501.
Tere, s. a tear, 1307, teris pl.
Tere, v. to tear, to shatter, 1966;
pret. Ter, 9501. toter
Terne, s. a tarn, 11187.

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Terne, v. to turn, to result, 2943.
Terage, s. (L.) land, territory,
realm, 154, 1072, 12786; Terrage,


Teth, s. pl. teeth, 177.
Text, s. foundation, cause, origin,

51. original words of the auth

Thai, pron. those, 1024.

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Thaim; pron. them, 1582.736

Thaire, pron. their, 1581.

Than, adv. then, 271, 2423, 2427,
€10794; be


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Thes, Thies, pron. these, 1454, 8051
1736, 6859, 8269, 9416, 11048.

Thester, Thestur, adj. (A.S.)


no = thy!

dark, 2362, 4629, 13461. = hestur adj
Thethen, adv. (A.S.) thence, 8790.Men
Thewe, 8. a sinew, pl. resolution, manie
pluck, 4016. used first by Shakspere
Thi, 2974, prob. for This.
Thicke, adj. as s. the thick part,
9021; adv. much, often, greatly,
thoroughly, 147, 8623, 9972; in
crowds, 2867; angardly thick in
great crowds, 11831.
Thigge, v. to beg, 13549.

Thin, pron. thine, 7931. pin
Think, v. to intend, to resolve,


Thirle, v. (A.S.) to pierce through,
9061. Fire

Tho, pron. (A.S.) those, 1312.73839,
Thoche, adj. such, 3513,3

Es pot asi


Thof, conj. though, if, 136,

1253; Thogh, 1312.

Thoght, Thoghte, s. mind, 144:

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thought, purpose, 994; pret. of the grided

Thenke, thought, imagined, ex-
pected, 10339.

383. ir be than by that time Thole, Thowle, v. (A.S.) to bear,

time ace m. of
par Thar, impers., vb. it behoves,
2080. = -part ?
rice Loody That, adv. 'so, 934; pron. what,

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Thraldam, s. thraldom, 1399.
Thrang, pret. of Thring, crowded,
pressed, 8283, 9416; crushed,
battered, 11135. Thrange v. i. 470!
Thrange, adj. as adv. busily,
heartily, 3094.

Thrappit, pret. of Threpe, battled,
contended, argued, hurried, crowd-
ed, 2003, 2152, 3691, 9641, 10098,
10123, 13811.
Thrast, pret. of Threste, ((A.S.)
thrust, put, packed, 1399, 4129,
p.p. pp.
Thrat, adj. opened, wide, 3045.
Threpe, v. to assert, to contend,
to battle, 12134; pret. Threppit,.
12235. See Thrappit. assertion
Threpe, Threp, s. asseveration,
to-do, 1127, 6142; contest, attack,
melée, 5246, 9845, 9850, 11043,
11143.13295 prepe
Threpond, adj. determined, stal-
wart, brave, 5475, 10847 prepand
prete Threte, s. threatening, 2595.
Thretyng, s. threatening, threats,


Threvan, part. p. of Thrive, pros-

pered, grown, 13760. Fruck
Thricche, s. astab, a thrust, 12752.
Thricchetadj. thick, dense,
packed, 13461. ^^
Thricting, part. of Thriche, press-
ing, wringing, 1522.
Thrid, adj. third, 1482, 6113.
Thried. See Trie. 4/29
Thrifte, s. luck, fortune, success,

1883. printedly 17967.
Thriftily, adv. neatly, nicely,
3045. Trilles
Thrille, s. (A.S.) a hole; pl. the
nostrils, 3045, 7727. nos turites.
To Thring, Thryng, v. (A.S.) to
crowd, to press, to thrust, to crash,
11727; pret. Thrang, Throng;
part. Thryngyng, 9641; part. p.
Thrungyn, 11723. brongen 5748.

prify a 5450; priete


Thrutch premere.


[blocks in formation]

Thrive, Thryve, v. to prosper, priuonaqes
4832; part. Thrivand, Thryvond,
successful, famous, worthy, 1482, priward, finan
2742, 4103, 9508; part. p. Thre-Thry nond,
pro 5874 prywond.

van, 13760.

Thro, adj. (A.S.)'eager, earnest,
bold, cruel, 147, 470, 1399, 6446. 23,63 pri
Throly, adv. pertinaciously, 208;

vehemently, terribly, 1987.3691 prote, 8832
Throng, Thronge, s. a crowd, a
melée, 1341, 11043; pret. of Thring, 395
2362, 6446, 6516; Thronght, 7040;
crowded, pressed, crushed, thrust,
adj. strong, earnest, 12235.
Throtle, v. to throttle, to kill,


Thruble, v. "to

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to rage,

7619, 12496 trouble rublet (i).

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Thrugh, prep. through, 1129;
Thurgh, 169.

Thrugh, s. a stone coffin, a sar-
cophagus, 11820. (through
Thrungyn, part. p. of Thring,
pressed, close, 11723.
Thry, for prie or pries, thrice; or
he rest thry = ere he rest thrice,



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Tild, (A.S. telde) pret. & part. p.
of Tild, built, 1088, 1455, 1551,
11664;(Tilde, 1560.- vmbe-tiede
Tild, s. a building, 2687.
Till, prep. to, towards, 131,


Tilt, (Icel. tilla, pret. tylte) tilted,
shot, 914.

Tirghit, part. p. of Tirr, or Tirgh,

tired, become heartless, 4758.
Tirne, v. to turn, to throw, 1512,

Tise, Tyse, v. to entice, to beguile,
201, 11781. ses Til recone
il 4.673 Tit, adj. dear, loved, 7106.
Tite, Tyte, adv. soon, quickly,
immediately, 180, 256, 1819.
Tithaundes, Tithynges,) Tyth-


tit 4758.

783; seized, 1279, 7802; toke hym
on þe hed = struck him on the
head, 8224.

Tokyn, pret. of Take, 2013,

Tokyn, s. instruction, direction,

Tomę, s. (Icel.) leisure, 43, 307,


Tomely, Tomly, adv. leisurely,

1088, 2447, 3117; Tombly, 11488./526
Ton, the one, one, 1131, 6420,
13206; Tone, 13822.
Ton, part. p. of Take, taken,
elected, 5191.
Too, prep. to, 312.


Top, s. a game of chance in which
a top is used, 1620.4
Topsayles, adv. head foremost,
Tore, adj. (Icel.) difficult, irk-
some, tedious, 644, 2782, 3911,
8717; sturdy, great, lofty, 1035,
1131, 1637,8348) 6717; full, re-
plete, 3348; Toure, 320.
Torette, s. a turrit, 1560. ~
Torfer, Torfor, . (Icel. tor-föri)
harm, mischief, disaster, 81, 2033,

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7435; pl. Tourfer, 5672. ah!)??
Torne, part. p. of Tirn, turned,
driven baek, 1208; er; sundered.

Zoe erschicient andes,, Tythondys, s. pl. tidings, Torres, 8. pl. towers, mountains


1141,(1301) 3006, 6263.
Titly, Tytly, adv. immediately,

quickly, 1094, 2030.

To, prep. by, 128; towards, 1001,
1316; for, 1045, 1397; against,


To, adv. too, 3043, 3044, 10770.
- Toght, part. p. of Teche, taught,
instructed, 9232.

Toile, s. the piece of armour
buckled to the tasset, and hanging
over the cuishes, 6420; struggle,
battle, 6958, 7435. 6550

(of waves), 1983. Lowered
Torret, turreted, 1637. no. is impf. of a ver
Torrit, adj. tower-like, crested,
13489. Sowerd

Tote, v. (A.S.) to gaze eagerly, to
observe, 862, 8178. 2
Tother, Tothir, (Tothyr,) adj. & 8.
the other, 63, 1672, 6325, 8015; to thire
the ton fro the tother = the one
from the other, 3911.

Touch, v. to test, to try, 1668;
to open up, to explain, 1716;
Touchet, touched, 1337.

Toķe, pret. of Take, took, handed, Toun,) Toune, s. a town, 320.

tegh speve 7495.

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Socone 1511

Harely 8615 sturdily
( tored 6. T. 3044; 18062 Coms

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trista 12664.
Tristy 8178.


Tour, Towr, s. (A.N.) a tower,
51. 1531, 1634. Towres pf!

Toure, adj. lofty, 320. See Tore.
Tourfer, s. See Torfer.
Tow, adj. two, 310.
Traie, v. (A.N.) to betray, to
-twist, 42. Furnel for Ingist.
Train Trayn, Trayne, s. treason,
treachery, stratagem, 94, 3789,
°4449, 10330, 11303, 11709. Theyne
Trant, Traunt, s. a trick, a strata-
gem, 12205, 12210.is,
Trase, v. to smear, to
- 11813. Track, mark.



Trist, s. trust, hope, confidence,
8859, 11709.

Trist, v. to trust, 424, 5838
pret. Trist, 256, 12712.1976.
Tristy, adv. trusty, secure, 218,
1487. trissiest adj. 3880.
Trouthe, Trowth, s. troth, pledge,
promise, 3802, 12303.

Tru, True, s. a truce, 7141, 7165,

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True, adj. as s. a trusty person,

spatter,Truncheon, Trunchen, Trunchon,
Trunchyn, s. a splinter, a fragment,
9434, 9448,11096,11104.

Trauthe, Trawth, s. truth, honour,
pledge, 1749, 7874, 8000, 10110.
Trawe, v. to trow, to believe, 298,
3351. als inper. sq.
Trayn, Trayne, s.
Tre, s. wood, 1658, 5499, 11676;
the shaft of a lance or spear, 9434,
9540, 11096.

See Train.

Tregetre, s. trickery, magic, 1624.
Trendull, s. a hoop, a spindle,


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Truse, s. a truce, 94.

Trusse, v. to pack up, to make trussite
ready, to arrange, 3026, 4653, "pop"
12313; to go, to be gone, 1819, Tussy rig
13349; to carry off, 1733.went to trust.
Trust, part. p. of Trist, trusted,


Tryet, adj. See Triet.

Tuck, s. a blow, a stroke; tuck
Tryetly, adv. most choicely, 3054. (eds

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ofatrump blast of a trumpet,

Tug, Tugge, v. to tear, to pull dhe
Tulke, a man, a knight, 63,
out, $912, 9550, 9603. Tag in hud into die


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Tung, Tunge, s. the tongue, 914, turned 45
1966, 8717; speech, 527. -
Turner, s. a turner, 1586.
tony 4691
Tut, pret. of Tote, projected, pro-
truded, 9540.

Twelmond, s. a twelve-month, a
year, 13230.

Twye, v. to turn, to turn back,
trien 6360, 6378. Togel impr.
Twyn, adj. twain, two, 1181,

Treyne, 8.2 See Train. 2 pet the
7842) Triet, Tryet, adj. (emper of Trie
red 256 choice, the best, 1665, 9106; well
known, famous, 1840.

Trifuls, s. pl. trifles, inventions,
fables, 43.

[blocks in formation]

3706, 10406.

Twyn, Twynne, v. to divide, to
separate, 2747, 13230.
Tyde, Tyd, v. See Tide.

in lwyn


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